Bloody Moon. Stupid Vampires!

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Nate and Kate were already there sitting at their computers. I skipped happily to the seat beside Nate, Kate on his other side.

“What’s up guys?” I asked casually.

“The sky what else Einstein.” Kate said jokingly.

I laughed she was such a dork. Nate just rolled his eyes at our stupidity. I punched Nate playfully and he just scowled.

“Aw Nate down be such a wuss.” I said sarcastically.

He stuck his tongue out at me.

Then the bell rang.

Ms. Surewood, stood up and turned the overhead projector on showing a criteria sheet. Then there was knock at the door to reveal none other than Kayden. I scowled.

Kayden looked around the class till he saw me then he smiled and started making his way over to the seat next to me. He dropped his stuff beside him and sat down.

“Hey, I’m Kayden and you are.” he said putting his hand out for me to shake.

I looked at his hand and replied. “ Nice to meet you Kayden I’m Natalie.”

He smiled.

I turned my head back to the direction of the projector to hear Ms. Surewood start explaining the new research project.

“Ok everyone you will have to do research on a car company. You will work in assigned pairs and take notes and produce a power point on your topic. Ok now, each row has 4 people in it so everyone pair up with the person beside you. Damn I’m with Kayden.

Kayden smiled at me. I returned the smile trying to be polite.

“Ok what do you wanna do our project on?” I asked curiously.

He shrugged.


“How about BMW?” I asked.

“That sounds cool.” he said.

“So, I hear your from France.” I said casually trying to start a conversation, because I hate awkward silences.

“Ya, I’ve been there since I was five.”

“Then how come you don’t have an accent?” I said curiously.

It looked like he was trying to come up with an excuse. That’s weird.

“Well I didn’t really learn much French so I never got an accent.” he shrugged.

I stared at him suspiciously, but I dropped it.

“So, what’s your favourite band?” he asked casually.

“I love All Time Low, Forever The Sickest Kids, Marianas Trench, Faber Drive, and many others.” I said smiling.

“Cool those are really good bands, I like them too.” he said.

That was how we spent the rest of the class, talking about random stuff.

He really wasn’t that bad.

Then the bell rang signalling lunch. I quickly packed up my stuff and followed Kate and Nate out the door.

We quickly grabbed our lunches from the cafeteria and sat at our usually spot at a table in the far corner. I threw my stuff on the ground and plopped down onto the chair.

Kate sat beside while Nate sat across from us. I saw Kayden walk in he was smiling and waved to me. I gave a small wave back, he started to make his way over when he was surrounded by the popular crowd. Practically every slut in school was throwing themselves at him.

I shrugged.

It was expected. A guy looking as good as he is belonged in the popular group.

[ Kayden’s Point Of View ]

I walked through the cafeteria doors, searching the tables for Natalie. She was different from other girls, she was nice, and didn’t fling herself at every guy.

I finally saw her sitting at a table in the far corner, she was looking at me too. I smiled and started making my way over to her table when I was circled by a group of slutty girls and good looking guys. I guess this was the popular table.

“ I guess you must be Kayden the new kid from France.” one girl said, who seemed to be the sluttest of them all. She was wearing a dress that really looked like a long shirt, it was very revealing. I shuddered.

She seemed to think it was a sign indicating to drape herself over me.

“Here come sit with us.” she squealed excitingly.

I just ignored her and kept looking at Natalie.

She was exactly, what I was looking for.
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Hey guys this my second story, and I will try my best to update but I won't probably until I finish my other story unless you guys really want me to.

enjoy :)