I Will Keep It Safe And Sound

Can Yu Hear Me Now?

Chilly winds, speeds up to 45mphs. I bit my lip and zipped my jacket up, wishing I hadn't gone so far from home, but now I was hungry and there was nothing to eat back home besides that fancy stuff Kiley probably made for her guests and that stuff was probably jank. It was probably fish eggs or something. Blech.

I turned a corner and it was like God was looking out for me. I saw a McDonald's and there is no way under Heaven I can explain to you how happy I was to see a poster of fries plastered on the window. I started walking towards it fast, almost drooling I was so hungry. I patted my pocket to make sure my money was still there and entered the restaurant.

It was almost empty, but then again it was pretty earlier in the morning. Just around 8am, and the only people I saw in here were business men on their laptops. They were probably thinking God for WiFi right about now, but there were only two of them in here and they sat there sipping on their coffees.

I walked up to the counter and looked at the menu, "May I help you?" I looked back to the boy and almost jumped. It was like McDonald's went Halloween. The boy had a devil lock, light pink eyeshadow and eyeliner on with a ring in his lip. I thought you had to take those out when you worked, apparently he saw me staring at it because he said, "Shh.. I had to put it back in because the hole will grow up.. I've been leaving it out to much and it's only me and Chris here, so don't tell." he smiled and showed canines.

"Oh, I know that feeling, I had spiderbites once and my step mom made me take 'em out." I laughed, smiling back at him.

"Well, where are my manners!? My name is Frank." He reached a hand over the counter and even his fingernails where painted black! I shook his hand and watched him take it back.

"I'm Ci." I smiled, eyeing the menu again because I remembered what I had came in here for.

"Oh, right! I'm sorry, what would you like?" Frank asked. "I can't believe I work here, I'm a vegetarian." he laughed again, "But they give me free fries."

"Why do you work here then?" I asked.

"Trying to pay for a new guitar, Pansy broke." He frowned.

"Awh that must suck!" I laughed, "Just get me a chicken nugget kids meal." I played, sticking my tongue out.

"Fine, murderer!" Frankie pretended to cry as he ran away.

And watching all of this, I thought, I might actually like it here.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I got my hair cut like a dude.
So I got my hair cut like a pixie and the whole time I was writing this I was running my hands through the back of my head. <333