Sequel: The Mustang Tamer
Status: FINISHED!!!

Ten Year Grudge

Chapter 12

When I'd made sure we were lost in the crowd in the grandstands, I turned to Ace with puzzlement and reluctantly released his hand.
"What was that?" I asked quietly.
"What was what?" he asked, looking back towards the track as the field for the race headed for home.
"Don't play dumb with me Ace. You-you stuck up for me." What I didn't want to admit was that no one had ever really stuck up for me. For one I hadn't gotten into a conflict in public that was big enough for someone to intervene. And two, whenever I'd started getting talked down to; whether it be at school or at a demo when someone didn't like the way I trained my horses, everyone had seemed to disappear. I found that I liked having someone to lean on.
After a moment Ace shrugged. "He didn't deserve to be talking to you like that. Hell, someone like him isn't worthy to kiss your boots."
I felt a flush creep up my neck. I wasn't used to compliments. And although I hated to admit it, a few weeks ago I would've said the same about Ace. And like a knight on a white charger, he'd come in to rescue me.
"I-I'm sorry." Another thing that didn't come easily to me was apologies.
"For what?" he asked, clearly puzzled.
"About the way I've been treating you."
He flashed me a grin. "Your smart-ass remarks and your sarcasm are all part of your charm, novia."
It was funny how I'd gotten used to that pet name, novia, meaning sweetheart in Spanish, yet I'd told Drake a few minuets ago to not call me that.
"Well...thanks for defending me, even if it was an odd way to do it." I gave him a questioning look.
He looked sheepish. "I have an idea of how badly he bruised your pride. I figured his ego could take a few punches."
"So could his face," I laughed, remembering the state we'd left him in.
Instead of laughing, he sobered. "I'm not normally a violent person, but calling you a...It just set me off."
I reluctantly placed a hand on his chest. "I'm glad you got mad enough to get set off. No one-I've never had anyone defend me before."
He frowned at the admission. "Surely your boyfriends would stick up for you if someone talked down to you."
I shook my head and stepped over to the rail on the second story of the grandstands. "The only boyfriend I've ever had is Drake, and he was the one normally talking down to me."
He didn't speak for a moment. Then he joined me at the rail. "Then why the hell did you stay with him?"
I took a moment to consider that. Finally I shrugged. "He was my first boyfriend. No one had ever paid that much attention to me before."
"Surely your family-"
"My family had their own problems, especially after the divorce. It split us right down the middle."
"How do you mean?"
I laughed without any real humor and shook my head. "Each relative paired off, either on my father's side or my mom's. Two aunts and a grandmother took his side, everyone else took my mom's. The ones on his side barely talked to me, and the ones on our side were too angry at him to pay his kids much attention. Plus he was trying to split us up."
"Again how do you mean?"
"He tried to buy all of us off with promises of horses, and cars and a whole bunch of other goodies. When he figured out that I couldn't be bought, it was like I disappeared. He would invite Leah and Vic out to dinner, Leah and Vic over to see his new house, he was going to get Leah and Vic horses." I didn't realize until now how bitter I sounded.
Ace didn't say anything for a minuet. Then his arm came around my shoulder and squeezed, offering comfort. "You know all guys aren't like your father and Drake."
"I haven't met one couple that doesn't have problems."
"Nik nobody's perfect. But not all relationships turn out bad."
"Every relationship that I've had has."
"What about your uncle and aunt hmm? The one that you call Dad?" Before I could retort, he spoke again, "and what about Leah and Tommy? They've been married how many years and still act like newlyweds."
"Why the hell are you telling me this?"
"Because you need to hear it."
"I'm never getting married so what's the point?"
"Well that's one hell of a waste Nik."
"How? The one talent I have I'm using. I don't have a talent for cleaning-you've seen my house, or mothering-I don't like kids. And I'm happy with what I've got." Sure, sounded like it, I thought sarcastically.
"And who the hell says you have to be good at those things to get married? And they're both lies Nik. Your barn is immaculate, and how many foals have you nursed? Your mothering instinct is probably the best in your family."
Truth be told, I'd always dreamed of getting married and having a few kids. I used to dream about someone who would love me unconditionally for who I was and not want to change me. But then I realized how big a douche my father was. Then when I thought I could trust someone again, it had blown up in my face.
"Why the hell are you trying to convince me what a good wife I'd make anyway? It's not like there are men lining up to propose."
He was silent for a moment. "Well...maybe not a line of them."
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Thanks bunches for all the comments, they make my day :) Wow this one turned out a lot longer than I thought it would... Anyway comment, rate, subscribe, and check out my other stories!
Update: Working on editing