Status: Expect more chapters. Soon. :'3

Fuzzy Blue Lights

Conversation Time with Ty

"Holy crap!"

I had just about launched myself over the table to prevent Maja from falling out of the booth. Of course, I didn't really need to, considering that Tom had simply leaned over and caught her. Before he could complain, I snatched the hat off of his head and began to fan Maja with it, still on the table. Though, it took me a second to realize that Bill probably didn't appreciate my ass in his face.

...Or maybe he was one of those weird ones that didn't mind. Oh God, bad thought, bad thought!

"Oh mein Gott, is she okay?" Bill questioned behind me. I looked over my shoulder and
continued to fan my friend as I looked at him. He was just about squishing poor Gustav
just see around me.

"Man, and she wasn't even the one who got the job offer," Tom mused with a chuckle, but I decided it would be best to ignore that comment.

"Maja, hun, stop over exaggerating for a moment here," I cooed with a smile as I saw Maja slowly open her eyes. She still looked a bit dazed and drunk, quite frankly. I very carefully placed myself back down into my seat, being sure that I didn't sit on Bill. Tom still held her shoulders and didn't let go until he was sure that she could sit up on her own. I heard Bill let out a relieved sigh from next to me as Maja gave a light smile.

For the second time that night, there was a few beats of silence as everyone just sort of anxiously looked between the two of us. It occurred to me that I still hadn't replied to Bill. Just as I was about to, Maja squealed in excitement and launched herself at me, rambling off something in German, and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I think we should try to remain off of the table here, Maja."

"You HAVE to take the job, Candy! I would never ever forgive you if you didn't. Have you given an answer yet? DO IT. NOW," she screeched at me, looking me in the face and a death grip on my arms. I stared at her and her absolutely serious expression. I slowly turned my head to Bill, afraid that a sudden movement would send my just about rabid friend into an insane fury and gave him a light smile. He was staring right back, bouncing in his seat as he waited for his answer.

"Well, I would have said yes, but now I think I definitely have to take you up on that offer for fear of being slaughtered in my sleep," I said through a light chuckle. Bill laughed, though a bit unsure. Maja squealed in delight again as she just about crushed my ribcage in a massive bear hug and screamed rapid German off in my ear.

"My, she's excited." I shot the best glare I could at Tom from the corner of my eye, but it was apparent that I was in distress, so he attempted to pry Maja's giddy self off of me. It took all four of the guys to successfully detach Maja from me. I coughed a few times and forced myself to take a few pained breaths. Bill patted my shoulder as I inwardly assured myself that there were no broken ribs.

"Alright then, Candy. I'm going to need your information so that I can call you in tomorrow so we can get you situated with the rest of the crew and so that we can do all of that formal paperwork and such," Bill informed as he pulled his own Blackberry out from his pocket.

"Seems sensible," I stated calmly and nodded once. Perhaps I should tell him that I don't
know German that well? After all, if I'm going to be interacting with them and the crew,
it wouldn't make much sense for them to put up with speaking something other than their native language.

"First off, what is your full name?"

"Candice Ushakov," I stated. And the rest of our conversation just went on like that- he would ask a question, I would answer, and he would type in the information to his Blackberry. He only asked stuff that he would need to contact me for now, and he'd find out the rest on the formal paper work, if he really wanted to. As we went through our little Q&A session, Tom stood up and told the guys something in German. In compliance, they all scooted over, which put me on the very edge, Bill still next to me, but Georg now sat on the end, then Tom, Maja was now in the middle, and Gustav was still in his spot next to Bill. They were all conversing in German, so it was rather easy to ignore them.

"Um, Bill... I don't know German all that well..." I finally stated just as he was about to stuff his phone into his pocket. He gave me a wide and assuring smile and patted my shoulder again.

"Don't worry. You will mainly be working with me and the guys; your benefit for being our Hair and Make-up artist is that you won't have to work much with the other crew," he assured. I let out a relieved sigh and smiled right back at him.

"Well, that's always good to know." Before we could continue on with a normal conversation, my pocket started playing 'Everywhere I go' by Hollywood Undead. I giggled, knowing exactly who it was, and answered it before the beginning lyrics could begin.

"Oh my God, Candy!"

"Hello to you too, Ty," I replied sarcastically. I took this moment to switch him to speaker. Maja instantly disregarded her conversation with the guys and directed her attention to the phone.

"Tyler~! How has my American Love Affair been doing?" she called out into my phone, which I held out in front of me. Tyler could be heard giggling on the other end of the line.

"Shhhh~! Carmen is in the room, Maja. He can hear you," Tyler chastised, still giggling. Though, his giggling suddenly cut off as he took in a sharp intake of breath and made a sort of aggravated noise on his end of the line. "Now, don't get me distracted. I've got a bone to pick with you, baby sister!"

Uh oh. I gave an innocent little giggle.

"I have no idea what you're talking about, Ty," I cooed and bit my tongue to prevent myself from laughing. Bill looked like he wanted to say something, but I put my finger up
to my lips and mouthed 'Wait'. He nodded and stared at the cell phone in my hand slightly impatiently.

"Oh yes you do, little lady. Care to explain just what you were doing in a picture
wi--... Is that club music I hear?"

Oh shit. Now I really was in trouble.


"Oh hell no! You're too young to be clubbing, Candice Ushakov!" Yep. Tyler was mad.

"In America, maybe. Here in Germany it's perfectly legal, Ty. Besides, if I hadn't taken her clubbing, she would have never gotten her new job," Maja suddenly interjected with a boastful smile. There was silence on the other line for a good few seconds.

"Excuse me? What happened with her old job? And, getting back to my initial question, how in the hell did my little Candy get a picture with Bill Kaulitz?"

"I got fired, so Maja decided it would be a great idea to take me to a Tokio Hotel concert and then clubbing. When we got here, I ran into Tom. He recognized us from the signing, so he brought us back to hang out with the band. That would be when I got the picture with Bill," I informed quickly so that Tyler couldn't interrupt me. I could hear a long, drawn out, squeal emit from my phone.

"Oh my god, Candy! Way to live my dream, gosh! You know I've admired that sexy beast for, like, ever," he cried. I giggled at his reaction and looked at Bill for a moment. Bill had this sort of awkward expression at his face- he wasn't sure if he should feel complimented or horrified at that moment, I could guess.

"You do realize that Bill can hear you, right?"

And then there was silence again. And then I could hear him beginning to cry.

"Caaannndiice! How could you be so mean to your older brother?" I wanted to laugh, but I knew I shouldn't. Bill looked sad now, knowing that his presence had made someone start to cry. I just rolled my eyes, knowing how over dramatic Tyler could be at times.

"Hey, who's the mean one here? You're the one that keeps embarrassing me in front of my new employer," I teased. It took Tyler a second to realize what I had just said.

"You... You work for... Holy shit..."

"That's exactly what I was thinking! Only, I fainted when Bill asked, but hey, same difference, right?" Maja cut in again. Tyler let out an excited squeal again. See? Drama queen.

"Girl, you will give me the whole story later, you got that? As much as I would love to hear it now, I've got a movie I don't want to be late to."

"Aw, alright then. And don't tell Cassie or Caspie, I want to be the one that tells them. Na'night, Ty," I cooed with a smile.

"Bye-bye, love! You go have a fun time, m'kay?" Maja called out and grinned. I could almost see Tyler roll his eyes.

"Good night, you two. And go to bed! Sheesh, it must be two in the morning over there!" We all shared a laugh before I hung up and put my phone away. Bill sat back in his seat and stared across the table at his brother for a moment. Tom, in turn, stared at me and sighed.

"Your brother is just a little bit weird," he stated with a nod. I just shook my head and laughed this time.

"I hear that a lot," I replied and tilted my head to the side. Gustav looked absolutely bored out of his mind, and Georg had disappeared to... Somewhere. I think Tyler talking over the phone had given him the creeps. Bill finally turned and looked at me with a smile on his face.

"You know, you should listen to your older brother. You're going to have to be getting up early in the morning," he chastised and wagged his finger at me. Maja laughed and I shot her a small glare.

"Yeah, you do have a point. Maja, call Kai, and tell him to not to take his dear sweet time again," I instructed as I stood. Tom moved so that he could let Maja get out, and Bill stood up along with the three of us.

"You get a good rest, and I'll text you the information as soon as I get it." Bill pulled the two of us into a hug- Maja nearly died, I swear. Tom just gave us a curt nod as he sat down along with Bill.

"Will do, Bill. See you in a few hours!" He laughed and Maja and I headed out of the club, Maja for once stumbling a lot more than I was. She waited until after we exited the club to call Kai. As we waited, I couldn't help but smile to myself. What a day this had turned out to be, and it wasn't until then that I realized that there was something still in my hand. I looked down and started laughing to myself.

...I never gave Tom his hat back. Oops.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh snap. I just realized that all six opening chapters happen in the same day. xD Talk about drawing something out, huh? Anyway, I hoped you guys liked it. :'3

With much love, kiddies~