Singing Sorrow

Singing Sorrow(1)

-January 14th, 1991-

"Hi," Little Chasity Parker said timidly to the four year old boy standing in front of her. It was her first night in the adoption agency, as it was his.
"Hi," Kevin Johnson repeated her tone of voice, just as shy as she was.
They were both scared of this place. Everybody there was so mean.
"I'm Kevin." He offered his tiny hand out.
"Chasity." She said in a small voice, shaking his hand softly.
Chasity's stoy wasn't a happy tale. Chasity's mother was abused, as she was as well. Her mother was beaten to death four nights ago and her father fled the state to get away from the police. He left poor little Chasity there, all alone, with nobody. After three days of not seeing the father return, Chasity's neighbor came over and found the poor toddler clutching a stuffed horse to her chest, crying silently for her mother. Mrs. Henry immediately called 911, seeing as Mr. Parker and left a few bruises and scratches on Chasity's delicate skin.
"This place is cold," Chasity noted, her voice shaking.
"Here," Kevin politely offered her his handmade blanket, which she took cautiously, still terrified of all males.
Kevin's story isn't as tragic, but still wasn't a story you would read to your child at bedtime.
Kevin's mother was only fourteen when she gave birth to Kevin. She wanted an abortion, but her family didn't have enough money. Her boyfriend left her once he found out about her pregnancy; she was forced to give birth at age fourteen. Kevin has been to fourteen different foster homes, until he was finally sent here.
Chasity's body was shaking as she laid in her small bed next to Kevin's.
"Wanna be friends?" Kevin asked.
Chasity smiled a small little grin for the first time in a while. "Yeah," She nodded slowly.
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This is kind of short. I'm only posting this on Mibba, so you're lucky! I hope this doesn't have grammar errors. Comments, dawgs.