Something To Hold On To


As I walked past the front door of my apartment I could have sworn I heard a light knocking. I walked to it and looked through the peep hole, but no one was there. I turned and began to walk into the hallway when I heard it again. I turned around, staring at my front door. Was I going crazy? Cabin fever from being in the apartment all day? There was no one at my door, yet I was hearing knocking. When I heard the slight tapping again I grabbed the handle and flung the door open. My eyes lowered about three and a half feet and set on the little round eyes that were staring at me, partially covered by blonde hair. Aiden smiled up at me as he held his mini sticks in his arms. “Hey bud.” I said to him as I ruffled up his hair. I glanced out into the hallway and looked left first and then right but Lexie was nowhere to be seen. “Where’s your Aunt?”

“At home.” He told me.

“What’s up?”

“Auntie Lexie won’t play with me. She making supper and Maddy wanna play dollies but I don't like dollies.” I nodded, grinning down at him. He reached his tiny hand up and slipped it into mine. “So you come play with me.” He told me as he started to pull me out of my apartment. I laughed and grabbed my keys off the table.

“Alright little man. I would love to.” I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder. He erupted into fits of high pitched laughter as I knocked on Lexie’s door. When she opened the door she looked completely shocked. Gorgeous, of course, but completely shocked. “I believe this belongs to you.” I told her, turning around so she could see Aiden’s face.

“AIDEN!” She yelled. “Who do you think you are leaving this apartment all by yourself?!” I put the little escape artist on his feet so that he could take his scolding like a man. “Go to your room and think about what you did.”

“But Mike is gonna..”

“Now Aiden!” Lexie ordered as she pointed to the hallway.

“He came to play with me Auntie Lexie!” Aiden whined in defence.

“That's fine, but I think you need to have a three minute time out first.” He pouted and stomped off into his room.

“You’re pretty hot when you go all authoritarian like that.” I told her. She burst out laughing and I couldn't help but smile. Her laugh was like music to my ears. There was nothing I enjoyed hearing more. “But why three minutes?”

“One minute for every year.” She told me as she shrugged. “Thanks for bringing him back, by the way.” She thanked me as she walked back into the kitchen, spatula in hand. Naturally I followed her. It was like Lexie had some sort of internal magnet that attracted me to her. Whenever we were in the same room I had to be close to her.

“Are you making pancakes?!” I asked.


“You do realize that it’s six o’clock at night...not morning.” I told her.

“I know that, genius. It’s Friday.”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“On Friday’s I let them pick whatever they want for supper. As long as it’s not chocolate or ice cream get it.” She stated as she flipped the pancakes. “Do you want to stay?” she offered, facing the stove still.

“Do I want to stay?” A grin crept across my face as I stepped up behind her, placing my hands on her hips. “Why don't I stay for pancakes tonight and pancakes tomorrow morning?” I muttered as my lips found the skin of her neck. She turned around from the stove to face me.

“You might get uncomfortable.” She told me. “I sleep in my underwear.”

“I don't have a problem with that.” I mumbled, pushing my lips to hers.

“You had a problem with it the other day. If my memory is correct you told me to go put some clothes on.” She told me as she poked my chest with one of her fingers.

“Hmm. Well...why don't we do that whole scenario again?”

“I think I might need a little reminder of how that started.” She requested. I smiled at her as I pushed my lips against hers. My hands went to her hips, pulling her as close to my body as I could as I leaned her up against the counter. Her arms wound around my neck, securing me in place.

“EWWWW!!!” I backed away from Lexie and turned to see Madeline standing in the kitchen.

“Maddy!” Lexie exclaimed as she tried to catch her breath. I grinned to myself knowing that I was getting her all worked up. “Shit!” She shouted as she turned to back to the stove and took the pancakes out of the frying pan. She sent me a cute little glare. “You! Sit down and stop distracting me!” I threw my hands up innocently and planted myself at the table. Maddy climbed up onto the chair next to me and I could feel her looking at me so I tore my eyes from Lexie to look at the little girl.

“Do you love Auntie Lexie?” She asked as she played with one of her blonde pigtails. Lexie whirled around from the stove, wide eyed. I grinned at Maddy, who was staring at me awaiting my answer.

“I really like her.”

“Are you her boyfriend?” She asked.

“Maddy!” Lexie warned. I laughed slightly as I looked at Maddy.

“I would actually really like to be, Maddy.” I told her. “Why don't you ask your Aunt if she wants a boyfriend?” She nodded wildly. I turned to face Lexie who was smile at me.

“Auntie Lexie!!”

“Yes Maddy?”

“Do you want a boyfriend?” She asked Lexie, who had already heard my conversation with her niece seeing as she was standing just a few feet from us. Her smile widened and she nodded at me. She stepped forward and kissed me lightly.

“Auntie Lexie!!!” She sighed as the second little voice came from the hallway. “Can Mike come play with me yet?!” Aiden called.

“Yah, bud. I’ll be right there.” I told him. I stood up and headed for the hallway.

“You don't have to do that, Mike.” Lexie told me.

“I know.” I replied. “But if I'm your boyfriend I guess I should get used to this, huh?” She nodded.

"Yep. They're not going anywhere." She told me with a smile.

“And besides...I love kids.” I replied before heading in the hallway.

Lexie’s POV

“Okayyyy!” I called out upon entering the living room. “It’s bed time for one little boy and one little girl.” Maddy jumped up off the couch and went into the hallway. She was the easy one. Aiden never wanted to sleep. He wanted to stay awake all hours of the night and we had battles over bed time every night. “Come on Aid! Say good night to Mike.” Aiden shook his head and hopped into Mike’s lap as if he was going to stop me from getting at him. “Aiden!” I warned.

“I don't wanna!”

“You know what, little man? If you don't go to bed how are you and I going to play again tomorrow?” Mike asked him. “If you don't go to bed and get a good night sleep with your sister you’ll be too tired to play.” Aiden nodded and wrapped his arms around Mike’s neck.

“Night, night Mikey.” He told him and kissed him on the cheek. Instantly my eyes filled with tears and I had to bite my lip to keep from bursting into hysterics right there. Having Maddy and Aiden had completely changed me. There was nothing I found more attractive than a man that knew what to do with children. It was so touching and so sweet.

“Good night buddy! I’ll see you tomorrow.”

After putting Aiden and Madeline to bed I made my way back out to living room. Mike was sitting on the couch flipping through the channels. His head raised to meet my eyes when he saw me come back in. “What do you want to watch?” He asked.

“Nothing.” I told him as I took the remote out of his hand and turned the TV off. He glanced at me with a confused look on his face. “We’re going to bed.” I told him, to which his eyes just about popped out of his head. “Morning pancakes with come sooner if we get in that bed right now.” I pulled him to his feet and kissed him before pulling him behind me towards the bedroom.

“What about work? I thought you..”

“I've got tonight off. Emily had something to do tonight.” I opened my bedroom door and pushed him inside. I closed the door and wrapped my arms around his neck. His lips found mine and quickly I was off my feet and on my back on the bed with Mike hovering over me. His hand began working up my ribcage.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” I nodded and pulled his lips back to mine. I was absolutely ready for this.
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kind of a filler...but kind of not at the same time. if thats possible?
anyways...hope you liked =]
let me know!!