All I Ever Wanted


Howls kept sounding all around the house. Some came from farther away that others. One sounded like it came from the living room. Landon held me tight, not hard enough to form a bruise but enough so I couldn't move.

I jumped when another howl sounded. They were getting to frequent for my liking.

"Landon what's going on?" I whispered.

"Stuff." Was his reply.

"Landon I'm scared tell me." I pleaded.

He wouldn't look towards me, knowing it would make him spill everything.

"Everything will be fine." He mumbled.

A loud bang came from upstairs. Landon's hand clamped over my mouth as I sucked air in to scream.

Landon stood us both up and moved us into a darker corner. His hand never left my mouth.

I heard the stairs creak, someone was coming downstairs. I gripped onto Landon tighter. It was too tempting to scream. I pushed my face into Landon's chest. His grip once again tightened.

I jumped when the door slammed open.

I could feel Landon's chest vibrating, he desperately wanted to growl.

I turned my head trying to see what had entered the room. As I went to move Landon's grip disappeared. I yelped in pain when I hit the ground.

Landon had shifted and was growling fiercely. I shuffled my body so I was behind him.

I still had yet to see what he was growling at, and when I did I wished I hadn't.

Bright red eyes stared straight at me. A vampire, and not a friendly one.

"Just give me your sister." He hissed.

Landon growled again.

Fear shot through me as Landon jumped for the vampire. I jumped to my feet, knowing this wasn't a place for me to be. While Landon distracted the vampire I ran upstairs.

I paused at the top of the stairs. I wasn't sure if another vampire was in the house or not, but I wasn't taking any chances.

I made sure the kitchen was empty before bolting for the front door. It didn't take long to get it open, it wasn't even close. The door was lying on the ground with a hole in the middle. The vampire must have punched it open.

I didn't know where to run to so I ran for the border. Not towards the beach, I knew vampires were good with water. Towards the school, the place I always saw Jacob.


He was a shape-shifter too. The treaty doesn't matter right now, my brothers do. I would ask for his help.

I felt myself calm some once my body had passed safely over the invisible border. I also started screaming, or at least heard myself screaming. I didn't know if I had been before or not, but I was sure I was now.

I saw something in the corner of my eye. It was big and blurry and I couldn't make out who or what it was.


I skidded to a stop at the sound of Jacob's voice. He was the blur.


I ran into his arms.

"What's going on?" He asked worried. "Why are you screaming?"

"Why are you outside?" I asked, curiosity changing the subject.

"We just got done patrolling. Sam caught sent of a vampire-"

"Vampire!" I startled Jake.


"A vampire is in my house attacking Landon and I don't know where everyone else is! Jake you need to help! Landon could be hurt! Chance could be hurt! Robbie-"

Jake was suddenly gone, replaced by the red-brown wolf I first met. Jake thrown back his head and howled. It was loud, louder than I've ever heard, but that could be because I was right next to him.

His eyes met mine after he finished.

I watched as a pack quickly formed around us. Embry was in human form for some reason. It confused me until he spoke.

"We need permission to cross the border." He stated.

I stared at him for a second before freaking, "Go! I asked for help! That's like giving permission! Landon could be-!"

Embry put his hands up in defense as the rest of the pack took off. Jake paused before following. My guess is Embry was to stay with me, and Jake wanted to be in his place.