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The Beginning of the End

You Should Have Listened

I've been in Belleville for a little bit of time. The conclusion I had? I. Hated. The. Shit. Hole. I hadn't made any friends! How sad is that? Usually, it's easy for me to make friends with others but it's so different here. I guess I was used to someone knowing me before I even introduced myself or vice versa. Another problem was the fact that every time I would try to say hello to someone, they would look at me oddly before walking away. What the hell? Did I smell bad or something?

The worst of my troubles wasn't being able to get any friends. The worst was mystery guy stalking me. For maybe the fifteenth time this period, I looked behind my shoulder to see him glance at me before going back to talking to the guy next to him or looking down at his book. I shook my head. This was starting to get so creepy.

Why was Chemistry so boring? We're supposed to solve equations and work with chemicals here! I hated being a sophomore in a junior class. Actually, that's how all my classes happened to be. The only classes I could take with other sophomores were Gym, Reading and Math Skills, and Music Appreciation. Three classes out of a possible nine, including Lunch. I asked the secretary to change my schedule so I'd have all classes with juniors. It's easier this way. Belleville High was a year behind what I learned in West Plainfield. It bothered me but it's better for me anyways. I can be viewed as smart, graduate earlier, and get out of here.

Looking at the teacher who was sitting at his desk, I found he was reading a book. I opened my notebook and stated doodling. I was having fun with it until the bell rang, notifying me that I had to endure one more period before I could go home. I walked out of Chemistry and then headed to my left.

I noticed mystery guy following me. I ran to the perpendicular intersection and waited for him to walk by, confused that he didn't see me. I grabbed his arm roughly. "What's your name?"


"I'm Lillian." I smiled before dropping my grip on his arm and then tightened my jaw. "Why are you following me!"

He put his hands up in surrender. It wouldn't kill him to raise the white flag either. "I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get hurt by that guy like you almost did."

"Thanks for looking out for me but leave me alone! I'll be fine." I left him there and walked away to American Literature. Gerard is really weird and a stalker. Like that Jeff kid is going to do anything. Come on. Nah, he wouldn't.

The final bell finally rang and I was home free! I grabbed the books I needed for homework, stuffed them into my bag and walked towards the main doors. I never saw the sweet daylight as hands covered my eyes and I felt a blow to my stomach.

I groaned and dropped to the floor. I felt hard concrete. Oh, this can't be good. I raised my head to see Jeff. He had an animalistic smile on his face. I was truly terrified.

He pulled me up, by my shirt, and threw me backwards. The skin on my arms broke and I felt the blood beginning to trickle down.

People crowded around us yelling, "Fight! Fight!" Seriously?! A boy is attacking a girl and no one's going to help?! That's how fucked up Belleville is?

"Hey people! Who wants me to beat up the loud mouth?" Jeff screamed to the crowd, making them rowdier. They roared in agreement.

Oh crap. I felt the next blows to my stomach again. He repeatedly punched at my ribs without any avail. I tried crawling away from him and even trying to fight back but he was far stronger than me. It seemed like decades before he stopped and stooped down to my level. "Next time you want to insult me, think about this," he whispered angelically before punching me in the face.
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