All I Ever Wanted


Sam led us to the clearing. The group of vampires, Cullen's, were waiting. Cody paid no attention to them. He knew they were going to help as well. Bella stood by the vampires, holding hands with one of them.

I jumped off Paul's back and landed with a thud.

Sam and Cody stepped forward and started communicating with the vampires.

As they were talking I heard a howl. It sounded very familiar. I looked towards Landon but he and everyone else didn't seem to have heard it.

I let my mind wander, wondering who could have howled.


I jumped at the sound of the voice. It was Bella, she was walking over. She had a slight smile on her face, don't know why.

I didn't say anything as she approached.

"I hope everything turns out okay." She said.

"It will." I answered quickly.

"How can you be so sure?"

"I just am."

With that I walked over to Jacob. His eyes showed everything. He was afraid, sad and happy, all at the same time.

"Everything will be fine." I whispered to him.

I buried my face into the fur around his neck.

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder a few seconds later. I looked up to see Carlisle, the blonde doctor. He wasn't smiling, nor was he frowning.

Luckily Jacob had told me all about them, just so I wouldn't get confused.

"You and Bella will stay together. You'll be protected by Edward and Alice."

I nodded and walked over to where Bella was standing with Edward.

I didn't say anything when I got there.

Alice bounced over.

I took one last glance at my former family, my brother and my kind of new family. I then got piggybacked by Alice to where we would be staying.

"How do you think the fight's going?" Bella asked, trying to make conversation.

I looked up at her. She seemed happy, too happy for the moment. I looked away, going back to looking out the window. It was easier to stare at the forest then talk.

She gave up after I refused to answer, for the tenth time.

I began to get worried after many hours had passed. I had taken two naps both lasting little over an hour. Alice had convinced me to play chess for two hours before I got bored. Edward and Bella just stay curled up on the couch.

I heard a howl come from right outside the house. It sounded familiar again. The same howl I had heard in the clearing before the fight.

I jumped up and ran over to the window. I saw a silhouette of a wolf. I smiled as he stepped forward.

Only not to like what I saw once he got in the light.

Nick stood in front of the house, covered in blood. He growled and barked, gaining the attention of the house.

Edward suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking him from nearing the house.

Nick jumped at Edward and Edward jumped at Nick.

Their fight began.

Nick wasn't able to land his teeth on Edward at all. Edward was too fast, and reading his mind. If Nick wasn't alone he might have had better chances. Edward however was able to land many hits onto Nicks upper body.

By the time the fight was done. Nick was unconscious on the ground and Edward wasn't ever touched.

A howl sounded again. The same one from earlier, only closer.

Wolves jumped from the forest, only to see Nick already taken care of. But these wolves weren't La Push, or from Cody's pack.

I ran outside.

Jerry, Robbie and Chance were standing outside. They were panting, obviously tired.

"Jerry!" I screamed jumping into his chest.

He gave a wolfish laugh as I held tightly to him.

I couldn't hold back the tears as I held onto him. I wasn't going to let go anytime soon. Edward had to be the one to get me to let go. Reassuring me the entire time that they were really there and weren't going anywhere if I let go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, one chapter left after this.
Question, who should I write about next?
I have two Edward ideas and an Emmett idea. I also have another Carlisle idea and another Jacob idea, but I was thinking those would be later.

OR, should I focus on the other stories I have going.

Tell me what you think.