Hearts and Music Notes

Chapter Seven: Honestly

"Bry..." I whisper, his face all I could see. We were alone in a park, lying down on the grass, staring up at the stars. He smiled at me and cupped my chin, bringing my lips to his, the kiss sweet was soft and familiar, yet so new. I loved it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me on top of him in a non-suggestive way. My fingertips found his brown-blonde hair, willing him to understand me–Don't let go.
And then I woke up in orchestra class, my fingers pressing down on the keys of the piano loudly. I flushed and pulled my hand away, looking down at my lap to ignore the laughing stares, all kind, just humored. I met Mason's eyes as he pushed himself from leaning on his desk and opened his mouth to speak, but then Bryan slid onto the piano bench and slid his arms around me, warm and so comfortable.
"Are you okay?" he whispered, his forehead resting on mine, concern filling his honey brown eyes. "You've been sort of spacey all day."
My eyes flickered to Mason, who bared his teeth, then looked away, but the magnetism of Bryan pulled me in. "I'm fine, just thinking about you..."
He smiled and placed a quick kiss on my forehead before returning to the other strings. I practiced my accompaniment music and the solo piece I was lucky enough to receive. I licked my lips and concentrated on the music, striving to push Bryan out of my head for the importance of music. When the bell rang, I flexed my fingers and slung my bag over my shoulder, ready to follow Bryan out.
"Symphony, would you wait for a minute?" Mason called. I looked up at him, but instead of him looking at me, he was looking at Bryan, whom didn't seem so happy.
"Yeah, sure..."
Bryan gathered me in his arms and left a sweet kiss on my lips before stroking my cheek. "I'll see you at the car after school," he whispered and glanced at Mason once more before heading to his next class.
I licked my lips, blushing in satisfaction, and looked up at Mason who did not seem happy at all. His handsome brow was creased in frustration, but for what, I did not understand.
"I see you and Bryan are getting closer," he grumbled, flipping through a music book. "Are things well?"
"Lovely," I uttered in embarrassment, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
His eyes seemed to darken as he looked up at me through his lashes, which were quite long and pretty. I swallowed and averted my eyes, feeling oddly self-conscious. Did I perform badly today? Did Bry and I get in trouble for a tad bit of public display of affection? A quick kiss and a lingering touch? I could feel Bryan's fingertips brushing against the length of my arm, a comfortable ghost.
Mason stood up, placing his hands in his pockets, and moved closer to me, invading my personal bubble. "I'm asking because I worry," he whispers, placing a hand onto my shoulder. "I've heard countless rumors about Mr. Clipperman and I don't want your darling little heart getting broken." Did he lean in closer? I could feel his minty breath brush over my cheek. "Remember what I've said about cooperation within this family? I can't have two talented members fighting, now can I?"
I swallowed and bit my lip, wanting to back away and leave, but unable.
"You're quite lovely when you bite that pretty little lip of yours," he whispered in my ear and then backed away. He handed me a slip of paper and sat at the piano, not even glancing at me. "Hurry on to class, Ms. Acer."
And hurry I did, despite my wobbly knees.
* * *
I've heard countless rumors about Mr. Clipperman and I don't want your darling little heart broken...
I can't help but dwell on what Mason had said. I had seen girls and guys alike whispering about Bry and I, even heard snippets of things that I couldn't truly piece together, but I had never let it bother me. Hearing these things from a teacher of all people, made me nervous. What if these rumors were true? What if there was something I had ought to know before I got in too deep?
And if they truly were as frightening as they seemed, would I be able to turn way? Or was I already in too deep?
He looked up from my shoulder with his dark, smoldering eyes and I wanted to shrink away. He was too adorable, how could I bring something like this up? "What is it, beautiful?" He reached up and brushed his thumb over my bottom lip, causing blood to rush to my cheeks. "You're so cute, Simmy."
I swallowed and took his hand in mine, entwining our fingers so that he couldn't distract me that way. His eyes, however, I could do nothing about. He stared into my very soul with those eyes as he sat up and pressed his lips to mine, lacing the fingers of his free hand in my hair. Easily, he tilts me back onto the couch of his music room, his lips moving against mine in a way that should be entirely illegal.
But then I sit up, pushing him away and curling into myself. I could not let him distract me.
"What do I have to know about you?"
And it looked as if a storm fell upon his handsome face.
He looked away and clenched his hands into fists. "I did tell you to ask if you needed reassurance, didn't I? That was stupid...
"What I'm about to tell you, Symphony, please listen to me without interruption and please, do not judge me. I'm the same Bryan, the same boy that is mad for you and only you, alright?" I nodded in response, feeling like I had no choice when faced against his entrancing eyes. He took my hands within his and kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, and my nose.
“During my freshman year, I had a legacy to fulfill. My brother was in his senior year and my sister in her junior. They were both so popular and good-looking. I always felt like the ugly duckling of the family, but everyone expected the same out of me as they did them. Be popular, don’t care, and hook up with plenty of girls all of the time. So I did.
“I hooked up with girls at parties that I really didn’t want to go to and dated girls that didn’t even know anything about me. They were pretty and willing, so I asked them and they always said yes. It gave me kick for a little while, but it got boring. All of the ‘acceptable’ girls were boring and anything less would damage my reputation.
“I’ve done things that I’m not proud of until this year. And I didn’t just think ‘okay, I’m going to stop acting this way’ at the beginning of the year. I had planned on going on the way I was, and then I heard you play in Orchestra class. I watched you sit at that piano as if it was second nature and you let your fingers dance over the keyboard as if it were nothing. I was amazed. You were so beautiful; I think I had a crush on you right then. And then I ran into you and I poured that stupid drink on you that same day!” He laughed and I smiled. I was mortified when the icy strawberry slush doused me, but now I’m grateful. This is how it all started.
“The first conversation I ever had with you, the first time I looked you in your eyes, I knew I had to stop my behavior, if maybe I could get a date with you. That’s all I wanted, at least one date. And then my dog helped me out and here we are.” He swept his hand over us both and I felt my cheeks warm up. “C’mere…”
Bryan opened his arms and I climbed up on his lap, making myself comfortable, and placed my head in the crook of his neck. “I care about you so much, Symphony, and I would never do anything to jeopardize the best relationship I’ve ever had. Do you believe me?”
I brought my lips to his in response. There was never anything to worry about.