With Love

Frosty Berry

I didn't take me long to remember my way around town. Amanda had informed me the first thing she wanted to do was paint her room. The faded yellow walls annoyed her, she hated yellow.

I pulled into the hardware store. It was next to the sportsman store. It I remembered correctly the Newton's ran it, Jessica and Mike. But that was when I was young. Their son, Jason, must have taken over by now.

Amanda jumped out of the car and hurried into the store. I took my time, enjoying being back home. I had a good feeling about it, unlike when I was younger and always wanted out.

I wonder if mom still has my bike?

I noticed a silver Volvo parked out front of the Newton's. A girl with curly golden hair came out of the store holding the hand of a someone from the reservation. I had only been down to the reservation once. They were all really good looking guys, but none for me. I don't know what I was looking for, and I still don't.

The girl looked over as I got out. She looked shocked to see me, so did the boy's whose hand she was holding.

They were both gone before I had even gotten into the store.

I found Amanda. She already had a handful of paint splotches. Mostly pinks, she was a big girly girl.

"Which one?" She asked when she noticed me there.

She held up two paint splotches. To me they looked exactly the same, pink. But according to Amanda one was Iced Berry and the other was Frosty Berry.

"That one." I stated pointing to a splotch.

"Iced Berry. That's what I was thinking but I wasn't sure. I don't want to get the wrong color and end up hating it as soon as it's on the wall." Amanda continued to rant on about colors.

I walked away, leaving her to talk to herself.

I got everything else we would need. Paint brushes, rollers, roller trays, painters tape and a tarp to lay on the floor. I left the things at the register, we were the only ones in the store and I thought it was better than carrying it all over the store.

Amanda was still ranting on about colors, only this time to a sales person. He seemed even less enthused than I was.

"Did you pick a color?" I asked, cutting Amanda off.

"Yes. I'm going with Frosty Berry. It has more purple to it."

She handed the splotch to the salesman.

"We only need one gallon." I said before he could ask how many.

"I'll start right on it."

We started paint right when we got home. Amanda didn't want to wait, and I wasn't about to make the smile on her face go away.

Amanda did most of the work. She tape the trim, moved the objects to the middle of her room and covered the floor with the tarp. She even set up the trays, pouring an even amount in each one.

I simply had to roll on the paint.

It took two hours to put the first coat on and then another hour for the second. An hour wait in-between. Four hours total. Once we were done it was around eleven o'clock at night.

Amanda had to sleep in the living room. My mom didn't want her breathing in the paint fumes while she slept.

"Dylan?" Mom asked, sticking her head inside the door.


"You are going to look for a job tomorrow, right?"

"Yes mother."

"I mean it Dylan. I love having you here but you're twenty-four years old."

"I know. I would have looked for a job back home if it weren't for...you know."

"That's all I wanted to hear. Goodnight."


I woke in the middle of the night to something getting in my bed. I groaned and turned the lamp on.

Amanda smiled lazily and proceeded to climb in.

"Couldn't sleep?"

"The couch is lumpy." She mumbled.

"Want to talk about it?"

"No." Amanda bit her lip. "Yes."

"Go right a head."

"I don't want to bore you."

"You won't, trust me."

"I'm scared. I'm scared I won't make new friends and that nobody will like me. I'm scared I won't like Forks anymore than you and dad did when you were younger. I'm scared something is going to happen and I'll lose you and grandma. I have this bad feeling about the forest, every time I look at it I feel sick. Like something's watching me. This town has a weird feel to it, not like any other town. I've been quiet a few places and no place has every felt like this before." She ranted.

"Feel better?" I asked when she took a deep breathe.

"Yes. Thank you." She sat up as if she were going to leave. "Can I sleep in here tonight? The couch is really lumpy."

"Of course."