Status: Nov. 13, 10:13 PM: Completed. No more sequels, this is over with. Hope everyone liked. (:

My Passions's Dead...



"Max, Annabelle!" Some guy said, walking over to us and giving Max a hug. The guy smiled at me and I smiled back, not knowing what else to do.

"Annabelle, this is Robert, and over there is Bryan." He pointed to another guy who smiled at me and I smiled back, again.

"Hi guys. I'm sorry I don't remember you...." Robert chuckled.

"Don't sweat it, it's not your fault." I smiled at Bryan.

"Now where's the alcohol?" Max asked eagerly. Robert laughed and pointed over to a little bar set up in a kitchen, and Max drug me over there with him.

"Alright, whatcha want?" Max asked me.

"Um, nothing with alcohol..." I mumbled. Max rolled his eyes.

"Oh come on, you've gotta have alcohol! I'll just get you something weak." He ordered himself a beer and me a coke and rum.

"Coke and Rum's weak?" I asked, and he shrugged, grabbing our drinks and handing me mine.

"To me it is." I took a small sip and scrunched up my fast, Max laughing at me as I did so.

"You'll get used to it. Come on." He drug me back over to Robert and Bryan, and now there was a girl standing there.

"Baby!" She squealed, hugging Max. Max drug her off somewhere, leaving me with Robert and Bryan.

"Gee. Thanks Max." I said sarcastically to myself. Bryan chuckled and led me over to an area that didn't have too many drunken idiots.

"So I'm guessing Max made you come here?" He asked. I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah. I just waned to stay home, but nooooo...." Bryan laughed slightly and nodded.

"I'm not too much of a partier either.....I just came here cause I was bored, it's Saturday night, and my friends were here." I chuckled and nodded.

"Is that Annabelle?!" I heard someone shout. I looked around and Bryan chuckled.

"That would be Craig....." I smiled as I saw a very hyper-looking boy come running full speed at me.

"Oh lord." I squeaked as I was almost tackled in a hug by Craig.

"ANNABELLEEE!" Craig said. I laughed and hugged him back somewhat.

"Hi Craig....."

"Oh my god, your hair's different! You're prettier now. I mean, not that you were ugly before, you were freakin' gorgeous, but now you're like, DROP-DEAD-GORGEOUS!!!!"

".....Thank you...?" I giggled a little.

"Craig, she doesn't know you, remember?" Bryan laughed, and Craig smacked his forehead.

"I'm Craig!" I laughed and nodded.

"I know that."

"Oh yeah. Well, we used to be friends and stuff. We can be friends again, right?" He asked, sounding nervous. I giggled and nodded.

"Duh." He squealed and hugged me.

"YAY! Let's go dance!" Craig drug me to the "dance floor" and I laughed.

After that, I started loosening up a bit and drinking more, first just coke and rum, then coke and rum, and shots of vodka. In about 2 hour's time, I was completely trashed and making out with some guy I didn't even know, and I didn't know where Craig, Max, Robert, or Bryan was.

"Let's take this up to the bedroom, yeah?" The guy asked me. I nodded and stood up, nearly falling over. I giggled uncontrollably.

"Whoopsie-daisies!" The guy led me up the stairs and into a un-occupied bedroom, pushing me on the bed and making out with me again. He rubbed me through my jeans and I moaned loudly.

He started pulling off my clothes and then it seemed like I was sobering up within seconds.

"Hey.....slow down....." I slurred. He just smashed his lips to mine again, pulling down my top and unbuttoning my jeans.

"No, stop it!" I swatted at him, geting really scared now.

"Shut up!" He yelled at me. I whimpered as he ripped my jeans down to my ankles, along with my underwear and undid his jeans. See, if I wasn't as drunk, I would probably fight back, but seeing as I'm totally trashed, no way in hell that's gonna happen.

"Please, no! HEL-"

He smacked his hand over my mouth and I felt him thrust into me, groaning loudly as he did so.

" no no...." I mumbled against his hand, starting to cry. The door flung open and I screamed as the guy pulled out of me harshly and removed his hand. I covered myself up with a blanket on the bed and gasped when I saw Ronnie, Max, Max's girlfriend, and Craig.

"YOU FUCKING DOUCHEBAG!!" Ronnie and Craig were beating the shit out of the guy, and Max and his girlfriend were just standing there with their mouths wide open, looking at Craig and Ronnie, then at me, then at Craig and Ronnie.

"R-R-Ronnie!!" I cried. The guy was dragged out and Ronnie rushed over to me, immeditetly sitting next to me on the bed and wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm here, don't worry..." He whispered in my ear, kissing the top of my head. "Come on, we're going back to Max's." I sniffled and nodded. I pulled my panties up under the covers and then pulled my jeans back up, Ronnie helping me get my shirt back on. He carried me out to a car bridal-style and put me in the back seat, getting in next to me as I clung onto him for dear life.

All I remember was Craig getting in the drivers seat and starting to drive, and after that I passed out.
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ugh. this is such a shitty chapter. :/