Something To Hold On To


“Are you sure you're ready for this?” I nodded and pulled Mike’s lips back to mine. I was absolutely ready for this. Mike was simply amazing. There was no other word that could be used to describe him. He was fantastic with the kids; especially Aiden. Aiden just adores Mike and I found it oddly attractive.

Mike, not thinking twice after I gave him the go ahead, pulled his shirt over his head in one swift movement before sliding his hands up mine. I followed his lead and pulled my own shirt off. His lips left mine and trailed along my jaw line, down my neck, and onto my chest causing my heart to beat faster with each time his lips met my skin. His rough fingers crept under the waistband of my sweatpants and began inching them over my hips. Mike freed each of my legs and then went to his knees as his eyes trailed over my body, taking in every inch of it before he went to work.

I bit my bottom lip in anticipation and reached out grabbing a hold of his belt buckle. As I pulled him back towards me a husky groan escaped his lips. At that point it was as if something inside of him changed. He was completely caught up in the moment as he frantically kicked his jeans and boxers to the floor while slipping my panties from my legs. He positioned himself above me, ensuring that he didn't place too much weight on me. His eyes connected with mine as he pushed forward entering me. I moaned much louder than I had intended on and Mike’s lips connected with mine in efforts to muffle my cries of pleasure from the twins in the next room.

Everything about Mike was different than any other guy I had been with. He was aggressive but intimate. Forceful but so gentle. Every touch drove me wild and set my skin on fire. His thrusts picked up and came harder and deeper. I threw my head back involuntarily, my mind going blank as wave after wave of pleasure over took my entire body. Mike collapsed onto me, tenderly kissing my forehead. He rolled off of me and secured me at his side as he let out a long stream of air. I cuddled close to him as my heavy eyes closed contentedly.
- - -
I was awoken by a loud crash in the bedroom. I sat up immediately, startled as my eyes darted around the room. I then saw Maddy and Aiden standing at the foot of the bed staring at me. I groaned as I tried to calm my racing heart. “What did I tell you guys about the door? One of these days the handle is going to go right through the wall and there's going to be a huge hole.” I told them as I laid back down on the pillow. I opened my eyes and realized that, other than myself, the bed was empty. I sat up once more and looked around the room. Had I imagined last night? My eyes landed on Mike’s shirt tossed over the chair in the corner of the room and I grinned to myself at the fact that he had not run away while I was sleeping. “Okay. I’m up.” I said to the twins that were still staring at me silently. They turned at the same time and ran out of the room. I dragged my lazy ass out of the warm bed and pulled a baggy Banff t-shirt over my head. I put my hair in a messy bun before leaving the bedroom.

I made my way down the hall and I was instantly greeted by the smell of food that made my mouth water. I wasn’t normally hungry in the morning but right now I starving. Maybe it was due to the fact that I had engaged in some extracurricular activities last night. I stepped into the kitchen quietly and stood out of sight watching. Mike was standing shirtless over the stove, spatula in hand. That was one sight that I didn't think I would ever get tired of seeing. Not just the shirtless part, him cooking turned me on. Weird? Maybe, but true none the less. He had a chair on either side of him and Maddy and Aiden were standing on those chairs watching him. “We had those for last night.” Aiden complained.

“Well if you don't want pancakes what do you want?” Mike asked Aiden.

“I want Froot Loops.” Aiden told him causing Mike to laugh.

“Okay. Well that's easy. I can make a killer bowl of Froot Loops! Just let me finish these and then we’ll get you a great big bowl. How does that sound?”

“No! I don't want too much!” Aiden exclaimed.

“You can’t have more than you gonna eat.” Maddy told Mike.

“Oh. Right. Well...a little bowl of them then.” Mike restated in an effort to please Aiden.

“But what if it’s too little and I'm still hungry?” Aiden questioned.

“Uhm...” Mike said, thinking out loud as he stepped back from the stove slightly. “That’s a good question there champ. Oh look! The pancakes are ready to be flipped.” He stated, hoping to change the topic.

“Can I do it?” Maddy asked, reaching for the spatula.

“NO! I wanna turn!” Aiden stated, also reaching for the spatula in Mike’s hand.

“WOAH! Easy squirt. This is why we have two of these things going.” Mike told them motioning to the two frying pans on the stove. “This is yours.” He told Maddy. “And this is yours.” He then told Aiden. “Everyone gets a turn! I thought ahead. I’m pretty good huh?” The twins nodded in agreement. “That's what I thought.” He stated proudly. “This isn’t that hard.”

“It’s going to be a whole lot harder when you have to start those pancakes over because you burnt them” I stated causing him to jump.

“Shit!” He exclaimed as he quickly flipped the pancakes.

“That is a bad, bad word!” Maddy told Mike with a stern look on her face. “He needs a time out Auntie Lexie!” I burst out laughing at the thought of giving Mike a time out.

“A time out might not be so bad.” Mike stated. “Quick. You say something bad and take a time out with me.” He requested as he stepped forward towards me.

“Cool it. No timeouts before bedtime.” I warned him. “Maddy, why don't we just give Mike a warning this time?” She nodded, happy with the idea.

“Good morning.” He said with a smile as his hand went to the side of my face and his lips connected with mine. “How did you sleep?” He asked with a sly smirk as he raised his eyebrows slightly.

“Incredible.” I stated. He grinned at me and connected his lips to mine again.

“Can I flip em, Mikey?” Aiden asked. Mike pulled away from me quickly.

“NO! Don't touch the stove. It’s hot!” He exclaimed as he rushed back between the twins. “Go get back in bed, baby. They wanted to bring you breakfast in bed.”

“She’s not a baby, silly!” Maddy told Mike as she laughed hysterically.

“My bad.” Mike replied before turning to me. “Go!” He ordered. I put my hands up innocently and then retreated back into the bedroom. I could get used to this, I thought as I laid back in bed.

Mike's POV

As I sat in my stall after our game I was trying to figure out something special to do with Lexie. I had the next few days off, and I really wanted to take her somewhere. We hadn’t had all that much alone time in the last two weeks, but I was hoping to change that. I had already asked Emily if she could watch the kids for the next two days, she told me that she would but she didn't think that Lex could get the time off work to do anything. Maybe I should just ask Emily where Lexie works. If I went to talk to them they might give her a few nights. I nodded to myself. That's what I would do. “Green!” I glanced up across the locker room. “You coming out with us for Steckel’s birthday?” Brooks asked.

“Yah! I’m in. Where are we going?”

“Misty’s.” He replied.

“Is that the strip club?” I asked, to which he nodded. “Why the hell do you guys go there so often? You’re there two or three times a week easy!”

“You’ll see why we go there so much when you get there.” Steckel told me with a smirk on his face.

“Steckie here has a crush on one of the waitresses.” Brooks commented as he patted him on the back.

“I do not. She's sexy as hell but I don't have a thing for her.” He protested...not too well, I might add. He totally had the hots for this chick.

“Yah. Okay, Stecks! Keep telling yourself that.” I shook my head and went back to my stall.

“Why don't you bring that girlfriend of yours? I'm starting to think she doesn't exist. We haven’t met the chick yet. Are you sure she doesn't just exist in your dreams?”

“Screw you. There's no way in hell I'm going to take her to meet you guys at a strip club! I don't want her thinking that I hang around naked women every night with you guys.” I told them. The last thing I needed her thinking is that I hang out at strip clubs while she's out working. “I’ll meet you guys there at eleven.” I told them before leaving the locker room.
♠ ♠ ♠
Drama's coming.
I'm actually excited to throw some chaos into this one.