All I Ever Wanted


Olivia's POV

Embry and I stood in silence for a few minutes before he suggested we go to Emily's. I was confused, unaware of who Emily was. When Embry explained that Emily was Sam's imprint I agreed, watching over my shoulder at the border the entire time.

Emily was kind and very pretty, her three long scars didn't even phase me. I think I shocked her by not really caring about them. It wasn't my place to ask, and I assumed someone had lost control. She told me anyway. It was a little shocking finding out it was Sam.

"You forgave him right?" I asked watching her cook.

"Of course. I love him." She said, gaining a goofy grin.

I nodded my head.

Embry was outside, lying on the porch like a dog. A big mutant dog.

"You okay?" Emily asked.

My attention snapped back to her. I shook my head.

"I ditched my brother with a vampire and then I sent Jake to fight with it. I feel terrible." I mumbled.

"You shouldn't. Your brother probably wanted you to leave, so you're out of the way of the fight and danger. Jake was more than willing to go, else he wouldn't have called for everyone."

I smiled up at Emily.

I heard a growl come from the doorway. I wanted to get up and go see what he was growling at, but Emily stopped me. She just shook her head. We both went into the living room, so we could be see from the kitchen windows.

The growling stopped shortly after we sat down.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"He could have smelt something, or saw someone." Emily replied causally.

A shadow appeared in the doorway a few seconds later. I screamed, grabbed the nearest object, which happened to be the remote control, and threw it at the shadow. It happened quickly. Emily just gasped.

"What the f-?" The figure shouted.

"Paul!" I heard a deep voice cut off.

Paul walked farther into the room, followed by a few others. Emily introduced them as they walked in. Paul, Sam, Embry, Jared, and finally Jacob. Paul was holding the remote, glaring at me.

"Sorry about that." I mumbled.

Jacob sat down beside me as everyone got comfortable. Paul set the remote on the table, where it was before I freaked.

"What did you find?" I asked once everyone was sitting.

"Nothing." Sam said sadly.

"But the-"

"Exactly. We could smell the vampire but there was no sight of anyone." Sam explained.

"Did you check in the house?"


"Landon was fighting with the vampire in the basement." I jumped up only to have Jacob pull me back down.


"We couldn't check the house."

"Why not?"

I was starting to panic now.

"The house wasn't exactly-"

"Exactly what?!"

"Olivia calm down." Jacob said rubbing my back.

Sam took a deep breath before continuing. "The house wasn't there. It had collapsed."

I froze.

The house isn't even standing anymore. Landon-. Chance-. Jerry-. Robbie-. Kenny-. What the hell happened to my family?

"Olivia?" Jacob asked, putting his arms around my shoulder.

I looked at Jacob. He was blurry. I blinked rapidly in an attempt to rid myself of tears. I failed.

Jacob pulled me into a hug and I felt the floodgates open.