All I Ever Wanted


The meeting ended then. At least for Robbie, Landon and I. They dragged me away from the field as soon as it was possible. Landon had to shift back and drag me by hand. Robbie followed, a quiet growl coming from him the entire time.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?" I asked once we were back at the house.

Neither of them said anything. They just stood around the island and stared at it. Like the broken counter top would give them all the answers to the world.

I groaned.

"I'm going to bed then." I mumbled going upstairs.

I wasn't stopped.

I quickly changed into pajamas but didn't go to bed. I sat in a chair by my window, waiting for the rest of my family to come home.

I must have fallen asleep waiting. When I woke up I was in bed and the chair had been moved back to the desk.

"Jerry don't." I heard ordered from the other side of my door.

"She deserves to know. We can't keep it from her forever. She'll eventually find out and when she does she'll be pissed at us for not telling her."

I sat up and watched as the door slowly opened. It shut again quickly, the slam echoing through the house.


"Chance she deserves to know what happened."

The door opened. Thankfully it stayed open. I don't know if my ears could handle another echoing slam.

"Olli?" Jerry asked.

"I'm awake."

The door opened fully revealing not just Jerry and Chance but all of my brothers. None of them looked too happy, but Chance looked really annoyed.

They all walked in an found places to sit, or stand. Robbie and Landon joined me on the bed while Kenny took the desk chair. Jerry and Chance stood. Jerry by the window and Chance by the door.

"What?" I asked suspiciously.

"About last night-"

"What happened?" I asked cutting Kenny off.

"You were imprinted on."

I stayed silent, waiting for one of them to elaborate on what imprinting meant. Nobody said anything. I looked over at Landon and Robbie. They wouldn't meet my gaze, the stared at the ceiling, wall or sheets just so they didn't have to make eye contact.

Chance was glaring at the floor. Kenny found the detail on the chair extremely interesting, tracing it with his fingers. Jerry was staring out the window.

After a long period of silence I decided to speak up. "Imprinted? Care to explain."

"You're the wolf's soul mate."

" soul mate is a wolf?" I questioned with a laugh.

"Olivia they're like us remember." Jerry muttered.

"So he has a human form and name. He's my soul mate." I paused. "Have any of you guys imprinted?"

"No. It's supposed to be a rare thing." Chance growled out.

"Chance breath." I snapped, "It's not like I have to be with him. Lots of people don't find there soul mates."

"There is more too it than that." Landon said quietly.

I raised an eyebrow. Things just kept getting more complicated.

"He won't want to stay away from you and you won't want to stay away from him. You'll want to be with him." Landon explained. "It's really strong for him, stronger for him than it is for you. You might be able to resist a little but he won't be able to at all."

"Oh. When do I meet him?"

"You won't. Ever." Chance hissed before leaving the room.

We heard him stomp down the stairs. The front door slammed signaling he had left the house. Kenny swore quietly as he stared at my door.

"Why can't I at least meet him?"

"Chance is afraid of losing you. He also doesn't trust the other pack. He thinks they'll hurt you. We have anger issues, every pack does. He doesn't want something happening that he can't prevent. If you hang around with him it'll have to be on his turf, we made territory lines yesterday to prevent fights from happening. Our area is small." Kenny explained.

"But that's not fair." I whined.

"We know. We'll try to figure something out, but for now just deal with it please." Kenny then got up to leave. "And you have to stay away from the beach now, it's there territory."

I sat speechless.

"Now get up and get dressed. You have school today." Robbie said jumping off my bed.