Status: Expect more chapters. Soon. :'3

Fuzzy Blue Lights

Return of the Butts

I was awoken by a rather abruptly as someone pounced on my sleeping form. I let out a shriek, and the person bounced away as I coughed a little. I glared through the darkness, but to no avail. The only thing in the room that I could see was a faint glow on the other side of the room that read 6:30- the clock, of course. Who on Earth would bother to wake me up at such an ungodly hour?

In the next blinding moment, I got my answer. The lamp at the other end of the couch flicked on, much to my discomfort, and there revealed the culprit- an uncharacteristically bouncy-looking Kaulitz with long, long black hair. As Tom shook his hair out a little and ran his fingers through it, I could just see the potential popping out of it in leaps and bounds. There were just so many things that I could do with such nice, long, and quite frankly beautiful hair.

And he was going to make me ruin it by putting it into cornrows- ah, but so goes the job description.

...If there is a God, It must hate me.

"What the hell, Tom? It's not even seven!" I hissed and attempted to return to sleeping on the hotel room couch, which I had dutifully crashed on rather than going home once I had finished dying Tom's hair. I had been too tired to move, let alone drive back to my house- er, Maja's house, but you get the drift.

"Yeah, but it's going to take a while. I honestly don't care about that little 'Mission' Bill gave you- I just really want to get this done," he countered. Then, out of the blue, he pulled a camera out of nowhere and took a picture of himself. I blinked the spots out of my eyes from the flash and stared at him like he had gone crazy.

"Why, might I ask, did you just do that?" I questioned with a quirked eyebrow. He grinned stupidly at me and flicked at his lip ring.

"Taking pictures of the process, for the memories." I continued to stare at him as if he were the weirdest thing I had ever seen. He sighed and rolled his eyes a little, to which he passed me the camera on it's view mode so that I could look through the pictures that he had already taken. Apparently, whenever he would run to the bathroom for a little break, he would take a picture of our progress. Some of these I didn't even know how he got, for I didn't remember taking a break at that point on the process. The most pictures he had were of when he had near-waist long blond hair- before I had to cut all of the destroyed ends off.

"That, my friend, takes some real talent. I don't even remember you going to take these," I commented as I handed the camera back. He just kept on grinning.

"Yeah, yeah. Now, come on. The sooner you finish up with me, the sooner you can get to Bill, and, unlike him, I want to watch him go through hell and back at your destructive hands of amazing." He gave me a thumbs-up and a cheesy grin as he ran into the area that we had specified as our little hair-styling area. The moment he was up and in the other room, I let out a nice, long, roll of laughter and followed him.

I set to work without another word to him- except to repeatedly tell him to sit still, otherwise his cornrows would come out all wonky. It took about five or six times to tell him this, along with a few slaps every now and then, to finally get him to do as such. Compared to removing the dreads yesterday, this was going surprisingly quickly. Of course, because I'm not entirely used to doing this, I have no idea if the time it took me to get it done was reasonable or usual. It was around eleven when I heard Tom's hotel room door open.

The only reason why I looked up before I was complete with the last section was because I heard familiar sounding boots clomp over to us. I smiled at Bill, who had an amused look on his face as he watched us carefully. I returned to my work a second later. Getting those dreadlocks out may have taken forever, but this was hell on my fingers.

"You guys still at this?" Bill mused. I laughed and shook my head a little.

"Of course!" I chirped. Tom chuckled and I patted his shoulder twice. He caught this signal that I was done with him and he launched to his feet, snatched up the camera off of the counter, and ran off in the direction of the hotel bathroom. I rolled my eyes and stared at Bill.

"It actually looks..." Bill trailed off, at a loss of words.

"Nice? Amazing? Spectacular?" I offered. A small smile broke out onto his face and he nodded.

"Yeah... I will admit, they make him look more... I don't know... Older, maybe? I can't really explain it..." This caused me to laugh a little, once again, as Tom strolled back on out with a content smile on his face. He walked right on over to me, pulled me into a bear-hug, and actually lifted me off of my feet and shook me about a little.

"Candice, you are the most amazing person that I have ever met. Bill, if you ever fire her for any reason, I will beat your silly little ass," Tom informed with an all too serious looking face. I squirmed a little and stared at him. He still had me up in the air, and in a bear hug. Alas, turning away prevented me from seeing Bill's reaction to this, which would turn out to be a vitally important moment, that I missed entirely.

"That's wonderful and all, Tom, but I would like to be set back down on my own two feet... Please?" He seemed to realize that I was talking a few seconds to late, and I realized just why he had a late reaction only a few seconds after him. Somehow, I had missed the sound of Bill's boots clomping away, but I certainly hadn't missed the door slamming on the way out. I was set down not even a second later, and Tom was out the door before I could even ask him what was wrong.

...It also occurred to me that he was now roaming around in nothing but his nightclothes- which, if you can remember from way back when we had that little "secret lovers" discussion, consists of only boxers. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, he had socks on, for some weird reason.

Doesn't like cold feet, maybe?

Whatever, I shouldn't be concerned with this at the moment. Bill had stormed out, and I didn't know why. Some little portion of my mind honestly didn't want to know why, but there was still the larger bit that was curious as to why the hell Bill would storm out after Tom had threatened to beat him if he ever so much as thought of firing me. I mean, what in that statement was there to get angry about?

After realizing that I had just sort of stood there for a minute or two with my mouth agape, I ran out of the hotel room and looked down the hall, to where Bill's room was in view. Just as I reached the door, it was thrown open, and a very angry looking Bill stepped out with a Tom to follow. I stood a bit away as I watched the two exchange shouts in German back and forth. I slammed myself as close to the wall as I possibly could as Tom, it turned out, stormed off back to his room. Bill threw a glare at his back and turned to go back into his room when he caught a glance of me, up against the wall, wide-eyed like a small child that had just witnessed something that they probably shouldn't have.

His entire appearance softened when he saw me still standing there. He took a few steps towards me, and I slid two steps back, still along the wall. He looked confused for a second, but, Bill being the only person in the world who knows how to read me in a second, his confusing morphed into worry. And, I don't know why this has come to bother me now, but I didn't really like the thought that he could read me that fast. I decided that it would be best for me to take my leave then as I stepped away from the wall, turned around, and began walking in the direction of the elevator.

"I'm not angry at or with you." Dead center. I turned slowly and stared at him. I didn't blink, not once, as I stared at him standing out in the hallway. It really was worrisome that someone that I hadn't even known for that long could figure me out that quickly.

"...I know..." I murmured, just a little bit meekly, as Bill walked up and grabbed one of my hands. He then pulled me back towards his room. A confused expression then appeared on my own face.

"We had a deal, didn't we? It looks like Tom has cornrows, and we've still got time..." A wicked grin spread out onto my face as I suddenly became the one dragging him into the hotel room. I sat him down in a similar looking area that Tom had in his room and looked at Bill's hair for a moment.

"Hold on right here while I go get my stuff, okay?" I giggled a little at the almost worried smile that appeared on Bill's face as I shot out of the hotel room and back to Tom's. I slipped past Tom just as he was headed out- he didn't even look back at me as he just left, now fully clothed. I began tossing my things back into various bags I had brought over, as well as trifling through them to make sure that I also had the tools and other such things necessary for restyling Bill's hair. Just as quick as I had run in, I ran right on back out, carting at least three or four bags of hair products with me.

Needless to say, Bill was quite shocked to see me run in with the almost alarming amount of hair-care products and such when I returned.

"Isn't that a bit much?" he joked with a little roll of his eyes. I just grinned and moved his chair- with him still sitting in it- in the desired position to where I would be able to reach him at all angles at all times.

"No. Some of the stuff was for Tom's hair, the rest is for yours. Now, sit still. Wouldn't want to ruin your hair, would you?" I cooed as I picked up a pair of scissors and placed my hands on either side of his head and put my chin on his shoulder. I had a wicked smile on my face that I knew he couldn't see, and I had a feeling that he had a very, very worried look on his face, though I couldn't see it. He tensed up, quite noticeably in fact, and whimpered a little. This, of course, caused me to let out a wicked laugh.

"Please be gentle..."

I could have sworn that's what he said. I'm not entirely sure if he had even said anything, considering how soft and quiet his voice was. I passed it off as a figment of my imagination and began my endeavor. He made a comment once or twice about how, 'don't you think you're cutting a bit close there?' or, 'please tell me you're sure you know what your doing...' Something along those lines would be uttered from Bill every now and then.

"If your so paranoid, just look at the floor." Big mistake.

Bill let out a shriek as he, apparently, saw all the hair on the floor. He started to move, and I swiftly pulled the scissors far, far away from his head- and, more importantly, his hair that was just moments from being spectacular.

"Hey! What's the big idea? You said no complaints, mister!" I chastised as I set a hand on his shoulder to prevent him from running. He whimpered and held his hands up to his face. I don't know why, but a sadistic smile formed on my face as he looked up at me ever so innocently.

"...But, but, my hair--"

"Hey! No. Butts are for humans, Bill, didn't you know? Grow a pair and deal with it."

Ha ha! Thank you Maja and your amazing catch-phrases. I had just been waiting to do that one. Bill let me continue, nevertheless, though he did complain much louder and much more often. Due to the fact that I was much, much more used to doing hairstyles like this one, the process went a lot quicker than normal. I did notice that, when I pulled out the cans of hairspray, Bill did calm down. Something told me that hairspray would calm him.

And then... I was done. As I set the things down, I instructed him to close his eyes as I lead him back to the bathroom, where he would be able to see what his hair had become. I also refused to let him reach his hands up to take a feel, and I refused to look back at him. I didn't want to ruin the unveiling for myself, either, you know. We both stepped into the bathroom, and I closed the door- meaning that it was entirely black in the room.

"Alright Bill, prepare yourself..." I cautioned with one hand on the light switch. I could hear him bounce around and clap his hands a little with anticipation. The lights went on, his eyes flashed open, and the next thing I know, I'm staring at at an entirely different person in the mirror. Just as Tom's cornrows had magically given him this older looking, sort of mature look about him that I couldn't quite comprehend, the person that I saw examining himself so tenderly just... Without the mane, he really did look his age, somehow. No longer did he look like the type of guy that was stuck at the age of fifteen no matter how many years had gone by. I almost couldn't even make the connection to the Bill before and the man in the mirror now...

"Candy... I... This is amazing, Candy! I love it!" Yep. It was definitely Bill. A broad grin spread out on his face finally as he slowly touched his hair, almost as if he didn't believe it was his. Like I had suspected, the Faux-hawk was a very nice touch. He only made one alteration, and that was to bring down a little lock in the front so that it hung down and gave a bit more of a 'boom' of sorts to his features.

"Good to know, Bill. Good to know." He spun around to look at me with this sort of look in his eyes that, quite frankly, frightened me a little. The sudden indescribable look that appeared on his face made me very aware of the fact we were in close proximity, and closed off in a small room. Bad time to get claustrophobic, huh?

"...Should we go show it off to the others now?"

For some reason, I felt a terrible feeling take hold- as if I was secretly hoping that he would have a much different reaction. But, that wouldn't happen again, would it? The first time was an accident, neither of us expected it. I doubted that Bill actually felt for me that way to do something like that, even on accident, again. I finally nodded and we linked arms as we walked out of the bathroom, and then out of the hotel room.

Sad thing is, the last thought as I left was of Maja and her little catch-phrase- well, I guess it's a return of the butts, huh?
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay! :'D Billa likes his new hair. :'3 But what's this? A HESITANT Billa, or an unwilling one? The world may never know! xD Any who, I hope you enjoyed!

With much love, kiddies~