Something To Hold On To


Mike’s POV

I couldn’t help but laugh as Lexie’s face turned bright red as she tried to play it cool. “So, uhm...did I miss your call or..”

“No! I actually just got in.” I told her. “We caught a later flight in from Dallas than I had expected.”

“Oh! Okay, well why don't we do this another..”

“No, no! That's not what I meant. I was just coming to see if maybe you wouldn't mind coming to my place for dinner instead of going out. I'm just a little jet lagged.”

“Are you sure? We could always just go out another night if you want.” I shook my head. I had been looking forward to this dinner with Lexie since our lunch date ended. I hadn’t been able to think of anything but her for the whole length of the road trip. “Okay.” She said with a smile.

“Alright! know where I live.” I told her with a laugh. “So I’ll see you in a bit. Just come on over whenever.”

“Okay. I’ll see you soon.”
- - -
“That was amazing!” Lexie said as we sat on the couch in my living room. “Where in the world did you learn to cook like that?!”

“You can thank my mother for that.”

“She taught you well.” Lexie said, flashing me that stunningly white smile. God she’s beautiful. I couldn't help but stare at her whenever she's near me. I've never been so physically attracted to anyone in my whole life.

“So do you babysit a lot?”

“No.” She said, confused.

“I just figured because of the two little ankle biters...” I trailed off as she began laughing.

“Those two little ankle biters are mine.” I stopped, staring at her. I could have sworn they called her Auntie Lexie.

“Oh! Oh. I thought I heard the little girl call you Auntie Lexie.” She nodded and I felt incredibly lost.

“They're legally mine.” She clarified, most likely seeing the utter confusion on my face. “My, sister passed away last month.” She told me as she looked to her fingers that were fiddling with each other.

“Oh my god.” I said feeling like a total ass. “Lexie, I'm so..”

“It’s okay! I’m fine. I did the whole grieving thing. Some days are harder than others, obviously. Like when the twins do something for the first time and Ashley isn’t here to see it. Those days are tough. It was really hard for a while after the move. They didn't understand why they had to move and why their mom didn't come with us. That was really hard, but now they know. much as three year olds can know I guess. I find it hard, too, wondering if I'm raising them the way she would. She was such an amazing mother and I just...” She trailed off mid sentence. “I have no idea why I'm telling you all of this!” She said with a laugh.

“No! Please! Keep going.” I urged her to continue but she just shook her head slightly. “Do you mind if I asked what happened?”

“She was in a car accident. She took a different route home from work that day and...she died.” I shook my head slightly as chills went down my spine.

“Where's their father?” She took a deep breath in and I knew that it was a touchy subject.

“I don't really know. He left not long after Maddy and Aiden were born. It was just too much for him so he took the easy way out and split.”


“But you know what? They are better off without him. They would have suffered if he had stayed, wishing that he wasn’t there. At least this way they never had to live in an unhappy home.”

“Well...they’re lucky to have you.” I told her, taking her hand in mine, rubbing my thumb along the velvety smooth skin of the back of her hand.

“I didn’t want them to grow up like I did. When social services called me and asked me if I wanted them...I’m the only family they have. If I didn't take them they would have been sent to a group home and I know exactly what that's like. I never would have let them grow up like that.”

“You were in a group home?” I asked. I wanted to know as much as I could about her. She was so interesting. I never in a million years would have thought that the feisty woman I met in the hallway that night that was so full of life would have so many battles to overcome.

“I was in nine group homes.” She told me. “My mom died when I was ten.”

“Wow.” I said. Shocked, yet again.

“But this isn’t exactly good date talk.” She said, lightly.

“It’s perfect date talk.” I told her as I tucked her hair behind her ear.

“No way. Tell me about you. What do you do?” She asked.

“I play hockey.”

“Well that explains all the hockey stuff you gave Aiden.” She said with a laugh. I couldn't help but smile as I looked at her. “So, what? You do that for a living?” I nodded. “Are you any good?” I burst out laughing.

“I like to think I’m alright. What do you do?” Again, she paused and looked down at her hands.

“I’m a waitress.”

“Anywhere I’ve been before?” She chuckled lightly.

“I sure hope not.” She said and I shot her a questioning look. “It’s just not that nice of a place.” Something about the way she was acting worried me and I had to know more about it.

“What restaurant is it?”

“You already know too much about me.” She said with a smirk. “I’ve got to keep some secrets. So why don't we watch that movie?” She quickly changed the subject and I let her. I was planning on finding out what was so bad about this place that she worked at sooner rather than later.
- - -
“I should go.” Lexie muttered against my chest. I'm not sure how we ended up cuddling like this, but I'm not complaining. Somewhere during the movie her head found its way onto my shoulder and now we were full on snuggling. It felt amazing to have my arms wrapped around her.

“You don't have to go.” I murmured into her hair as I pulled her closer to me. She smelled so good; like lavender...maybe flowers.

“I have to go.” She insisted, but I just shook my head and held on tight. She raised her pretty little head and smiled at me. “I have to get ready for work.”

“Do you want a ride?” She shook her head. I sighed and released my grip on her. She got up and reached for my hand, pulling me to my feet.

“Walk me to the door?”

“No. I’m going to let you leave and stay here.” I said sarcastically. “Of course I'm going to walk you to the door.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and guided her out of my apartment to her own.

“I had a good time tonight.” She told me.

“I know we were planning on going out. It wasn’t too lame?” She smiled at me and shook her head.

“It was perfect.”

“You're perfect.” I told her, not caring how completely cheesy I sounded. She looked down at her feet, but I could still see her cheeks go red. I tilted her chin up and pressed my lips against hers. I had been dying to kiss her all night and fighting it had been killing me, but this kiss was well worth the wait. This may only be our second kiss, but everything about it felt so familiar. The way her lips felt against mine. The way she tastes. The way her arms lock around my neck as if I'm about to leave. The way her fingers tug at bits of my hair. I was so lost in the moment that when she pulled away it caught me off guard.

“Good night Mike.” She said with a grin before opening her door and disappearing behind it. I went back into my apartment and collapsed on the couch where Lexie and I had been curled up together just moments ago. As I was staring up at the ceiling my cell phone rang.

“Brooksy. What's up?” I asked my teammate Brooks Laich.

“Not much, man. Not much. What are you up to?”

“Just sitting around. Hanging out.”

“We’re all going out. You in?” He asked

“I don't know man. I’m pretty beat.”

“Come on!!! You’ll wake up once we get there. We’re going to this strip club...uhm...Misty’s.”

“I’m good. You guys have fun,”

“Dude! You suck. If you change your mind you know where we’ll be.” He said before he hung up. I wasn’t in the mood to go out let alone go out to a strip club. I've never been a fan of those places, but they're alright I guess...just not my thing. Some of the guys just love them, but to each his own. My cell phone vibrated in my hand with a text message. The words I read on the screen instantly put a smile on my face. Alexandra. Lexie is short for Alexandra.
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keep the feedback coming guys!!! i love hearing your thoughts on this one =]