Something To Hold On To


Mike’s POV

“So where out west are you from?” Lexie asked me as she took another bite of her Chicken Tetrazini.

“Calgary.” I replied.

“Do you miss it?” I nodded in response.

“Don’t you?” I questioned. It was very rarely that I met someone who had moved from Canada to the U.S. that didn't miss home.

“So why Washington?” She asked, avoiding my question. I hesitated before I answered. Did she really not know why I was here in Washington?

“Work. You?” I quickly asked, hoping that she wouldn't press me on what my job was. I didn't believe that she didn't know who I was; everyone seemed to know who I was, but I was hopeful that she really didn't.

“I moved out here with my best friend. She got a job and I didn't have anything tying be down to Vancouver so I left with her.”

“That was spontaneous of you.”

“Yah, well...I guess you could call me spontaneous.” I grinned at her, locking my eyes on her own gorgeous blue eyes. She looked different today then she had in the hall way last night. She wasn’t quite as done up. She had barely any makeup on right now and I couldn't help but stare at her. She was just effortlessly stunning. It made me wonder why she was all glamed up last night if she was clearly so comfortable just being herself.

I knew I was going to like this girl, but as we finished lunch I decided that I already did. She was so easy to talk to and I felt like I had known her years rather than a few hours. The first thing that caught my eye about her was, obviously, that she is perfect. I found out rather promptly that she's quick on her feet, she's feisty, she's full of personality and she has one hell of an attitude; which I find extremely attractive. She leaned over the table towards me as she raised her eyebrows. “I hope you don't think this is enough to make me spill all of my deepest darkest secrets to you, neighbour.”

“Not at all. This is just the beginning, Miss. Taylor.” I replied.

“That ‘s not fair! I don't know your last name. You can’t go..”

“Green.” I told her, waiting for a reaction. I was about to find out once and for all if she really didn't know who I was apart from being the guy in apartment 1812.

“Well Mr. Green.” She said with a smirk. “It looks like this is the end of the beginning. I have to go. This was fun, but next time it’s on me.” I smiled at her and nodded, knowing full well that I would never ever let her take me out for lunch. “I’ll see you around.” She stated as she rose to her feet.

“Let me give you a ride.”

“I’m good.”

“Lexie, we came here together. I’m not just going to let you walk out of here.” I protested. It was at least a half an hour walk back to the apartments.

“I'm actually just going a couple blocks over. I'm fine! Really. I’ll see you later, Mike.” She flashed me a sexy smile and left the restaurant. I sat back down, grinning to myself. I couldn't pin point exactly what it was about this girl that had me all worked up already, but I doubted that I would be able to think of anything but her for a while.

Lexie’s POV

I strolled down Main Street towards Maddy and Aiden’s daycare center and I couldn't get the perma-smile off my face. God damn Mike is gorgeous. I couldn't get his perfectly sexy face out of my head. Not that I minded. I just probably looked like a total retard walking down the street with an enormous grin on my face for no apparent reason.

This whole thing kind of scared me a little, though. I haven’t really put all that much thought into it, but I was getting the vibe that Mike wants to be around for a bit. Things like this never happened easily for me. I've never been good at the relationship thing for a lot of different reasons. First of all, I've never been a one guy kind of girl. I'm not a slut by any means, I just never saw the need for commitment at my age. Maybe I just never found a guy that was worth committing myself to. Second, I have never seen a relationship that has worked out. My mom and dad, my sister and her baby daddy, Emily and her ex fiancé. Every one of those relationships failed and did so miserably so I guess it’s kind of natural that I've become a little cynical when it comes to commitment. On top of all my issues, my life is pretty damn complicated and not guy friendly at all. I have no idea how Mike would react to the fact that I have kids. They aren't mine biologically, but legally they are mine and I love them as if they were my own children. I know kids make a lot of guys run for the hills as fast as their feet will take them and I don't know if Mike is one of those guys. If Maddy and Aiden don't scare him off, I'm sure the fact that I work at a strip club will. I doubt any guy would want their girlfriend spending her time at work in a pair of booty shorts that leave nothing to the imagination. I shook my head at myself. What the fuck is wrong with me?! I go out to lunch with this guy once and I'm already running the whole boyfriend girlfriend situation through my head. God, I'm such a girl!
- - -
I opened the door to the apartment and ushered the two little bundles of energy inside, already feeling like I could go to sleep for the night. The sad thing is it’s only four in the afternoon. I still have fourteen hours to go before I get to sleep. Yah, that's right. I'm counting down the hours to bed time. Fuck my life! “NOOOOO!” I heard Maddy screaming from the living room so I went to see what was going on. “AIDENNNN! NO!” I stepped in and saw Aiden with roughing up Maddy’s unicorn.

“Excuse me!” I shouted, causing both little bodies to turn and face me. “What do you think you’re doing, mister?” I asked and his eyes went right to his feet.

“Auntie Lexie! Aiden tooked Sparkle!” She exclaimed as if it was the most awful thing imaginable. I guess in her innocent little life it was the worst thing that could happen to her.

“Aiden.” I warned in my stern voice. I had gotten that voice down. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do the whole disciplinary thing...but so far, so good! He handed the unicorn over silently. “Tell your sister you're sorry.”

“I sorry Maddy.” He replied quietly.

“Now come here.” I said as I pulled him into my arms and placed a kiss on the top of his blonde curly head. “I love you. Go play nicely.” I told him as I went into the kitchen to make them something to eat. I never got angry with either of them without telling them that I loved them after. It broke my heart to see their sad little eyes when I yelled at them. I think they know I'm a complete sucker for the puppy dog look...that’s why they do it so much.

I sat the kids down to the table to eat their kraft dinner. I always had to make sure that a cupboard was full] of kraft dinner at all times. They absolutely love this stuff and would eat it for all three meals everyday if I let them. I sat at the table, watching them shovel sloppy forkfuls into their mouths when a knock came to the door. They didn't seem to notice; they were too focussed on getting their food to their tiny mouths. I opened the front door and who else would be standing there but my flawless neighbour. He was leaning against my doorframe smirking at me. He must have some sort of radar that tells him when he has completely slipped my mind, because that's when he shows up. “You’re wearing clothes.” He commented.

“You’re very observant.” I replied sarcastically.

“I just wanted to make sure you made it home in one piece.”

“I’m here!” I stated. “In once piece, as you can see.”

“I can definitely see that.” He muttered as his eyes trailed over my body not so subtly. The way he looked at me made my blush; which was strange because I'm used to men looking at me. It never got to me, but the way Mike was looking at me made my heartbeat step it up a notch.

“OW!” I heard from inside, followed by hysterical crying. Right...the kids. I had forgotten about them for a moment. I looked up at Mike who's eyes were scanning the apartment with a concerned look on his face. I turned and headed to the kitchen with Mike right behind me. Maddy was sitting in her chair bawling her eyes out and Aiden’s eyes were adverted downwards. He knew he was in trouble, and he was already rocking the puppy dog face.

“What is going on in here?!” I demanded. Maddy just stuck out her little finger out and pointed at Aiden. “Aiden? What did you do to your sister?” He shook his head slightly.

“HE KICKED ME!” Maddy wailed. I groaned inwardly, this was just perfect timing for a little meltdown.

“Did you kick your sister?” Aiden didn't respond. “Aiden James Taylor! Tell me right now. Did you just kick your sister?”

“Uh huh. But she called me stupid.” He retorted. I looked at Maddy who was now the one looking down at her feet. It scared me sometimes when I though about how many similarities they shared.

“Alright. Listen...Hug each other.” Maddy slid off the chair and went to hug her brother. She was always the one who gave in first. She was the more emotional, caring one where as Aiden was stubborn and hard headed. “Maddy you know that those kinds of words are not nice to say. I don't ever want to hear you call your brother names again, do you hear me?” She nodded in understanding. “And know better than to hurt your sister. We’ve talked about this. Boys don’t hit girls!”

“But she..” I raised a finger to silence him.

“I know what she said. If she hurts your feelings you use your words and tell her that what she said was not nice.” He too nodded. “Now eat up and we’ll have dessert.” Their eyes widened and both children hopped back onto their chairs. I turned, facing Mike who was looking at me with a look I hadn’t quite seen on his face yet. I approached him prepping myself for whatever excuse he would give me about having to leave, but a genuine smile made its way onto his lips.

“Cute munchkins you’ve got there.” I laughed out loud at the fact that he had just called them munchkins. “How old?”

“They're three, and believe me...if you thought that was cute you should see them when they want to stay up past bed time. They get freaking aborable.” He laughed and then there was a slight pause. He bit his bottom lip as his eyes gazed into mine.

“Listen, I'm going to be gone for a few days.” He paused and I nodded, not quite sure why he was telling me this. “When I get back on Monday...well, I was wondering if you would want to go out when I got back.” I smiled at him. He was adorable when he was nervous. I nodded, in response.

“I’d like that.” His crooked grin widened at my response.

"Yah?" He asked as he rubbed the back of his head.

"What? Did you want me to say no? Because I could.."

"No! That was exactly the answer I was hoping for." He replied quickly. As I threw my head back, laughing, I felt his strong hands grip my hips. My eyes connected with his as he pressed his body against mine. I was completely lost in them and it caught me off guard when his incredible lips were suddenly on mine. I quickly became lost in the feeling of his lips on mine, his body pressing against me, his hands securing my hips in place. When he pulled away I had to struggle to catch my breath. "I'll see you Monday Lex."
♠ ♠ ♠
So...I love writing this story. I hope you guys that are reading this like it too!!!

comments pleeeease. let me know what youre thinking =]