Status: finished : )

Spontaneous and Surprising

Chapter Two

The music was blaring from the speakers, the bodies were grinding against each other, the people were drunk, and Sophia could not feel any more out of place. She hated that she’d agreed to come, and hated Danny for sweet talking her into coming. She was beginning to plan an escape route when two warm arms wrapped around her middle. She smiled as she knew who the familiar arms belonged to before he even spoke.

“Sophie sweetheart, I’m so glad you made it.” Danny kissed her cheek and squeezed her to him.

“I told you I’d come.” Sophia giggled and patted his arms, wishing desperately that her hands were free to wipe her cheek. “Now where’s my Ginger Ale, bitch?”

Danny laughed as the boys of All Time Low flocked him and the gorgeous girl. “Calm down, sweetheart.” Sophia was used to Danny always calling her sweetheart; he’d insisted upon it even after they’d broken up. “One of these losers has it.”

“I’m Rian, and I swear I don’t have your Ale, but I do have to go in search of my girlfriend before she gets pissed and leaves the party.” He shook her hand and left. Sophia would have been shocked by his bluntness, but Danny had given her a pretty good run down of all of their personalities on one of those days in their short relationship.

“He’s a douche, please forgive him, and I am Jack.” Sophia’s eyes lit up on him.

“The irresponsible, completely unreliable, but always a good laugh to have around, Jack.” Sophia grinned as she recalled the words Danny had used to describe Jack. Both Sophia and Jack looked back at Danny while he laughed nervously.

“So I am irresponsible and unreliable?” Jack crossed his arms over his chest as he raised an eyebrow to Danny.

“And a good laugh.” Danny gave Jack a thumb up with on hand and kept the other securely around Sophia’s waist. Zack thought it odd how the pretty girl didn’t seem to mind that her ex-boyfriend was all over her, but what he didn’t know was that Sophia was used to it. She’d been with Danny for almost the whole four months the boys had been on tour and she knew how clingy Danny got when he was drunk. It was gross at times, like the sloppy wet kiss from earlier, but she was use to it.

“Whatever douche bag,” Jack rolled his eyes and then focused back on Sophia. “I don’t have the Ale either, but for a kiss I’ll tell you who does.” He grinned at his genius plan and hoped she’d agree.

“A kiss?” Sophia tilted her head and wondered where such a comment came from. It would sound normal coming from one of the Gaskarth boys, but careless Jack made the words seem much more provocative.

“How about I save you the trouble,” Zack laughed and pulled the ice cold bottle of Ginger Ale from behind his back. “I have it and I promise nobody drugged it.” He smiled and handed the bottle to her. He was already swooning at her gorgeous face and perfect figure, finding it difficult to string words together that made sense, but when he smiled at her, she felt her knees buckle. Sophia was thankful that Danny still had a hold on her as she leaned back on him and took the bottle from Zack. “I’m Zack.” His smile turned up higher on one side, making it look so damn cute.

“Soph,” she bit her bottom lip and let her hand slip into his. Her heart was beating faster than it should be and she tried desperately not to let anything show on the outside.

“Hey!” Danny yelled, quite closely to her ear, and pulled Sophia closer to him, making her and Zack drop hands. “Stop hitting on my girl, Merrick!” Sophia giggled while Zack rolled his eyes.

“I’m Alex, by the way.” Alex stood on Danny’s other side with the Gaskarth smirk clear on his lips. “Danny’s older brother.” Danny rolled his eyes while Sophia smiled and nodded.

“I know,” she told them and quickly rushed out when Alex looked at her confused, “I recognize you from all the family photos.” She explained.

“I’m in most of those photos.” Jack grumbled and took a gulp from his beer bottle.

“Most of the photos that Danny wouldn’t let me see,” Sophia gently elbowed Danny in his side. She was slightly surprised that he still hadn’t let her go. “He wanted this to all be spontaneous and surprising.” She shrugged and felt Danny start to snuggle his face into her neck.

“Yo, dude,” Alex pulled at his little brothers shoulder, “let’s go get some good music playing in here, maybe then the hot girls will flock to the dance floor.” Alex winked at Sophia as he pulled his brother away from her and toward the stereo system.

“Remind me to send him flowers, or chocolates, or,” Sophia smirked to herself as she watched the brothers walk away, “a hooker might better fit him.” She turned back to chuckles from the two boys that she was left with.

“He probably would enjoy and appreciate the hooker more.” Zack commented and Sophia felt her knees go weak again from his smooth voice. Without Danny, she started to fall when her legs crumbled beneath her.

“Whoa,” both boys reached out to steady her, of course Zack’s touch only made her falter more.

“You okay there, Sophie?” Jack chuckled as he held up her left side, knowing that the only reason she was still standing and not face planting on the ground was because of Zack.

“Uh, yeah, just a bit tired from my run this morning.” Sophia quickly came up with an excuse as Zack’s body pressed closer to hers. “I ran more than usual, must have made me more exhausted than I thought.” She laughed lightly while both boys failed to believe her.

“You have to be careful not to push yourself too hard; you can do some serious damage.” Zack was sincerely worried over the pretty girl. He could feel her body tensing and then completely relaxing against him.

“Zack’s a bit of an exercise junkie.” Jack elucidated while Zack rolled his eyes.

“Me too,” Sophia smiled, sounding a bit breathless. Zack examined the girl again, but closer this time. Her calves and thighs were toned, her stomach was flat, and her arms were muscular. He smiled to himself as he recognized the signs of a daily workout.

“Well, sounds like somebody’s met their match.” Jack mumbled and smoothly slipped away from Sophia’s side, making it so she solely relied on Zack to stabilize her. “So, I’m thinking I’m going to find Gaskarth and those hot chicks to dance with.” Jack pointed behind him and waved before turning away.

“Sorry you’re stuck with me.”Sophia mumbled, feeling a little guilty that she was holding the boy back. Surely he had a girlfriend that was dying to be with him.

“Don’t be sorry,” Zack bent closer to her as the music seemed to get louder all of a sudden, “and I wouldn’t consider it as being stuck with you.” He couldn’t help but blurt out as her eyes sparkled.

“No? Then what would you consider it as?” Sophia felt a spurge of confidence at his words and bit her bottom lip as the flirty words came from her own mouth.

“More of a pleasure,” Zack let his arm fall to her hips as she seemed to be gaining her balance back. “Just like it’s a pleasure to even know your name.” He mentally smacked his forehead.

“Oh so cheesy sounding,” Sophia giggled and leaned her side into his. Her cheeks warmed at her behavior. She wasn’t the usual flirty type. “But cute.”

“Well, is being cute enough to get you to dance with me?” Zack felt bold in his attempt to woo the stunning girl in his arms and smiled as her pretty lips turned up in response.

“I guess I could spare you one dance.” She shrugged while her insides screamed. His hands stayed at her hips as she slowly led him to the make-shift dance floor.
♠ ♠ ♠
comment if you think I should win ; )
the third and final installment will be out tomorrow!
oh, and I updated the character list in case you guys want to see what Sophia looks like in my head;

Sophia's Attire