All I Ever Wanted


Olivia's POV

Jerry sat quietly in front of me. No sound coming from him. He just sat staring. Landon and Robbie stood beside him, just as silent. They were also staring, just not as closely.

It was starting to get annoying.

Chance and Kenny were standing by the island. They were talking quietly, occasionally looking over.

I hugged the pillow I was holding tighter. Somehow it was comforting to squeeze the stuffing out of the pillow.

"Olli?" Jerry asked quietly, moving slightly closer.

I bit back a sob.


"What?" I whispered.

"What happened at the beach?" He asked, even quieter than before.

I gripped the pillow tighter, if even possible. My vision began to blur slightly. I blinked rapidly, forcing back my tears.

"Nothing." I said, holding back another sob.

A groan came from Jerry.

"It's not nothing!" Robbie shouted standing up. "You're practically in tears!"

I flinched at the sudden sound of his voice. Robbie did yell, but never that loud or in anger. Landon growled in warning.

"Robbie!" Kenny shouted walking over.

"What happened!?"

Landon was instantly up, shoving Robbie out of the room. I heard Landon quietly cussing Robbie out. Kenny followed, anger radiating off of him.

"Come on." Chance said, picking me up. "You need rest."

Chance slowly traveled up the stairs. He was being extremely careful not to jostle me around to much. My grip on the pillow had somewhat loosened.

"What happened?" Chance asked setting me on my bed.

He kneeled in front of me.

"He kissed another girl." I mumbled into the pillow.

Chance sighed. He grabbed the pillow from me, after successfully prying my arms off of it. He placed the pillow beside me. I reached for it only to have it move farther away.

"Please repeat?"

"He kissed another girl." I said, slightly louder.

"Who? Who kissed another girl?"


Chance seemed to freeze.

"He was at the beach?" He asked.

"Yeah. With his girlfriend."

Chance sighed, "How did you know it was him?"


"How did you know Jacob was the man who imprinted on you?"

"Oh, I met him a couple days ago on the way home from school. We've been talking for the last few days."

Chance tensed again, "Why?"

"We felt like it."

"The pull." He muttered.

"He saw me walking home from school and thought we could talk. I felt bad after saying no, he looked really sad. Then the next day he met me at my locker. I met a few of his friends. They didn't like me very much."

Chance nodded his head.

"Then you thought you'd meet him at the beach?"

"Not exactly."

Chance raised an eyebrow.

"I knew it was a possibility but I really just wanted out of the house."

"Okay." Chance stood. "Get some rest."

I was handed back my pillow. I watched as Chance left.

A few minutes later shouts came from downstairs. Chance told them. The shouts were followed by a loud crash, a growl and then complete silence.