All I Ever Wanted


I looked over at and saw all my brothers sitting at the table, except Kenny. They must have been home for a while because they were all dressed fully.

"What problem?" I asked noticing how tense they all were.

Robbie growled and glared at the table. Landon and Jerry were taking deep breaths, calming themselves. Kenny was pacing, arms crossed. All of them looked extremely angry.

"Another pack lives here. On the reservation." Chance paused.

The kitchen was silent except for the sound of them all breathing deeply. I walked over to Robbie and placed my hands on his shoulders. He relaxed under my touch, but not enough. I began to massage his shoulders.

"There's something else, isn't there?" I questioned, wanting to know more.

Robbie tense again but it didn't last long.

I was constantly informed by them that I had magic fingers. My massages were the best and always calmed them down, no matter how tense or angry they were. They only time I could calm them, was when I didn't get in the room in time.

"A coven of vampires lives in town."

Robbie tense, yet again. I smacked him on the back of the head.

"I thought vampires traveled."

"Not this group." Robbie answered, rubbing his head.

"They call themselves vegetarians. They drink from animals-"

"Vegetarians that eat animals. That isn't even logical. Vegetarians are all for the life of animals. They should call themselves meat lovers or anti-human drinkers. Something that makes more sense than vegetarians." I rambled, cutting Chance off.

I blushed when I realized I did so. I had a tendency to just randomly start talking and not even know it until I've stopped or someone points it out. I gets rather annoying. It even happened in school a few times.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"They drink from animals, not humans. Or at least that's what they claim." Chance finished.

"How do you know all of this? Did you talk with them? Did they attack you? Did the other pack attack you? Did-"

"Olivia breathe!" Kenny interrupted.

I took a deep breath, "Sorry."

"We ran into the other pack. We briefly talked with their leader." Kenny explained.

The room went silent again. Kenny had stopped pacing and the breathing was lighter. I had went back to massaging Robbie's neck.

I knew there was more but didn't want to pressure them for information. They've been through a lot recently and I didn't want to stress them out even further.

"Ask away Olli." Landon mumbled seeing my face.

"What else is there? Something you're hiding."

"We are going to meet with them tonight."


"The other pack." I nodded my head. "Also the vampire coven."

"What?!" I shouted.

"Olli calm down." Landon ordered.

"No! You're basically walking to your deaths! What if they plan something and you end up injured or dead?!"

"Olli, if we don't go they'll attack for sure." Jerry explained.

"Fine." I paused. "I'm going with."

With that I left the room.

None of my brothers were happy that I was going with. They tired to argue but I wouldn't let them. If they didn't let me go with willingly, I would sneak out and wonder the forest until I found them. They chose the first option.

Stay close and no wandering were my only rules.

I walked with them. It seemed kind of intimidating, little me surrounded by five giant wolves. Robbie wanted me to ride his back in order to get there faster. I preferred to walk.

I gasped as we walked into the field. A group of seven vampires stood with eight wolves. A human was amongst them. It was easy to tell she was human, she stood out against the vampires. She wasn't as alluring as they were.

They all looked our direction as we entered.

"Holy crap." I whispered getting close to Kenny.

We met in the middle of the field. The wolves and vampires seemed to be on the same side. The stood near each other, but not close enough to touch.

I looked around the group of wolves. My eyes landed on one with rustic red fur. He looked over when he felt my gaze.

I gasped when our eyes met.

Everything seemed to disappear. All I saw was the wolf. Everything about him seemed to be perfect. The way his fur laid on his body to the shade of his eyes.

A growl brought my attention away from him. Robbie stepped in front of me, cutting off my view. I looked over towards the vampires. The human with them seemed angry.

I was extremely confused, but the only thing I really wanted was to see the wolf, my wolf, again.