Status: writing, but the ideas are coming slow

When Will My Hot Prince Come and Save Me From My Hellhole?

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

[Clayton’s Point of View]

Where the hell is SHE!!!

Taylor and I have looked everywhere!

"Where the hell did they go!? I swear if he lays one finger on her, I’ll kick his ass!" Taylor yelled angrily.

"I’ll gladly help, but honestly I have no idea where they went. Heck they might not even be, they might still be in the human world."

"Ugh, my legs are killing me from all the walking. I need to sit. Now." Taylor exclaimed.

"Well we could get a drink at the Crimson club right down the street from here." I said.

"I don’t care were go, I just need to sit!"

"Ok, well then let’s go." I said intertwining her hand with mine.

[Ady’s Point of View]

I sipped my coke slowly. Glancing at the dance floor, and the general direction Zane had gone almost 20 minutes ago.

Where the hell did he go?

I’m pretty sure he didn’t go to the bathroom. Because well, who takes 20 minutes in the bathroom? Well unless he…

Okay, bad thoughts, baaaddd Ady.

Dammit, I really think I need some air, right now.

I placed my coke back on the table and made my way out the front entrance. Sighing, I closed my eyes in contentment as I breathed in a big gulp of the cool night air.

"What, you missed me so much you had to come outside and look for me. Well I'm flattered." I opened my eyes to see Zane standing right in front of me. A pleased smirk hanging on his lips.

"Psh, in your dreams. And for your information I came outside for some air...AND because someone left me ALONE at a table in a random club full of blood sucking vampires." I said frustrated.

Well, I apologize, for taking so long. It just took a little longer than expected to make sure they fully understood my...request." he said with a amused smile. Taking a piece of my hair and twirling it around his finger.

I quirked my eyebrow. "I'm sure you didn't have to say much, seeing as your a prince."

"Well you would think it would be that easy. Seeing as I'm the hottest guy alive. But its not, unlike Drake, who everybody seems to love and adore. I mean come on people, just look at this face, it just screams sexy!" Zane exclaimed.

"Hey, what does Drake have to do with this?" I replied confused.

"Let me guess, he left out the part where he's the next inline to be King. No wait, he IS king now."

"WHAT!!!" I screamed. Making people all around us give us questioning stares.

Zane grabbed my arm, and pulled me into his chest, all the while saying "shhhh, calm down, your making a scene." he started rubbing his hand in soothing circles on my lower back.

"Ady?! Oh MY GOD!! Ady. We found you!!" I heard somebody scream.

Just as I pulled my head off of Zane’s shoulder, someone yanked me out of Zane’s arms into a tight bear hug. It took me a couple of seconds to realize it was Taylor. Wtf?! How’d the hell did she get into the Vampire realm?

[Clayton's Point of View]

"Ady! Oh my god, I’m so glad you’re safe. Zane didn’t hurt you did he? Cause if he did I’ll beat the shit outta him!" Taylor shouted.

I laughed. That’s Taylor for you. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and speed dialled Drake.

"Hey, Clay did you find her. Please say you did, pleases because I-"

"Calm down man. We found her she's safe." I said calmly, trying to stop Drake from freaking out.

"Thank god. I was on the verge of a mental break down. Where is she?"

"We're right outside of the Crimson club-"

"I'll be there in 2 minutes. Bye-" Drake replied curtly. Leaving me to just hear the dial tone.

[Ady's Point of View]

Only one thing was processing through my mind. Not the fact that Taylor and Clayton were here, but that Drake didn't tell me the most important secret there could be. I mean sure if he liked dressing up as a woman, I would keep that to myself, but being the fricken so to be KING of all VAMPIRES, is not something you can just shrug off. I pushed myself out of Taylor's embrace and walked back into Zane's arms. Instantly feeling better as he cooed sweet nothings in my ear.

"Ady. What's wrong?" Taylor asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Everything." I mumbled into Zane's shoulder.

"What she means, is the fact that Drake hasn't told her about being a half vampire, and that he's king now. You know just the basics." Zane said nonchalantly.

"Well he had good reasons to." I heard Clayton say.

"Oh ya, and what would that be?" I said coldly.

"Well, for one, you just went through so much. What with your dad being killed, and you losing your memory.”

“He still should have told me. And where is he anyway?”

“He’s on his way. He should be here any minute.”

“Well, tell him he was too late, because Ady and I have places to go and people to see.” Zane said, leading me toward the parked limo just up the street.

“Oh ,no you don’t.” Clayton said jumping in front of us. “ You’re not going anywhere with Ady. You’ve already caused us enough grief what with you kidnapping Ady and bring her to a club. Like seriously Zane! Can you be anymore insane?”

"Oh ya, you’re just mad that I made you cut your date short. To come and find Ady." Zane sneered.

Clayton growled. “You left her in a vampire club, ALONE with hundreds of blood thirsty vampires!" Clayton shouted angrily.

"Its not like I left her there for that long. It was like 20 minutes tops. And plus she has nothing to fear, because she is part vampire, now. And we all know who’s fault that is.”
♠ ♠ ♠
ya I know its been, what 8 months since I last updated . ( I know I'm really srry)

But I just lost passion for writing this story. But I finally grasped the start-up idea I need to continue.

And I hope to finish this story soon, and also continue A Vampire Always Get's What He Wants.