All I Ever Wanted


It had taken a while to calm down. I just couldn't believe that the house was gone, and there was no sign of any of my family. They wouldn't just leave because of a vampire, at least not without me. Or I'd hope not without me.

Jacob was still sitting by me. He refused to leave my side. Emily and the boys were in the kitchen, talking. I could have heard the conversation if I really wanted too, but my mind was busy with other things.

Where was my family?

That question kept repeating in my head, over and over again.

I heard commotion in the kitchen. It was hard to ignore, specially when Jacob jumped up.

I watched as he left the room, most likely to see what was going on.

"Olivia come out here." Jacob called.

"Why?" I muttered standing up.

When I didn't move fast enough Jacob appeared back in the room. He was smiling.

"Come on."

He grabbed my hand and led me into the now empty kitchen. It was long before I was getting dragged outside.

The guys, plus Emily, were gathered around the porch steps. Sam looked up when we came outside. He wasn't smiling, but I could tell from his eyes he was a little happy.

"What's going-?"

I stopped mid sentence when I noticed the other half of the pack. They were in human form walking our way. Quil was in the back helping someone walk.

It took me a minute to figure out who it was.

"Landon!" I shouted running off the steps.

He was beat up and in bad shape but alive, and that's what was important.

I couldn't help but jump at Landon when I reached him. He caught me easily but I heard a small groan in pain.

"Thank god you're alright." He muttered as he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Me? What about you? You fought the vampire." I was choking back sobs.

By this time the entire pack had gathered around. Sam was talking with the others about what had happened.

"There was more than one vampire. The one I was fighting with got around me and went after you. I followed him out. He was with a coven. I was so worried they had gotten to you." Landon's voice was in a whisper.

"You're hurt. You need rest." I finally pulled away from him.

"It's nothing."

I raised and eyebrow and looked over him. He was badly bruised and had a few still healing wounds. He'd be dead if he were human.

"It's not nothing."

"Where am I . . . supposed to rest? If . . . you haven't already . . . heard, the house is no more." His breathing was getting worse.

Landon wobbled slightly.

"Jake!" I yelled as Landon closed his eyes.

Jacob quickly grabbed Landon's arm. Paul appeared on his other side, helping Jacob support him.

"Let's get him inside." Emily said placing a hand no my shoulder.

I watched as Paul and Jacob carried Landon inside. I was on the verge of tears. Reality was starting to come back. Landon maybe alive, but what about the others. Where were they?

I sat, waiting for Landon to wake up.

Paul and Jacob had placed Landon in Emily and Sam's spear bedroom. Jacob and Paul were both talking with their pack. Emily would occasionally come and check on Landon's progress.

"Hey." I looked up when I heard Jacob.

"How did they find him?"

Jacob laughed, "He found them."


"Leah was patrolling around and out of nowhere Landon appears. He was in his human state. Wondering around naked. Leah says she would have rather not been the one to find him." Jacob laughed.

"I'm just glad he's alive." I muttered, placing my hand over Landon's.

"Everyone is."

I smiled over at Jacob.

Jacob stayed with me the rest of the night. We talked as we waited for Landon to wake up. Thankfully Landon's breathing became better the more he slept. His body was slowly healing itself.