Status: finished

Life's a climb

waking up

Why does it have to rain? I groaned to myself. My dress will be ruined. I pulled the hood over my perfect straight hair and ran to my car. “Gah!” I exclaimed as the door made contact with my knee on the way in to my car. I scrambled in and threw my raincoat on the back seat. Before I started the engine I checked myself in the car mirror. My make-up was pristine and my hair was just over the over the line of bad hair.
I smacked my lips together and the sparkly lip gloss glistened.
Driving down the long deserted road took more time than usual. The rain was pelting off the front windscreen and my windscreen wipers couldn’t move that fast. It was hard to see what was going on around me, but after a long drive I pulled into the school car park to find my brother David ready and waiting. I went to pull into what looked like the last space and someone else was already reversing into it. Not on my watch. I pressed hard on the accelerator and sped, just in time, nicely in to the spot. The driver was shouting and cursing but I just laughed and whispered; too slow.
I stepped out of my shiny new Vauxhall and David had put his umbrella above my head.
“Thanks” I said and started walking.
David looked as thought he had trouble keeping up. His head in the clouds, as always.
“Well speak” I told him, getting annoyed with the silence.
“Sorry Holly. Good morning Holly.” He spoke loud enough for only me to hear him.
“A ‘good morning’ is it? It’s absolutely chucking it down. Don’t be silly David. ”
“Sorry Holly. That was stupid of me to suggest it.” he replied, apparently in a daze. He was staring over at this girl at the entrance doors. She was in his year and also on the cheerleading squad. Her name was Abbie; she was a sweet girl. In my opinion, she was to nice. As we walked through the doors, Abbie smiled at David and he attempted to smile back. It kind of came out in a grimace. Then he blushed furiously as he almost walked into the door. What on earth was he doing looking at her. He’s not a popular. I think he’s asking for the death sentence.
Once at my locker I glanced around as usual to find all my girls walking towards me. Rachael in front. Then Lisa, Laura, Sam and Abbie behind. I greeted them and started a conversation about the weekend when Josh came walking around the corner.
“Heyy Josh” I said in a menacing tone.
He stopped, turned, looked at me and his face went green.
“Where’s my homework?” I asked moving towards him.
“It’s nearly finished” he stuttered going red.
Josh was the boy I have do my homework. He’s been doing it for 2 year and I always get good marks. It’s not that I can’t do the work. It’s just that I have better things to do. Then over the top of Josh’s head I saw this gorgeous boy walking my way. I pushed Josh to one side. Plumped my hair up. Smacked my lips then smiled my best smile. So this must Ben. The new student from England. He is so cute.
“Heyy Ben. Over here” I said smiling wider when he looked at me.
“Hello. How do you know my name” he asked curiously.
“I know A LOT of things. Would you like to have dinner with me today?” I asked putting on my puppy dog eyes.
“But we are in school” he said, a look of confusion flooding his face.
“So? We’ll ditch” I said as though t was obvious.
“No thanks.” Was all he said before turning around and striding towards the student office.
As I was walking to lunch after a long morning, I was huffing and puffing to myself. I am still annoyed with what happened before. As soon as he walked away, my friends turned around and started talking. Josh had disappeared so I couldn’t interrogate him further. And my Brother apologized before leaving for class. I want Ben. I will have him! I thought to myself. I sat down at our table and flicked my long chocolate colored hair behind me. I opened my made lunch to find the fruit salad juice had dripped over all my lunch. I sighed and got up to scrounge off first years.
By the time I returned with: a muffin, apple, flapjack, orange juice and a pot of raspberry yoghurt; the table had been occupied with all my friends.
I sat next to Sam as it was the only seat left. The boys Sean, James and Dan had all sat next to their girlfriends. Dan next to Laura. Sean next to Rachael. And James next to Lisa. Sam was Rachael’s little sister so we had to treat her kindly. She was too sweet and kind. I don’t like her much at all, But Rachael is head of our group so we can’t do anything to upset her. We follow her rules whole heartedly. But it’s never usually a problem, because she always makes the right decision. She is the reason we are so popular.
At the end of that day I rushed out of the school doors because I had seen Ben. I wanted to ask him why he turned me down.
“Ben!” I called.
He turned around and sighed when he seen who it was.
“Can I help you Holly?” he asked politely before leaning against the lamppost. He already had a good reputation here. He was an amazing football player and I found out by watching him when I was supposed to be in English. He already had lots of girls after him, lots of friends and was amazingly clever without being a nerd.
I smiled at him before continuing. “How do you know my name?”
“Your reputation around the school isn’t very good Holly. You’re a bright and clever girl in class but you should really do your own homework.”
Great. He’d made friends with Josh.
“Your really pretty as well Holly but you use it against people. And as for your brother. Can’t you tell he’s in love. Yet you stand there and still treat him like a slave. You take other people’s food because your own is ruined, even thought you have plenty of money with you to buy half the school their dinners. ”
“What do you mean my reputation isn’t good? Everyone loves me. I have tones of friends.” I gasped, taken aback.
“Holly. Listen. People invite you to their party’s because they know that if they don’t and you find out; you will make their high school lives a misery. Yes your popular I agree with that. But it’s for all the wrong reasons. You should treat people the way you would like to be treated.”
“Oh.” Was all I said before feeling the tears welling up and threatening to overspill.
“And as for friends. Does anyone in your group actually know you. Know anything about you. Or just the fake cover that your hiding behind.
I said nothing.
“I’m sorry Holly. I have to go” he said glancing at his watch
“See you later” he said and rushed off to his car.
♠ ♠ ♠
so this is just the beginning. please let me know your thoughts and if you want to read the bigger version which will have much more detail just let me know :)