Status: I'll work on this whenever I can!

War of The Worlds


My name is Argharna Phellan. I'm a werewolf, and I hate my life. Being in a horrible life makes you know things other people don't. Like how I'm supposed to die in an hour.

"Argharna Phellan, son of Candra and Chakor Phellan. You are here today to die from your mistake. You've thought that you could kill the great ambassador but you're mistaken. He had a plan, whoever killed him would shine during the night, with a golden light. The killer could not see this light, but everybody would see, and know. Your here to die, and parish." And that was the last time my parents saw me sigh in grief.

"Leave our son alone. Please! He did nothing wrong. Argharna, please, did you?" Mom asked.

"No, and I never would. This is a mistake, the real killer is out there." I yelled.

"You're wrong young sir. We all saw the light, you did." And right behind the Jailman were three strangers.

"Hello, I'm Princess Mercy Bloodstone, this is Rudi Lovett, and this is Prince Ryuu Skyman. We are here to tell you the truth." The tall, beautiful, elegant girl told the Jailman.

"He killed our ambassador! He's going to die!" And he threw a burning torch at the hay at my feet, around the pole I was tied to, and it burst into flames around me.

"NO! MY BABY!" Mom screamed. She lunged at the fire, but dad pulled her back. He knew this had to be done. Then the fire was gone.

"What happened?" Jailman asked.

"It's gone. He did not kill that man. You did. You're the one who decided that you were not getting paid enough for your duties, so you KILLED that man." The younger girl told Jailman.

"No, I didn't." He refused to those lies about him. It was obvious that he did.

"He didn't, he's supposed to have a duty. No man with his kind heart would kill a fat man." The boy-Ryuu-told everyone.

"Follow us Argharna. You must. It's your duty." And they all turned to leave.

"I'm going mom, and dad. I need to get away from here." I apolagized, and ran off with them.

"We'll miss you Argharna. Please be careful." Mom yelled.

"Good luck, son!" Dad cheered. And I was free, for the first time in a long time.
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Argharna Phellan P.O.V.