Status: finished : )

Spontaneous and Surprising

Chapter One

“Dude, it feels so good to be home.” Alex groaned and threw his head back against the passenger seat while shutting his eyes briefly.

“Dude, you are such a whiney baby when you come off tour.” Danny shook his head as he rested his right hand on the steering wheel and let his left hand dangle out the open window.

“Dude, I am not a whiney baby; I just miss you so much little brother.” Alex leaned over and ruffled Danny’s hair.

“Dude, get the fuck off me.” Danny pushed Alex’s hand away.

“Both of you need to stop saying ‘dude’; it got old like three seconds after we stepped off the plane.” Zack sighed, tired of the two brothers’ bickering.

“Dude, I’m freaking hungry.” Jack exclaimed while Zack rolled his eyes. It did not help that practically everyone in the car had a one minute attention span, besides Zack.

“Dude, I want pizza.” Alex turned in his seat to look back at Jack while Jack nodded enthusiastically.

“Dude, me too!” Danny hit the steering wheel with excitement. “Let’s stop at Cecil’s before we head home.” He suggested and the rest of the guys agreed.

“Dude, hot chick at three.” Jack pressed his face against his window while everyone else looked the other way.

“Dude, I don’t see a her anywhere.” Alex’s eyes were squinted as he tried to find a female in the area. Zack shook his head at how girl crazy all three boys were and wished Rian was here to help keep them civilized.

“Dude, how can you not see her!” Zack glanced over to see Jack staring out the other side.
“Dumb ass, he meant eleven o’clock.” Zack explained and watched again as the two boys up front switched their gaze.

“That, my friends, is the glorious Sophia.” Danny grinned as his brother’s mouth dropped open.

“Sophia, as in that girl you were dating?” Alex was beginning to feel that inevitable sibling jealousy.

“Yes.” Danny nodded as he started to slow the car beside the jogging girl. She glanced over her shoulder and smiled once she recognized the driver.

“Hey Danny.” Her smile stunned all four boys with its charming charisma.

“Sophie, sweetheart, how you doing?” Danny gave her the oh so famous Gaskarth smile that made almost every girl swoon. Sophia, on the other hand, just rolled her eyes.

“What do you want Danny? You’re messing up my groove.” She had been jogging, but when the car had pulled up beside her she had slowed her pace considerably.

“Just checking to make sure you’re coming to the party tonight.” Danny took his gaze off of her to check the road before turning it back to her again. The other three boys in the car were stunned into silence. None of their usual, provocative comments were being thrown around in the presence of such beauty.

“You know parties aren’t my think, doll.” Sophia shook her head and watched from the corner of her eye as Danny started to pout.

“But it’s a welcome home party! You have to come and meet the guys.” Danny briefly checked over his shoulder and found what he already knew he would find. The three boys staring at the pretty girl with mouths opened and eyes wide.

“Right.” Sophia shook her head again and laughed lightly. “Alright, I’ll come.” She watched as Danny’s pout turned to his usual crooked grin. “But only if you promise to buy me Ginger Ale.”

“I’ll go pick it up now so it’ll be nice and cold for you tonight.” Danny winked as she rolled her eyes again and waved before turning off on another road. The car was still quiet for a few minutes after she was gone.

“Dude, why the hell did you break up with her?” Alex was the first to shake off the trance.

“Yeah man, she is hot!” Jack hit the back of Danny’s chair while Danny just shook his head.

“Dude, she broke up with me.” Danny corrected. “She’s a free bird type of girl.” He shrugged.

“Smart decision on her part.” Zack mumbled while two boys turned to stare at him and the other raised his eyebrows. “You know you and Alex don’t have the best track records so,” he trailed off and left it at that.

“Thanks bro,” Alex rolled his eyes and shrugged the comment off since it was, in fact, very true.

“So we’re making a pit stop at the market and Cecil’s before we go home, right?” Jack wanted to clarify that he was still getting his pizza and, in the process, easing the air in the car as everyone busted out laughing.

“Yes Jack, we are still getting pizza.” Danny chuckled and pulled into the parking lot. “Now get your ass out and go order while I get the Ginger Ale.”
♠ ♠ ♠
comment if you think I should win : )
second part to three-shot will be out tomorrow!

Sophia's Attire