I Will Keep It Safe And Sound

Or Suffocate This Light

I stood over the dock, with a hot chocolate in my hand. My face felt clammy and I was still shivering, with half of the hot chocolate downed. "Are yu still cold?" Gerard asked, concerned standing beside of me, leaning on the dock railing, like me, with his hands clasped together in one fist, the wind blowing his hair around. It was getting late, and dark. I wrapped the towel around me tighter with one hand, holding the drink in my other.

My nose and lips felt like they where ice as I answered, "Y-y-y-yes." My teeth chattered. Gerard gave me a concerned look and then the look of thought came over his face. He moved slowly, but then I felt his arms around me, and I almost passed out.

"Warmer?" he said, quietly, but still heart melting.

"Y-y-y-yea." I said, stammering from nerves.

"You dont sound like it." Gerard said, still concerned.

"I am." I said, I had to fight to get the words out without stammering. I bit down on my lip and gulped, breathing deeper and faster. I looked down from the dock and saw all the guys pointing up at us. I blushed and looked away. I shivered again, not thinking.

"Maybe, I should get you home...." Gerard offered, "Your still shivering and I dont wan't you to get sick."

Awe, how nice was he? I turned my neck around a bit and looked up at him. "I really dont care, whatever you think is best."

"I should get you home... come on." he said and took my hand and started to walk me off of the dock. My heart did a summer sault and I bit down on my lip, trying not to blush and covering most of my face up with my hair so he couldn't notice, if I did.

We walked over to the boys and Gerard dropped his hand and ran up to them and pointed to the car and looked back at me. I heard him say he was going to take me home. They nodded and went back to the huge bonfire that they had created from bits of washed up paper, wood and other things they had thrown into there. Gerard came back to me and took my hand again as he led us away from the beach.

He took me back to Frank's car and opened my door first. Wow, what a gentleman, I thought as I got in. He closed the door after smiling and then got in the driver's side. "So you live right in front of me?" he laughed.

"Y-yea." I laughed back. Most of the ride was quiet, and it wasn't a long one. He pulled into my drive five minutes later. He got out of the car and followed me to the door. My parents car was gone and just my luck, the door was locked. "Uhm, we have a problem." I told Gerard.

"Hmmm?" Gerard asked, looking over at him.

"Parents are gone and the doors locked." I laughed.

"You dont have a key?" he asked, I shook my head no. Gerard laughed. "Then you can go to my place, call your parents, tell them and then----"

I cut him off, "I... I can't tell my parents I'm with you." I said.

"Why?" he asked, skeptically.

"My step mom," I said 'step' stronger than the other words, "said she didn't want to see me with Frankie already. She's a bitch."

"Oh,..." Gerard didn't look to happy, "Well, then you can call her and tell her your with a girl of some sorts and we'll not worry about it just yet, ohkay?" he said.

"Ohkay." I smiled and followed him back to the car so he could park it in his drive way.

We got out of the car again and I followed him in his house. He told me to be quiet by placing a finger to his lips and then we crept up the stairs. He turned into a room and I followed him in. He handed me a cell phone and said, "Call them and I'll find you some dry clothes." he turned to his closet.

I looked around his room first. It was dark, the walls painted a dark color, I couldn't tell what, but it wasn't really black, but it was still a very dark shade. Black curtains covered the windows and his bed was twinsized, shoved up in a corner, covered with black sheets and pillows with a green laptop laying on top. A TV sat on a wood entertainment center by the closet with stacks and stacks of DVDS all over it. Clothes, mostly skinny jeans, littered the floor and a book shelf with a million comic books hid in a corner. There was also cabinet by the wall and I wondered what was in it, but I just flipped open the cell phone and dialed my mom's number.

It rung once, twice and then my mom picked up on the third ring, "Hello?" my mom said in a nice tone.

"Hey, its me."

"Oh..." my mom dropped the sweetness, "What do you want?"

"Just to tell you I went home and the door was locked so I went to my friends, Krystal." I just made some one up, "And she's normal."

"Ohkay then, I dont care." she hung up.

"Wow." I said and gave the phone back to Gerard, "I just love her!" I said, sarcastically.

Gerard couldn't help but laugh as he handed me a pair of black pajama pants, covered with tootsie rolls and an X-men shirt. "They might be a bit big, but they'll have to do... what did your mom say?"

"That she didn't care." I repeated her words as I took the clothes from him.

"She didn't say when she'd be home?"


"Then I guess you'll have to stay here tonight." Gerard tried to hide a smile, but I saw through it and smiled back.

"Bathrooms across the hall, you can change in there." he told me, pointing. I thanked him and went into the bathroom to change, super happy that I was staying at his house tonight.