All I Ever Wanted

House Repair

The next day went by slowly.

I woke up way too early to the sound of something falling. I groaned and tried to get back to sleep. Every time I was close to the blissful land of nothingness something would fall again.

I rolled out of bed when the crashes got louder.

I throw my curtains open. Something flew past my window causing me to scream. After recollecting myself I looked out again. Robbie and Jerry were gathering shingles off the ground.

"That's what they're doing." I said to myself.

I showered, cleaning away the dirty feeling I had. I quickly dressed afterwards, wanting to get outside and see what they were doing.

"What are you doing?" I asked once outside.

"Repairing the house." Robbie said attempting to catch a flying shingle. "Shouldn’t you be in school?"

"It's Saturday. I don't have school."

"Heads up!"

My hands instantly flew to my head, protecting it. I felt myself being lift and moved. I uncovered my head. Shingles were lying where I was just standing.

"Heads up means look and move." I heard Landon say.


He laughed and set me down. I glanced up at the roof. Chance and Kenny were ripping it to shreds. I finally noticed none of them were wearing shirts.

"Want to go with Jerry and get paint?" Landon asked.

"Want me out of the way?" I joked.

Landon gained a guilty smile.

"I'll get out of the way." I muttered.

I found Jerry in the garage. He was unpacking boxes. Tools were scattered across the ground.


He looked up. His face was smeared with dirt. I assumed it was grease.

"Paint?" I asked pointing behind me at the van.

"Yeah, lets go."

He left the boxes sitting where they were and got up. He ran inside quickly, grabbing the keys. I hurried and got into the passenger seat.

"Isn't this vampire territory?" I asked as we drove into town.

"No. The town is neutral."

"That makes sense." I muttered.

Jerry soon pulled into the hardware store parking lot. It was very busy. A few cars parked around, I assumed they were the employees vehicles.

Jerry went straight to the paint section. He picked out random colors and held them against each other. I walked over to him.

The colors he was looking at looked like crap.

"Please tell me you're not serious." I said as he picked up a puke green color.

Jerry glanced over at me. He looked confused. He handed me the color splotches and stepped back. He motioned for me to look through the colors.

"You pick."

"Don't you or the guys have an opinion?"

"Chance, Kenny and Landon don't care. Robbie said not pink or yellow. I don't really care."


I put the colors he had picked out back. On color instantly caught my eye. It was a very light blue. I picked it up and handed it to Jerry before walking away. He could get the paint himself so I figured I would wait outside.

Once outside I heard my name said.

I turned and saw Jacob. I felt tears begin to build up as he walked over.

"Olivia can we please talk?"

"I don't want to hear it Jacob." I said shaking my head.

"Olivia please."

I ignored his pleading and got into the van. I looked over at him. He was on the verge of tears.

He stood waiting, hoping I would change my mind, until Jerry came out.

I felt really bad, but wasn't going to let him get the better of me. Imprint or not, he deserved to be hurt for a little while.