Status: active

The Uprising: Survival, Death, and Love

The Beginning of It All- 001

Come on! We have to hurry!!!" I yelled over to Keith, as we ran away from the Doctors.

We continued to run, and run, until we thought it was safe.

We thought.

"Ah!" Keith yelled and I turned to him. There was an arrow sticking out of his right shoulder blade. Crap, he could have a busted lung.

"Shit!!!" I said and saw that the Doctors were gaining on us. The Doctors are the people or scientists that manipulate parents into sending their children to the facilities and try to make them into super beings or something.

"Get up!!" I said to him as he struggled to get up.

"Don't give up on me now, Keith. We escaped, and one thing for sure is that I'm not going back there. Which means you are if you don't get up!" I told him as I wrapped my arm from his left side around his waist and slung his arm around my shoulders. I propped his weight against me and leaned to the opposite side a bit, and took off.

I was always a fast runner, due to my lack of weight, long legs, flexibility, and lean muscle, I was able to get away pretty quickly.

"Can you sense water nearby?" I asked him. Since I was Earth and Fire, I couldn't but since he was Air and Water, he could.

"There's a waterfall and a pond just a few miles away from here." he said weakly as we lost the Doctors and their dogs that they used to track us.

"I'm going to fly over there, it's getting dark out and there isn't a moon out, so they won't see me." I said to him and he nodded quickly, closing his eyes.

"Don't fall asleep! I swear I will slap you if you do!" I hissed and let loose my wings, not caring if I ripped my jacket. Yes, I said wings, Keith and I were born with them while the Doctors surgically implanted wings into everyone in that dreaded facility, besides themselves of course.

I had pure black wings that had a few blood red feathers spread out here and there. Along with a few white ones too. The best part was that my wings glistened in the moonlight. Not glittery, but when the moonlight hit my wings just right, it was pretty spectacular.

I flew in the direction he pointed me in, and landed. When my feet touched the ground, the moon escaped from the cover of the clouds and revealed it's silvery white self.

I carried Keith to the pond and took off his shirt carefully. I have a huge crush on him and I got a weird feeling when I was undressing him. When I took off his shirt and undershirt, I cleaned the wound. Since we were supposedly Yin and Yang, we could share powers but only for a little while.

"OK, breathe in and out while I snap the arrow and take it out. I don't want you to scream." The last part was a lie, I just didn't want ot see him in pain.

I swiftly snapped the arrow head part off and pulled the rest from behind. When I turned to look at him, his lip was bleeding. I guess he bit his lip to hide the pain, we're more alike than I thought.
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hey this is my first chapter in this story, i made it up a few days ago but i didn't know if I should've posted it or not. But here it is!!! Please tell me if you like it so far, or if I should add more. My first version was longer, but it got erased. Sorry. XD