
Il Est Stupéfiant!

That day went by like a breeze. I was falling for Ricky, and FAST. He had charmed all my friends, who privately told me he was perfect and I needed to bang him. He had charmed all our teachers, particularly our French teacher, who couldn't believe the life he'd had. But most of all, he'd charmed me. By seventh period, the only period that was different in our entire schedules, he didn't want to leave me to go to ESL. «Je veux aller à l'Anglais avec toi!» "I want to go to English with you!"

«Tu ne parle pas la langue! Tu ne peux pas être dans la classe si tu ne parle ou lire la langue. Juste dit.» "You don't even speak the language! You can't be in the class if you don't speak or read the language. Just saying." His crestfallen face made me hug him and tell him it was only for an hour and he'd make friends. «Peut-être il y a un vietnamien en là que tu vas faire des amis avec.» "Maybe there's a Vietnamese kid you'll make friends with." He looked doubtful but went into the class anyway. I hurried up to the second floor and explained to my teacher that I might often be late or close to it because I'll have to walk to the ESL room with Ricky. She said that was perfectly alright and asked me to take my seat. I couldn't stop thinking about Ricky the whole time through English. 'I wonder if he's thinking about me...'

As soon as class was over I raced out to meet him at his class. He was waiting for me and said that he wanted me and my mom to meet his parents. Since we were the only French speakers in the entire city who spoke the language well enough to be understood, Ricky was sure his parents would love my mother. I said okay and asked where we were supposed to meet. He said his parents wanted to take us out to dinner. «Quand est-ce que tu avais le temps pour se rassembler cette imformation?» "When did you have time to gather this information?"

«Pendant la classe.» "During class."

«Tu as besoin de faire l'attention! Tu dois appendre l'Anglais!» "You need to pay attention! You have to learn English!"

«Si, si. Et je vais, mais, maintenant, téléphone ta mère alors on peut aller!» "Yes, yes. And I will. But right now, call your mom so we can go!" So I called my mother, who was delighted to have some good French company instead of the Italians she usually hangs out with. She was perfectly alright with it and asked where we were going.

«Dis, Ricky, où est-ce qu'on va?» "Hey, Ricky, where are we going?"

«Fogo de Chão.» He smiled as my jaw dropped; Mom's the biggest carnivore this side of Texas. She'll love these people no matter what.