This Is What We Call a Tragedy...


The silence that had, so far, lasted a half an hour as we pulled up to the hotel was driving me insane. I kept looking over at him, as if urging him to say something, anything.. Just break the deafening silence... But he kept his glance straight ahead, on the road.

"Frank," I said, deciding that I needed to speak first. "I didn't mean to worry you..."

He'd pulled up along side a car so he could back up and parallel park in front of the hotel. "No," he said softly, "don't worry... I think, you're right..."

"Really?" I asked, in a bit of disbelieve and shock.

Before he could answer someone slammed into the passenger side window, causing Frank and I to jump, "Fuck! Frank, go!" I yelled realizing it was a smirking Gerard.

Frank peeled out onto the road so fast, I thought for sure we were going to get hit by a car. "Where the hell are we going to go?" Frank asked seemingly panicked.

"Uh..." I said, trying to think of somewhere, but failing to do so. "Do you have Becks' or Steve's cell phone number?"

"Yeah," he said checking his rearview for any sign of Gerard as we headed for a highway. The SUV was behind us still, but now we were caught at a redlight, and really, not that far from the hotel... Frank handed me his phone as he gripped the stearing wheel tightly, his knuckles turning white, "Come on..." he mumbled, still checking for anyone that maybe running up to the car as we waiting for the redlight to turn.

I found Becks' number and hit send about five times before I was certain it was calling her. She answered rather quickly. "That was unexpected," she said of Gerard.

"Where do we go?" I asked, "What do we do?"

"Get on the freeway, head towards... shit... head towards Montreal, but tell Frank to fucking go, now, fuck the light... We have company..." she said frantically and I could see her looking around.

"Frank go," I said, spotting them about twenty yards behind us. "They're coming..."

Frank seemed to consider waiting another moment, before realizing just how close they were, "Hold on," he instructed me, as he quickly looked for any sign of a cop before flooring it across the intersection, narrowly missing the oncoming traffic as he did so. He then started driving allies and back roads before we finally found the highway..

My heart was pounding as I slunk into my chair, biting my lower lip to keep from crying. This was ridiculous... I succeeded in not crying though, which pleased me in a way... I mean, at least I was keeping a brave facade, if only for Frank.

He pulled over before getting on the highway and turned towards me. Fuck, I should know by now, he knows me better than I know myself, and he can see right through my masks. "It's going to be okay," he whispered, wrapping his arms around me. "We're going to get through this," he promised, "and everything will start getting back to normal..."

"We were never normal," I said with a crackly voice, just about ready to break down as he held me.

Franky laughed, "Yeah, no shit..." That made me giggle for a moment, until he tenderly places his lips on mine, "I promise that we with both get through this... Not just one of us..."

I nodded and hugged him, kissing his cheek as I ran a hand through his hair softly. "Thanks Franky," I said, my chin resting on the crook of his shoulder. I felt him shiver slightly as my breath hit his neck.

He blushed slightly as I pulled back to give him a quizzical look, "Careful.." was all he said, and I smiled slightly as he took my hand and pulled onto the highway..