Status: Done

Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating

Teen Hearts Beating

My parents are an embarrassment, from their freaky colored hair to their trashy tattered clothes. I can’t go anywhere with them and not feel embarrassed. Now I’m stuck with a boy who I can’t stand, who is just as embarrassing. Let me start from the beginning.

“Hey Syn wanna study today?” Dmitri asked. “I would love to but my parent’s are having some people over.” I said gloomily. “Who?” He asked. “Umm some new rock band, Sixty Six or something like that.” I replied uninterestedly. “Can you give me a ride home though?” I asked. I didn’t wanna risk anyone seeing my parents today. He nodded. “Yeah.” The bell rang. “I’ll see you after 9th period.” He said walking to his class. I waved before walking to World Literature.

---Later on—

“Thanks for the ride, Tri.” I said getting out. “Tell me how they are.” He said before pulling out of my driveway. I quickly walked into the house and ran upstairs. I threw my bag on my bed. There was a knock on my door. I groaned. “Who is it?” I asked. “It’s me Synyster.” My mom said walking in.

I peered at her discussed. She was wearing fish stockings, with a short shorts, knee high heels, and a tube top. “We’re having guest over, so get dressed, Synyster.” She said popping her gum. She walked over to my closet. A couple minutes later she’s holding up a mini skirt, a tank top, and some stilettos. I scoffed. “You expect me to wear that?” I questioned rudely. “It’s a lot better than that uniform you’re wearing. Honestly I don’t know why you’d want to wear something that ugly, but none the less. Just get dressed in something.” She said walking out.

I rolled my eyes and went to my closet and picked out a sweater and some skinny jeans. I put my hair in a ponytail and started my homework.

---- ---- ----

The doorbell rang. Voices filled the air. “Doll, come to dinner.” My dad shouted in his deep voice. I groaned again before getting up and walking downstairs. When I reached the bottom I received stares from 6 guys. “Doll this is Sixty Six.” My dad said. I looked up at their faces. All of them had long hair, from blonde to black and everything in between. “Let’s get some dinner.”

We were all seated and eating some Chinese. The black haired one whose name I believe is Valence looked at me then whispered something to the sandy blonde one Scape and started laughing. I rolled my eyes at them. They’re just childish.

“So doll what do you think about that?” My dad asked. I snapped back into reality. “Think about what?” I questioned. “About Valence here staying here.” My dad smiled. I spit out my soda. “What!? Him stay here!” I shouted. “Yeah doll, that’s what we’ve been explaining for the past 5 minutes. Valence needs to finish his last year so he’s gonna stay with us and go to school with you.” He said. “You’ve gotta be kidding me” I said under my breath. After dinner I angrily went upstairs, slamming my door.

The next day I wasn’t surprised to see my parents no where to be found. There was a note on the table.
Valence is going to school with you today. Make sure he gets to school and to the right classes. His uniform is at the office.

I rolled my eyes, still not found of the idea. I went back upstairs and down the hall to ‘Valence’s room’. He was sprawled out on the bed, his black hair everywhere. I didn’t fail to notice he wasn’t wearing a shirt. I couldn’t look away.

“Staring are we.” His voice startled me. I felt my cheeks flush in embarrassment. “No.” I denied. “Right.” He said sarcastically and stretched. “I wasn’t.” I defended. “Yeah okay.” He said not believing me. “Get dressed you’ve got school, and if you’re not ready in 5 minutes you can find yourself a ride, got it?” I asked. “Aye captain.” He said saluting me. I walked into my own room and finished getting dressed.
Minutes later Valence is flying down the stairs. He jumps in front of me almost knocking me over. I growled at him. He smirked. I was about to tell him off when a horn honked. “Let’s go.” I growled again. Dmitri was laid out on the hood of his car. “Synyster hon, how was last night?” He asked sitting up. He looked at me and then at Valence. “Who’s he?” Dmitri asked. “Let’s not even go there.” I said opening the door. “Get in.” I demanded Valence, for once he listened. Dmitri got in and started driving. We drove in silence.

I hopped out. Valence looked around. “God all you kids dress the same.” I dragged him with me to the front office. I walked up to the counter. “Hello Miss. Gates how may I help you?” The lady asked. “Um there should be a uniform here for a-.” I stopped not knowing Valence’s real name. “Vince Alexander.” Valence said with a fake smile. She started looking around. “Ah here we are Mr. Alexander, your uniform and your schedule.” She smiled handing it to him. “Thank you.” He said smiling.

I took him to the bathroom so he could get dressed. I waited forever until he finally decided to step out. “Oh my god.” I said when he came out. He completely altered the uniform. He was wearing his black boots instead of the shoes that it comes with. His shirt sleeves were ripped off, it was buttoned only halfway and his black shirt showed beneath it. The white and red tie hung loosely around his neck and his hair was standing out like usual. “You’re gonna be in so much trouble.” I mumbled. “Ehh what’s so bad about a little trouble.” He stated.

“Come on.” I said walking away from the bathrooms. “What’s your first class?” I asked him as I approached my own class. “Pre-calculus.” He said discussed. I smiled at that. “Go down the hall and turn right, it’s the second door on the left.” I said. “Don’t get lost.” I spoke before I walked into my class. “It’s nice of you to join us Miss. Herrick.” My teacher said. “Sorry Mr. Thomas I was just showing someone around. Here’s my pass.” I said handing to him and then taking my seat.

Dmitri looked up at me as I sat next to him in the back. “Okay Syn explain.” Dmitri said annoyingly. I rolled my eyes. “He’s a member of Sixty Six, and he’s going to be living with me until he finishes school here. He’s conceded and a major idiot. Anything else you need to know?” I said annoyed. “That sucks Syn, he doesn’t seem to bad though.” Tri said, “Oh I’m sure it gets worse.” I said opening my text book.

I didn’t know how right I was until lunch came around. It was 6th period and I was walking with some friends from class. Everything was going well until Valence walked in. Girls were crowding around him. “Oh god.” I said shaking my head. “Who’s the cutie?” My friend Casey asked. I looked up at her shocked. “‘That’ is a complete jerk.” I said causing her to look at me funny.

Valence walked up to me. “Hey.” He said casually, like I’m not throwing daggers at him with my eyes. “Sorry ladies but I’m taken.” He said wrapping his arms around me. The girls scoffed and left. I felt this funny feeling take over me. My cheeks turn red, I could feel it. As soon as the girls left, Valence took his arms from around me. I could still feel where they were. He smirked knowing my pink cheeks were from him and I got angry at him again. “What are you doing?” I demanded. He just shrugged. I rolled my eyes. The bell rang for 7th period. Thank god I don’t have to see him any more I thought.

9th period rolled around and it was time for World Lit. I was excited; Mr. Jenkins said we would be discussing Shakespeare and I knew know one paid attention to Shakespeare. He was thought of to be a fraud and no one thought he could write something as great as those plays. I always believed he did even if these stupid rich kids at school didn’t. And just as I was feeling happy Valence walked in. I wasn’t gonna let him mess with me this class.

“Okay just as I promised class, today’s discussion is on William Shakespeare. So how would like to start by telling us about his early life and why he is famous?” Mr. Jenkins asked and the whole class groaned. I raised my hand. “Aye, yes Miss. Gates, would you please start for us?” He asked. I nodded. “William Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died in 1616. He was born and raised in Warwickshire, England He married at age 18 and had three children.” I stated and got ready to proceed. “Um Mr. Jenkins was it?” Valence said raising his hand.

“Yes Mr.-.” “Alexander, sir.” Valence said. “If I may sir, point out some mistakes in her statement.” Valence asked kindly and Mr. Jenkins nodded. I rolled my eyes; I seem to do that a lot when it comes to him. “William Shakespeare’s date of birth is actually unknown. He was baptized in 1564. Another common mistake is that he wasn’t born and raised in Warwickshire, but in Stratford-upon-Avon. He did have three children though; the last two Judith and Hamnet were actually twins.” Valence said. Mr. Jenkins clapped. “Very good perception Mr. Alexander you are correct.” Mr. Jenkins said happily. I felt pretty stupid at that moment, my face turned pink again.

“Okay can anyone tell me the name of the group of people who performed Shakespeare’s plays?” He asked. I raised my hand. “The Lord Chamberlain's Men.” I said proudly. Valence raised his hand. “It was The Lord Chamberlain’s Men, but they were later renamed Kings Men.” He said. And that’s how it went all class. I would answer a question and Valence would correct me, or answer it better.

I pretty much ran out of class when the bell rang, I couldn’t face the embarrassment. I ran home. I didn’t care that I left him at school, if he was so smart he could find his own way back. I could care less if he got kidnapped on the way. Of course I got grounded when he finally did come home.

It’s been mouths and Valence has driven me mad. It wasn’t just getting everything right in class and showing me up, or the constant spending time with my parents and leaving me alone, it was something more. I couldn’t explain it. I was sitting outside in the garden trying to read the script for As You like It by Shakespeare. “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts..." I said. I was so into the script that I didn’t notice Valence sit down next to me. “I always wondered. Why do people call you Gates? Why not Herrick?” He asked, startling me. I sighed. “Do you know Synyster Gates?” I asked. He nodded. “He was like my dads hero, which doesn’t make sense seeing as Synyster is younger than him, but anyway I’m named after Synyster Gates. I’m still a Herrick, my parents just added Gates onto my last name.” I said still reading. He laughed. “What’s so funny?” I asked him. He moved a little closer. “It’s just; you don’t seem like a Synyster. The real Synyster Gates is a total rocker and you’re the complete opposite.” He said laughing.

“Tell that to my parents.” I said uninterested. A breeze came by and I shivered. Next thing I know Valence’s arms were around me making me warm. Once again I felt my face flush. “You should change your name.” He said looking around the garden. “Maybe Rose?” He said picking up a rose. “Rose.” I said to myself. “I like it. One question though. Why Rose?” I asked. “Because every time I come around you always get this embarrassed look on your face. Your cheeks turn rose pink every time.” He stated handing me the rose.
I smiled and blushed. “And she shall be named Rose.” He said getting up and kissing my hand like a gentleman. And I always thought be embarrassed was a bad thing. How wrong was I? I sat there laughing. “Hey Vince wait up.” I called to him feeling a little less embarrassed to be by him.
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