Status: Expect more chapters. Soon. :'3

Fuzzy Blue Lights

Hooray for Tripp Pants...

At some point in time, while Maja was driving, it dawned on her that she had left something at her house and she just absolutely had to go get it before we went out to live the German night life. We were still giggling like giddy little school girls, and we still hadn't removed the dolls from our shirts. I actually wouldn't mind going clubbing with the dolls still there if they weren't of the Tokio Hotel guys. Didn't want to seem like a fan girl. I think I was going to anyway, though. I hadn't made up my mind yet.

I felt Maja shaking my shoulder as I went to go take a sip of the fourth and final Fanta that I had managed to not finish off during the show. I nearly spilled some on myself, but I was successful in not wasting any precious drops of the carbonated orange liquid. I did, however, give Maja a nice hard glare. She only giggled harder at my reaction.

"We're back at the house. I suggest that you make a quick run through as well," she said through her giggle fit and climbed out of her car. I just rolled my eyes and followed her example up to the house. She ran through and up the stairs to do... Whatever it was that she came back to do. I looked around the living room for a moment and decided that I did need to go do something and retreated back into my temporary room.

I sighed rather heavily and took a seat down on the bed. Most of my stuff was already packed up for when I would have to leave, which was actually a rather depressing sight. Speaking about seeing things, a bright something or other caught my attention in the corner of the room, on top of one of my bags. With a tilt of my head, I walked over to the object and picked it up. As I did so, a giant smile formed on my face. It was a neon rainbow, zebra-print, sleeveless hoodie. Sure, it was Maja's neon rainbow zebra-print sleeveless hoodie, but I just had to. I put it on and zipped it up as far as it would go, which was just underneath my boobs- there was no way in hell I would ever be able to zip it up any further, considering that Maja could just barely zip it up over her little C's. Believe me, after a point, the gift becomes a curse. A rather back-breaking curse...

"Come on, Candy!" Maja called from the other side of the door. I grinned and flung the door open.

"You know, it's sad when you can't wear your best friend's stuff properly," I stated randomly. She was in a giggle fit again on seeing the hoodie.

"Nice. Get the dolls out of your boobs and we can go," she ordered and placed her hands on her hips. I raised an eyebrow and pulled Tom and Bill out of my cleavage and tossed them onto the bed behind me. As we began to walk towards the door, a thought occurred to me for the second time that night.

"Hey, Maja...? Wouldn't it be a better idea to get a cab or something like that to the club? I can almost guarantee you that neither of us will be conscious enough to drive."

This random thought was followed by a beat or two of silence.

"You know, you offer a very valid point. Hold on, let me go see if Kai is up to driving us around." I nodded in agreement as I sat down on her living room couch while she went to go call Kai, who would be her little brother. He's a fun kid, just not when you wanted to go do something like clubbing. He's the strict non-drinker in any group you'll find, just because there has to be at least one.

...Not that I can call him a kid. He is a year older than me...

I could hear Maja rambling off something in German through her cell phone and got disinterested a second later. Before I could begin drooling over myself in boredom, Maja hung up and walked over.

"Kai say's he's able to come and get us and that, depending what time we decide to go home, he'll probably be able to bring us back as well," she informed.

"So now we wait?" I questioned.

"So now we wait." Was her reply.


Kai showed up about fifteen minutes later, and then we were off. The ride to the club was... Uneventful. Other than blasting Kai's radio and successfully managing to wake up any sleeping person within a mile radius, Maja and I acted as calm as we could be. For Kai's sake, of course. No guy wants to see his older sister and her friend act like totally crazy maniacs, nor would he ever want to hear some of the things that we talk about.

When we stepped out of his car, he tore off and down the street, as if he wanted to be as far away from us as possible when we did start acting like little idiots. Understandable, in a way, of course.

Without any hesitation, Maja latched onto my arm and dragged me into the club. I actually physically cringed at all of the conversations going on about us, just because they were in German. I shoved that little thought to the back of my head and let Maja drag me forth and to the bar, where she kindly ordered for the two of us. I could feel eyes on the two of us- or at least me, for I was the one wearing the chains and rainbows. Maja was the normal looking one for once.

"Drink and then dance or both at once?" Maja mused as she looked over at me. I thought about it for a moment.

"Drink a bit, then do both." She nodded her head in agreement. This gave us a bit of time to converse before the alcohol got to my head. Because, as any sensible person would know, Americans are pathetic at handling the genuine German stuff. We learned that the first time Maja thought it would be fun to take me clubbing.

"So, what are you going to do when you get back to America?" Maja questioned as we both took a swig at the same time.

"Good question. Though it's going to be assured that clubbing again will be out of the question for a few good years," I mumbled and pouted a bit. Silly American drinking age laws. Maja pouted and placed her hand on my shoulder to show that she was sympathetic to my mood.

"That's good and all, but it doesn't really answer my question. Are you going to try to stay in the business or what?"

Ah. That's what she was wondering. I let that question sink in, and Maja let me have my time in pondering over it. I honestly hadn't thought of that yet. I was working on my second drink by the time I actually looked back over at her to reply.

"You know what? I'm tired of having to work with pompous, ignorant models. I'm going to see if Tyler has any room for me in his salon," I finally muttered and nodded my head more to reassure myself. Look at me, only two drinks in and I was already acting a bit loopy.

"Tyler is your brother, right?" I actually had to think about that for a second.

"Yeah. He's four years older than me," I recalled after yet another moment. Maja nodded and stood from her seat at the bar and motioned for me to do as well. Alas, when I got up to follow, my pants decided to disagree with me. They caught on something- I don't know what, could have been anything by now- and caused me to do a face plant into the chest of some random stranger that had been walking up to the bar.

"God damn stupid son of a fucking--" I stopped myself before I had any more people staring at me. Rather, I assured myself that my chains were no longer attached to whatever they had been. Man, I must have looked like some drunk creep, huh? "Sorry for that. My chains decided that they don't... Like me... Today..." My sentence slowly trailed off as I looked up at the face of the person I had run into. Maja noticed, too.

"Oh mein Gott, it's-" I slapped my hand over her mouth before she could shout and raise a fuss, like I knew she would.

"Quiet, Maja. I'm pretty sure Tom knows who he is," I said and put my index finger to my lips while looking over at her. I took a moment to stare back at the Tom Kaulitz, who still just stood there and stared at us, as if he were trying to remember where he had seen us from before. I couldn't see if any of the other guys were around, which mean that he was probably the one getting the drinks, or whatever. A sudden recognition passed over his features two seconds later and a broad grin spread out over his face.

"You two are the girls that had the dolls stuffed in your cleavage earlier!" he exclaimed, then proceeded to turn to the bartender and spout a bunch of German that I didn't recognize at him. While my attention was drawn away from Tom for a moment I saw Bill, Georg, and Gustav walking through the crowd towards the VIP area. I latched onto Maja's arm and was set to just walk off and continue with our night of fun, but she wouldn't budge. When I took a good look at her face, I could have sworn that she would pass out any moment.

Well isn't that just peachy?

"Hey, come on. We came here to have fun, not ogle at--" of course, my statement would remain unfinished, for Tom turned back at us and decided to cut me off. Stupid cunt.

"How would the two of you like to join us?"

Okay, never mind. He's a stupid Man slut ass wipe.

"That'd be great!"

And Maja is, too. Minus the Man slut part. She offered a small apologetic smile as Tom lead us off to the VIP area, to which I responded with a sharp, deep glare. The concert was one thing, but this was pushing it. There was only so much of her Tokio Hotel fan girl influence that I could take of in one night.

"Aw, come on. This could be fun!"

"Pfft. Yeah right. And steaming piles of poo can do long division." Yeah, I was being a little sour-puss. I don't know about you, but I had a feeling that the entirety of our stay at that table will be the stupid little Man slut trying to get into our- correction her- pants. So not my idea of fun.

...Not that I have much of a choice...
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Like always, I hoped you enjoyed, and comments are always nice. :'3

With much love, kiddies~