Status: Expect more chapters. Soon. :'3

Fuzzy Blue Lights

Billa's Little Mission

If there's one important thing that I have ever learned in my life, it is that one should never try to do the Time Warp in a little Tour bus bunk that has another person in with you, also trying to do the Time Warp while laying down.

It doesn't work out too well.

You're going to have to trust me on that one.

I was currently sitting and poking at a bruise hidden beneath my pants- a pair of white and florescent orange Tripp pants, and not quite as baggy as most of my Tripps, of course- as the boys went through yet another one of their interviews. Why they had to do so many of these things, I still wasn't quite sure. Bill caught me pouting in the corner and gave me a quick sympathetic look- he'd been the cause for the large bruise and many others, due to our failed attempt at the Time Warp yesterday in his bunk. Not to worry, I was pretty sure that he had bruises of his own, just not bad as mine.

Like I said, it doesn't work out too well. At all.

'Make a move, you paranoid little wretch.'

I ignored the little voice nagging at me. The little voice had gotten more persistent with its attempt to convince me to gush out every little feeling I felt towards Bill. It wasn't working, nor was it going to work any time soon. As long as Bill was my client, I refused to admit anything for him.

And no, I haven't forgotten the little... Blip, whatever you want to call it. I just choose to look over it. I have a feeling that Bill is, too.

'Keep telling yourself that. Whatever floats your boat, I guess.'

I felt like slamming my head against the wall, but decided against it. No reason to attract attention to myself. So, I turned and stared back over at the guys. It looked as if they were just now finishing up. If I did remember correctly, this was the last interview of today. Oh, if only the world were so kind, this would be the last interview today. Because I was in my technical home town, and we planned on this being the last stop in the tour before the break, Jost decided that it wouldn't hurt for me to be able to head off and sleep in my own bed, rather than a hotel.

Oh, was I happy about that. As nice as some of the beds I had been on since this whole thing started, there was nothing quite like sleeping on your own bed. Even if I did technically live in Maja's house... That could be changed, if I really wanted to. Now that I thought of it, there was a chance that I should probably move to Magdeburg, if I were to stay employed with Tokio Hotel after the Tour. You know, to live closer to the guys.

...Now that I thought about it, I had overheard Bill talking with Jost once or twice about cutting the Tour short. I mean, after are two week break, there were only a few more weeks of Touring before it ended. He had suggested that this be the actual finisher, here in Berlin, rather than wander around a few countries just to come right on back to Berlin for their initial finisher.

Man, I hoped that he had just been joking. Then again, it didn't make much sense, seeing as he was talking to Jost in English- otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to understand it. Maybe he had just gotten so used to speaking English around me... It almost made me feel a bit bad, but, hey, what was I to do?

"Caaaaandy~!" I jumped, rather noticeably, in my seat and turned my head to stare at Bill. Had they ended while I wasn't paying attention? I could only assume so.

"Yes Bill?" I mused with a quirked eyebrow. He had that sort of mischievous smile on his face that made me have this sort of sinking feeling in my gut.

"I have a mission for you. If you can complete this mission..." he paused to think of a sort of incentive for me that I would willingly take. He snapped his fingers and placed his hands on his hips as he, apparently, thought up whatever it was that he was going to offer. "Then I'll let you style my hair in any way that you like, without any complaining from me."

I felt a smooth grin slip across my face. I had this secret want to give Bill a Faux-hawk, I just had never told him. Even though I absolutely loved playing with his hair, it would so be worth it. I would have tried before, but... Bill was just too proud of his lion's mane.

"Alright. I'm interested. So... What's this mission?" I started slowly, as if he were trying to pull me around. After all, this was a most curious subject. Me? Being able to style Bill's hair? ANY way I want?

...AND no complaints?

This had to be too good to be true.

"Well, Tom feels that he's had his dreads for quite long enough, and he wants to try to get them out," Bill informed. I smirked confidently. Really? A pair of scissors would take care of that. He didn't even really need me.

"Where's the catch? That sounds far too easy, Bill Kaulitz," I chastised lightly. He got that mischievous look back on his face again as he made a noise of agreement.

"Right you are, Candy. You see, Tom still wants his hair long enough to put his hair in cornrows--"

"He WHAT?!" I screeched, suddenly up on my feet. I had the most appalled look on my face, and I could tell the others were staring at me like I had grown a fourth and fifth head, or something. Bill was laughing victoriously, his chest puffed out and his hands on his hips confidently.

"Your heard me right. And your mission is to do just what you're thinking of- you must exchange Tom's dreadlocks for cornrows by our last performance." I just stood there, gaping at Bill. He had to be kidding.

"You really want me to have my hands in the destruction of Tom's absolutely amazing dreads in exchange for... For... For cornrows?" I almost couldn't say it. The thought of being the one to get rid of such magnanimous, glorious dreadlocks in exchange for cornrows was just... I just couldn't think of it.

"And dyed. Don't forget that, Bill!" Tom called over with a smile on his face. I turned and looked at him very slowly. Now it was my turn to stare at him like he had grown a full extra set of heads.

"Unless, of course, you don't want to be able to have the freedom to do whatever you wanted with my hair..." Bill had leaned over a bit and cooed in my ear now that I was facing Tom rather than him. His breath on my neck sent chills down my spine.

Man, I had to stop doing that.

"...I'll do it..." I grumbled, under my breath. Bill leaned forward more and set his chin on my shoulder. I tensed up quite a bit and shied away as much as I could without seeming weird or to actually make him move.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you." Man, how I wanted to stab him right about now. I was about to just flat out say no because of that, but... The way I could picture Bill with a Faux-hawk was just... How could I say no to that?

"Alright! Alright! I'll do it!" I finally sighed out. Bill clapped his hands together in victory and ran over to Tom, where they proceeded to high-five. Tom looked ecstatic at the thought that he would be getting a new hairstyle- he was probably tired of his dreads, now that I thought of it. He had had them for quite a while...

I gave him a nice and firm glare anyway. He just kept right on grinning.

"I'm not going to like doing this, but the promised reward is worth it, I suppose. I hope you know that you're likely going have to fake being sick or something along those lines now, right? I mean, this is going to take a long while..." I explained. He only kept on grinning and nodded at me.

"I know. I already have a nice plan set up and everything. You just worry about getting prepared. Who knows what's been living in these dreads," he teased with a wink as he walked on by me. I shuddered at the thought. Tom and his dreads... Now that I thought about it, it was rather frightening to have to put my hands near those long tresses.

Once again, I had to remind myself that this would be for the chance to style Bill's hair on my own accord, at least once. Just once. The thought just brought a happy smile to my face. Then Tom's dreads attacked my imagination once again and the smile disappeared.

This was going to be one hell of a mission...
♠ ♠ ♠
And now you know why the boys don't have their current hairstyles yet. :'D I know, it doesn't make much sense, but... Shhhhh. Logical thought is not required. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed yourselves! ;'3 Comments are wonderful, as always.

With much love, kiddies~