I Will Keep It Safe And Sound

Or a dying star?

Frank pulled into a parking lot and I saw a fence, and past that fence was the awesomest beach I had ever seen in my life. A dock was over it, the poles resting in the sand, I looked to the right and saw the stairs that led to the top of the dock. Huge gray and black rocks pierced out of the sand, near the water where people probably leaned on or sat on.

"Welcome to Ocean City Beach." Frank laughed and got out of the car. I got out after him and was then followed by the rest of the guys, Gerard walked up behind me.

"It's beatiful, you like it?" he asked. His voice was hushed, but sounded clear and it sent chills and goose bumps up my arms and down my back.

"Yea." I smiled and Frank ushered us to come on. We followed him, quietly.

"Ray's dad owns the place," he told me, "So he closed it down today, and is only letting us in." Frank smiled. I smiled back and looked at the opening in the fence. A boy with an afro and another boy with blue eyes and buzzcut stood there, talking. "And that's Ray and Bob."

They started walking toward us and the one with the afro said, "Whose the girl?"

"That's Dezzy." Frank smiled, I could tell he was the talker of the group.

"Oh well, I'm Ray," the afro boy said "and that's Bob." he said pointing to the blue eyed boy beside of him. He didn't smile, but he waved.

"Well, lets go!" Ray said as we all walked into the beach. Frank automatically pulled his shirt off and dived in the water, he came back up, breathing and shaking water from his hair. He laughed and Gerard and Mikey followed. I was star struck when Gerard came back up, flipping his hair by swinging his head, and his body... I mentally told myself to shut up.

"Your not going in?" Bob asked.

"Didn't wear a bathing suit."

"You dont need one." Bob laughed.

"I dont want to swim." I smiled.

"Why? You came to a beach." Ray smiled.

"I... I can't swim."

"Then you are at the wrong place." Bob giggled.

"Shut up." they both laughed at me and dived in.

I took a seat on one of the rocks, watching them, when Mikey, Frankie and Gerard all huddled together, and Mikey pointed at me. They all turned to me and shouted. "Come on in!!"

"No!" I laughed.

"Why?" they shouted back.

"I cant swim!" I laughed. They all looked at me, and Mikey and Frankie went back to swimming, but Gerard still stared, and then Frankie tapped him on the shoulder and he went back to swimming as well. I blushed again.