Status: finished

Life's a climb

The climb

That night as I was driving home, I thought about the place my mum used to take me when I was young, the hillside behind my house. It was surrounded by trees and wildlife and usually the scorching sun. I can’t actually remember the last time I went there. So I pulled into my driveway and started the small hike up the hill.
I got to the top and looked for the seat I had my Dad put there. I saw that a boy was already lying there on his back. Face up to the sky.
I didn’t recognize him at first. But then as a few seconds had passed I noticed the colour of his hair and the tone of his skin.
“Ben!” I called. He turned towards me in fright.
“Holly” he gasped relieved.
“I didn’t know anyone else came up here” I admitted, walking towards him.
“I stumbled across it on a walk. It calms me. It helps me relax. Do you come here often? ” he asked sitting up.
“I used to” I said. My voice had went quiet.
He must have noticed my sudden mood change and came over to me. He placed his right hand on my shoulder and his left under my chin; lifting it up so I would face him.
I looked at him. Maybe for the first time. His lips were taught with worry and his brow line had creased with confusion. His jaw line was set and concerned as were his eyes. His eyes were the weirdest shade of green. They were, in some content… grey. They were like a calm storm, a safety net, open arms. But the more I stared into his eyes, the more I saw. So many things were hidden behind those eyes and so much was to reveal.
I hadn’t realized I was crying until he gasped and wiped away the tears. He pulled me close to his chest and started singing in my ear. And I stopped bubbling just to hear him. He looked up and smiled. Then he dragged me by the hand to the floor to lie on the freshly cut grass. We talked. A lot. I opened up and let it all out. And he listened. I listened back and realized that he had so much more to him than being popular. Then I stared out over the hill to the amazing view in front of us. He moved to sit behind me. His legs down next to mine and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned my head slowly to face him.
“you are so different to the girl I first met.” He said
“Because now I’m being me, for the first time since I was to young to care. Because with you, I don’t feel like I have to hide anything. I love talking to you.” I replied, a sense of pride in my heart.
“Ditto. I love listening. Your really interesting. I know now that you are so much more than just a pretty face.” He replied before kissing me on the lips.
I kissed him back. But unlike the other boyfriends I have had. None of them have been remotely special to me. But this kiss made my heart beat wildly, and then it melted when his hands went through my hair. When we pulled away we were grinning and holding hands. He kissed me on my head before I turned back around. I looked out at the view and smiled inside.
“Life is a climb” Ben whispered in my ear
“But the view is great” I grinned.
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i love this ending. i think they might be another short sequal. as well as the book version im working on. let me know. i need inspiration to carry on =)