All I Ever Wanted

The Beach

The mess was quickly cleaned up quickly with Landon's help. He didn't want me cutting myself on the glass. Jerry had been taken outside, to make sure he had his temper in check. I wasn't told what he had freak about, but that was normal. They kept things from me, and I kept things from them. It was just something we did, everyone had secrets.

I got a good nights sleep. About six hours. That's good for me. In our old home I was woken constantly by the sound of doors slamming or things breaking.

When I woke in the morning I smelt breakfast. I was slightly confused, normally I would cook.

I hurried downstairs and found Chance and Robbie attempting to cook. It looked pretty good, except for the running eggs.

"The eggs need to be cooked long." I said picking up the plate.

"I told you!" Robbie shouted grabbing the plate from me.

He dumped them back into a pan, letting them cook longer. Chance just rolled his eyes at Robbie.

"I was the one who told you that." He muttered.

"Shut up." Was Robbie's lame retort.

Soon the kitchen was crowded with people. The amount of food that was made, which looked like it could feed a small army was devoured in seconds. I was lucky to get the amount of food I did. I had gotten to pick what I wanted first, I thought I had taken a lot but not compared to what they ate.

If I were a small animal I would be scared.

"We're going patrolling today. Something doesn't feel right." Kenny explained when he was finished.

"What am I supposed to do all day?" I questioned.

"Lucky you, you don't start school until tomorrow. The reservation's school is only a half a mile walk, but if you really want a ride we can figure something out." Chance said with a smile. "You'll figure something out."

"There's a beach three miles away." Jerry said swallowing what was in his mouth.

"There, you can go to the beach today." Chance said.


Robbie added something but nobody could understand him. His mouth was full of food.

"That's gross you know that right?" I asked looking away from him.

He swallowed before replying, "Sorry. I said be safe."

"Aren't I always?" I asked with a cheesy smile.

The kitchen went silent. The boys stared down at their plates just so I wouldn't see the looks on their faces.

I had a reputation of doing dangerous and stupid things. Those things just happened to be fun and entertaining. Also the only thing I could do where we lived.

"I promise I'll be careful." I groaned putting my dishes in the sink.

I hurried upstairs, not wanting to get persuaded into cleaning. I quickly changed out of my pajama's. A simple black tee and skinny jeans. I put on my favorite high tops before heading back downstairs.

The kitchen was empty, and a disaster. A note was left on the counter, stating they would be back before dark and not to do anything stupid. It also requested that I clean the kitchen before leaving to explore.

I groaned and began gathering dishes.

It took me almost an hour to clean the kitchen. All the dishes were back in their respected places and the counter was whipped spotless.

They leave the girl who hates cleaning to clean.

I was quick to leave the house.

Once I was far enough away I looked back at it. I was surprised it hadn't collapsed last night. It looked worse farther away. I discovered that it was crooked, the support on the house must have shifted.

I pushed the worry of the house to the back of my mind. Just hoping silently that it would still be standing when I got home.

The beach didn't take long to find. It was huge, and the only beach here.

A group of guys were hanging out by a green/blue fire. They were burning drift wood. I ignored them and down the beach away from their group. I didn't want to intrude. I felt eyes on me as I walked. It couldn't be helped, I had to looked back.

A few of them were staring, while a few others ignored me.

I turned back around and hurried further down the beach.

I got home around dusk. I had spent the day at the beach, away from the group of males. I spent my time staring at the water, admiring it.

"We have a problem." Was the first thing I heard when I entered the house.