Autumn Falls

The Beginning

Orange and reddish leaves danced around the worn dirt trail. The wind continuously picked them up and tossed them back down, only with the slightest sound of lips being pressed against another. My skin was cool and the hint of magic, mystery, excitment, and curiousity ran through my veins.
I looked over at Selena. Her ebony black hair dangled a little below her shoulder and swayed rhythmically as she walked. Selena looked like she was zoned out into her own world and kept a straight, poised face, but still had a friendly figure. Her carmel skin and slender but fit body was easily noticed by anyone, too bad she never really gets too close to people.
Selena has always been independent and knew whatever she wanted done had to be done by herself. When her dad left her and her mom, she then adapted the "never rely on anyone" instinct. On the inside, she was quick-witted and tried like hell not to let anyone see her break down, but thankfully that was rarely the case.
We turned the corner and started walking through the backyards of old, tree-infested houses that were all but full of life. The grass was high and the creek that flowed behind it all was hardly countenanced, we only knew it was there because we'd been through the abandoned jungle so many times. The wind suddenly took a turn in its path and became stronger. Selena moved closer to me hoping to fight off some of the crisp wind. She was only my friend of course, and it'd been that way since as far as I could remember, fending for each other was a normal, daily routine.
We came in through the basement door as quietly as possible, but that all ended when the wind slammed the door well shut. I froze, closed my eyes, and inhaled silently while expecting to hear my name being slaughtered in an unappealing tone. I turned around to see Selena mouthing the word "fail." I grinned and shrugged apologetically.
"Jawsh!" screamed my dad. It was so loud and cruel it made me wince. I jogged up at the last step of the stairs knowing he was impatient.
"Don't just stand there, get up here!" he spat once more. I looked back at Selena and gave her an assuring nod. My dad didnt see she was there, so he just thought I was crazy when I nodded. I ran up the stairs skipping every other step until I met him.
"Who said you could leave?" he asked violently.
"Y-you did," I replied studdering.
"Don't lie to my face!" Those words gave it away. He was drunk. I didn't say anything else, it wouldn't matter anyway. I swallowed and it hurt to look him in the eye and see all his regret, but it had always been there.
He grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the stairs. I didnt try to resist it, I loved my dad as much as he regretted me. He raised his gnarled hand and with one immense strike I fell to the floor. I layed there until he stormed off, and less than fifteen seconds Selena was helping me to my feet.
" Urg, I really don't like your dad."
" I know, but it'll all be over by morning."
" That's what you always say Jawsh, he's never been a father to you. Name one thing you've ever done to him, but I could name a million he's done to you."
At that point I had to bite my tongue. I knew she was right. When we got back down to the basement I grabbed my iPod and stretched out on the day bed. ( A bed directly under the window, kind of like a window seat ) The window was cold and would've fogged up of you glazed warm breath over it, of course I would be the kind to do so, but I wasn't feeling up to it.