Letters To Sasuke Part 1

Dear Beloved Elder Brother...(Insert sarcasm here)

Sasuke recieved the letter and killed the messenger luckily it had not been Arai delivering mail that day. Rather they got another shinobi that served as a back up messenger to deliver the letter because Hidan had suggested Arai go with him and Kakuzu on a mission so that he may "woo" her once more or attempt to. Getting back to Sasuke. He eyed the letter suspiciously with the coal black eyes of his and checked if it had poison in it. Seeing and making sure it had not he took it from the dead messenger who also reminded the younger Uchiha of Kabuto. Shivering he made handsigns and torched the corpse. That's no skin off his nose, he probably did the world a favor by ridding it of such an ugly copy-cat or possible twin of Kabuto. He made his way back in to the depths of Orochimaru's layer that was located very far eastward and then made his way in to his room and shut and locked the door.

"I think my elder brother is on drugs."

He slammed his fists on to the desk after reading the rest of the letter. Itachi sure had sparked his temper and Sasuke made a note to strangle Itachi next time they met in person face to face. He pulled out his own ink bottle, pen, and paper and began to write his own letter.

To an overly pompous wannabe bad-boy.

HOW.IN.THE.HELL.DID.YOUR.UGLY.TWIN.OF.KABUTO.MESSENGER.FIND.ME?!?!??! Ugh, how dare you send such a waste of life to deliver your mail. That was revolting...and he's not coming back I did the world a favor and torched him. How dare you try to say it's my fault mother's lost so much weight?! You idiot she's DEAD you killed her she's bone now. I would never even think about moving in with you and the circus you're apart of. Orochimaru does try and get fresh but each time I shove either Kabuto or an experiment his way therefore he never gets to me. My fashion sense is just fine leave the purple belts alone. Don't knock em' until you try 'em. And you call me weak, you and that teddy bear?! Kami, why do you still have it again? Ah, wait that's because you still suck your thumb at night and cry for mommy like you did back then. Are your bedsheets staying dry at that? I do recall our parents telling me you had a bladder control problem. You were so sensitive, I bet you still are now. At that I now will send this back to you in hopes you never contact me again because if you do I will find and kill you along with the messenger that delivers next time.

Sincerly hating you with every fiber of my being,

Uchiha, Sasuke.