All I Ever Wanted


Jacob's POV

Olivia just stood staring at Embry, she looked shocked but quickly got over it, "Go! I asked for help! That's like giving permission! Landon could be-!"

Embry put his hands up silencing her.

I heard everyone running towards Olivia's house. I paused, looking towards Olivia and Embry. Embry gave me a look, he would protect her. I turned without another thought and ran to catch up with the guys.

It didn't take long, the house wasn't very far away.

I paused when I saw what now consisted of the house. Holes were everywhere. Some walls were completely torn down. It looked as if it were about to collapse under the weight of the roof.

Seth walked closer to the building, sniffing the ground as he walked. A loud crack came from the building. Seth jumped and backed up.

The house suddenly collapsed. A cloud of dust filled the air.

When the air cleared the house was nothing a pile of rubble. Seth was suddenly cowering behind Jared.

I smell a vampire. Paul was near the rubble.

I smell it too. Sam was near the woods by the house.

Where's Landon? Or any of Olivia's other brothers for that matter? I asked trying to get any scent of them.

Their scent was almost nonexistent. Landon's was freshest. His scent lingered near the house. I couldn't trace it anywhere, it didn't leave the house.

Kenny and Jerry's scents were to dispersed to figure out where they had come and gone to. Robbie and Chance were supposedly close by, but with every gust of wind they got farther away. Eventually all evidence of them living there was gone.

If they were anywhere near by we would be able to smell them. The vampire's scent is closest and freshest. Sam didn't sound happy.

How do we even know they were here? Paul asked rudely.


Just because she's your imprint doesn't mean everything she says is right. Maybe it's all a trick. They could have set up some sort of trap. Paul snapped.

Then why would we smell a vampire? Jared question.

Paul didn't have a comeback.

Let's check the forest while we have permission to be here.

We all agreed, even Seth who had recovered from his little fright.

I walked behind everyone. Nobody was very happy. The forest was covered in vampire smells with no trace of Olivia's brothers.

I knew Olivia would be really upset. I didn't want to give up, but Sam had said we should rest. Seth, Leah, Brady, Colin and Quil had been left out on patrol. They had been given orders to patrol both territories, but if there was any sign of Olivia's brother's they were to get back onto our side of the border ASAP.

As Sam's house came into view I felt worse. Olivia was inside waiting for news that Landon was okay.

We tried out best. Sam stated.

Embry was lying on the porch. He came down and greeted us when we got close enough.

I caught scent of a vampire while you were gone. But it quickly past. I think the wind had carried it this way.

With that we went into the forest and quickly changed.

The kitchen was empty when we entered the house. Paul was the first to head into the living room.

"What the f-?" Paul shouted as he entered the room.

"Paul." Sam cut him off.

I saw Paul holding the remote. When I heard Olivia mumbled a 'sorry' I knew she had thrown it at Paul. I held back a laugh as I followed them into the room.

I sat down next to Olivia and got comfortable. She seemed happy to see me.

It didn't last long. Once Sam explained to Olivia what we had found, which was absolutely nothing.

Olivia started crying. I did my best to comfort her, but I really don't think it was helping.