Status: Working Progress....

Maybe He Wasn't Such a Bad Father, He Left Me a Great Brother

Blast from the Past

I was born in January 15,1903. On my 14th birthday I was told why my father only came to visit 2 times a week. Months before I was born my dad had an affair with a lady of the night, Mary Claire Smith, my mother. Short after finding out she was carrying me; she ran to him. He had been her first and only client she had slept with, he had taken her "gift", she was 21. I scowled at the faint human memory, it meant nothing now that I was to stay 15 forever; living off of innocent human blood, only to sulk for killing a person that had done nothing to me. But it was either that or go on a blood lust, and that was not an option.

Japan was pretty at night it's a real shame that I'll be leaving to night, but it's almost that time of the year again. Every year around my birthday I went to the US to visit my mother's grave. Up until recently I had put flowers on my dad's grave too, but it was too painful to remember. As I boarded the airplane I remembered the last day of my human life - my 15th birthday.

I was running an errand for my mother and I had come across my friend at the time. I had gotten side-tracked and walked off with her, talking about the boy she had a crush on. I didn't know the boy, all I knew was that he had bronze hair, and green eyes. I had never seen the boy, either, that is until my friend stopped me. She extended he arm in front of me, making me fall backwards. I looked up when I heard her squeal. She took my arm and pulled me up never taking her eyes off what was in front of her.

"That's HIM! He's with his family! Over there, LOOK!" she whispered.

I looked up at where she pointed and that's when I saw him, my father. My eyes widened in surprise. If my father was here without my mother that meant he was here with his actual family. I was soon proven right when a bronzed haired woman came to stand beside him, a smile in both their faces. They were looking the other way so they could not see me, but they were staring at something, no, someONE. That's when I saw the boy. He was tall, with bronze hair and piercing green eyes. I gasped, realizing that the guy whom my friend had been crushing on for so long was ... my half brother. Tears welled up in my blue eyes and I realized myself from my friend's grasp. I ran the opposite direction, not caring where I was going, just wanting to get away from them all.

I must've run pretty far, because when I stopped I had no idea where I was. I looked at the scenery around me and realized I was in an alley way, a dark one, somewhere where little girls should never go. Besides it being dark, it was cold, and scary looking, made me feel very uncomfortable. I was starting to back up when I ran into something cold and rock hard. I quickly turned around to meet too blood red eyes, staring at me, like a lion would it's prey. Those eyes cut through me like a knife, I was about to run when two hands grabbed me and pinned me up against a damp, cold wall. These hands were too strong, I couldn't move without further hurting myself. I couldn't get away, I was trapped. The thought of screaming occurred to me a little too late, for when I opened my mouth to inhale...the creature put a hand over my mouth, covering any possible chance I had at surviving. Tears streamed down my cheeks with fear, I trembled as if it was snowing outside. Then just when I thought things couldn't get any worse the creature jerked my head to side to expose my neck. I kicked and punched to no avail, all I did was further injure myself. 'What is going on?!' I remember thinking after that...all I remember was pain. It started out only in my neck, then it spread out through out my whole body. I felt as if I was on fire, every single cell in fragile figure burning to the point where I begged for death to take me away. Of course at the time I didn't know it was the venom spreading, all I knew was that I was in pain and I wanted it to stop. After 3 days of nothing but agonizing pain, it subsited. I remember after it was gone was a sensation at the back of my throat, as if I hadn't had water is days. Which of course I hadn't, but once a walking bystander passed by, I knew water wasn't going to sooth the burning sensation, so I attacked. And at that moment I knew I was like that creature that had attacked me.

I was snapped back to the present when the voice of the captain said we would be arriving to our destination soon. I looked out the window and realized that the sun would be coming up soon. I got a bit nervous as the plain slowly landed and I wasted no time getting off. All I had brought were carry-ons seeing as I wouldn't be staying long. I ran out of the airport, at inhuman speed, to the nearest hotel. Obviously nobody noticed, so when I got there I checked in my room, closed all the blinds in the room so that the sun wouldn't get in, and laid in bed until 7pm. When I thought it was dark, and safe, enough I went outside, looked around, and my mouth watered. All I could think of was them. The humans. I frowned, and looked again. Though certainly mouth watering it didn't necessarily called to me. I was staying at a hotel in Orofino, Idaho, so that meant I had to "hunt" in another state.

I looked in some places in Oregon but found nothing that appealed to me, that is until I got to Washington. I looked around -more like sniffed- in Port Angeles trying to see if I could catch something. I was in a dark alley when I smelled her. I had to make myself think properly because the scent was so strong.....and good. It was sweet, super sweet. It made me think of a kid munching away on chocolate, or a stoner, feeling bliss smoking his pot.

I melted easily into the shadows and walked close to her, but not close enough that she would notice me. She had long brown hair, pale skin -surely if she didn't smell so good I would've thought she was one of us-, tall - then again I was going to be 15 forever so everybody was tall to me-, and (by the way she walked) she seemed clumsy, fragile even, she was probably worst off than a normal human. As for he facial features I didn't see because she had her back turned to me.

When she was close to a store she turned left in to a dark alley (really, was she lost? What a silly human!). As I was about to turn to the dark alley I was tackled to the ground. When I looked up to look at my attacked I heard a growl and realized that the person who had tackled me was, in fact, one of my kind. I growled back at him, enraged by the fact that he was interrupting my dinner. Was he after her too, and that's why he was attacking me? I felt his grip tighten and that's when I noticed that he had me pinned down, by my wrist and ankles. I shifted and when one of me feet was free I kicked his chest, which sent him flying, soon after hitting a wall behind him. I wasted no time. I stood up and pinned him against the wall. He snarled and I grinned. But the grin didn't last long, because the light of the street hit his face. This face that I hadn't seen since that unfaithful day. It was just as I remembered it in my faint human memories. His features now more beautiful than I remembered. All that was different were his eyes, they glowed a nice color of gold, but his hair, his hair was the same bronze color I remembered. That was something I had left (I had thought) in the past. I gasped and my grip loosened.

He took no time in spinning us around so that I was the one pinned once more. This time I didn't growled back when he did, I just stood there...staring at him. I blinked a couple of times and as he opened his mouth -to say something I guess- we heard a scream, his eyes widened and he let go of me. I fell to my knees forgetting everything (even my hunger) all but that beautiful face that I had just seen.

"It's you," I whispered to the silent night, "you're alive."
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OMG I finally got this on here -_-" Its probably gonna take forever to load the next chapter.....please be on my butt about it so that I remember? Anyways, please tell me what you think of it :D