Fortuitous Fate.


“Have you ever wanted to take a bath in the smoke of a scented candle? Just… feel… Feel it run over your body, taking in the touch, ever so slight… wouldn’t that be interesting?” Her light pink lips formed the words, tasting them each as they rolled off of her tongue before she waited. The dusk air was cool and soothing, just as the faintest hint of sunlight started making its way through the majestic trees. She could wait there until she forgot everything except the willow tree behind her back, the small man-made pond and bridge, the flat, open grass spread out in front of her… the roses and the lily pond further away, the ones she passed on her way to meet him.

But she knew she’d never have to wait too long while he was around. He loved taking in the scents and sounds surrounding them both, just as much as she did. But more importantly, he always tried to revel in the words spoken between them both, every glance and facial expression, capturing it all closely into memory, or at least, vague pictures of bliss. They were both at ease there, the Gardens as much a part of them as they were a part of each other. They never got enough time to be together, and it wasn’t always perfect, but it was always complex and beautiful.

“Yes,” He murmured, running his fingers over her spine, moving upwards slowly until finally he reached her jaw line and began to trace it. “It would be very interesting... Mystic, even.” The low tones of his voice were soft and relaxed, creating her favorite melody. Every syllable he spoke was music to her ears, a gateway to calm casually mixed with excitement and endless opportunities. With him, she could do anything. The future was open to chance and change, as the world catapulted slowly but surely in any new direction it chose. The only thing that held great importance to her, though, was her faith that whichever way fate threw her, he would be close behind.

Her stark blue eyes smiled in tandem with her lips. His own eyes, melting pot hazel, mirrored her own as he held her gaze, his smile accenting his soft cheek bones. She’d never before felt such unclouded joy, never felt the happiness that she couldn’t see etched into her own features as she looked up at him. His agile body curled comfortably against her own as his dirty blonde hair fell into her face. Time seemed to be held at a standstill for the two of them in that moment, while her small fingers felt the beating of his heart, knowing her own fluttered at a pace his presence set.

“I love you.”