Something To Hold On To


Lexie’s POV

I strolled through the club and I was in a complete daze. All I could think about was getting out of here and going home. Mike had been gone all day and I just wanted to stay at home with him. That's all I ever wanted to do lately. He just had that effect on me. Things with Mike had gotten serious faster than I had ever expected. There was no dating, there was no warming up period. We went out once, he cooked me dinner and then bam. We’re in a serious relationship. I’m not complaining, I'm happy with how things are going. I just didn't have a chance to think about how I was going to break the news to him that every night I leave to go to a strip club. Call me crazy but I don't think he’s going to be too thrilled about it. That's why I haven’t told him. It’s just so much easier to not talk about it.

I glanced up to my section and noticed that David, Brooks, and Niklas were sitting at their usual table with another man that looked slightly familiar. I stared at him for a second trying to figure out where I had seen him before. When I couldn't put my finger on it I approached the table. “Well, well, well! My men!” I exclaimed as I stood at the head of their table.

“Hey Lex!” Brooks said with that wide grin that was always on his face. He had done a complete 180 since the first time I had met him but I had won him over and now he was such a sweetheart. I loved the nights when they showed up and I had a feeling that tonight would be no different. They always made the night go faster and they were a pleasant change from the dirty old men that came in here a lot. Not to mention they always tip me a ridiculous amount.

“I see you boys have a new friend.” I stated.

“Oh! Yah. This is Alex. Alex this is Lexie.” David introduced us. Alex shot me a goofy smile.

“Nice to meet you.” He told me in a thick Russian accent. I smiled back at him knowing that I had seen him somewhere before. It always drove me insane when I had that feeling.

“So I think it’s someone’s birthday.” I said as I ran a hand through David’s hair.

“I wonder who that could be.” He replied.

“Yah, I wonder!” I told him, mirroring the smile that he was flashing me. “So can I get you boys the usual?”

“Absolutely dollface.” Brooks spoke up. “But make mine a double.” He stated as he winked at me.

“Ohhh! Rough day today, huh?”

“I just plan on drinking until I can’t stand up.” He told me honestly.

“Well thanks for the heads up.” I replied before turning to Alex. “What can I get you, love?”

“Jack and Coke.” He replied.

“Jack and Coke? My kind of guy.” I told him with a wink. “I’ll be right back guys.”

I positioned the drinks on my tray and began towards the table. I glanced up and saw that there were now five men sitting at the table. I slid in between David and this new guy that I hadn't yet gotten a look at and kept my back to him. I began passing out the drinks. “Jack and Coke for Alex. Vodka on the rocks for Nik. Extra rocks.” I told him with a grin. “A double Vodka and Red Bull for Mr. I plan on drinking until I can’t stand up. And this is for you birthday boy.” I told him as I set the shooter down alongside his Heineken.

“What the heck is it?” He asked as he took some of the whipped cream off the top of the shooter.

“It’s a blowjob. And that ones on me.” I turned away from his open hanging mouth to see what I could get the new guy at the table. “And I don't believe that we’ve..” All of a sudden I couldn't speak any words. All of the air had left my chest and I felt like I was suffocating. My heart literally stopped and for a moment I thought I was going to die. “Mike.” I muttered as I stared into the face of my boyfriend. He was furious. His eyes were wide as he took in my appearance and his hands were balled into fists as they rested on the table top.

“You would think that if she was going to recognize one of us it would be this guy right here, huh Green?” Brooks stated as he patted Alex on the back. I tore my eyes away from Mike and glanced at Brooks. His face was suddenly filled with concern and I knew it was because I no longer had any colour in my face. I looked at Alex, trying to figure out what he meant by that and then it hit me. Alex was the guy that had shown up at the rink when Mike and I were just about to go at it right there on the ice. I looked at each of the faces at the table...these guys are Mike’s teammates. Oh my god. I connected my eyes with Mike’s again and he was practically shooting daggers out of his retinas at me.

“Mike, I..”

“Save it.” He spat as he stood to his feet. “Boys, I suddenly am not so into...this.” He said venemously as he shot me a dirty look.

“Mike!” I pleaded.

“Enjoy your birthday, Stecks.” He stated, ignoring me. He quickly turned and stormed through the club as fast as his legs could carry him.

“MIKE!” I shouted as I ran after him. “Mike wait!” I pushed my way through people as I saw Mike storm through the exit. “MIKE!” I burst out after him and chased him down the parking lot with fast little steps in fear that my stilettos wouldn't grip the ground due to the ice. “Mike please!” He whirled around so fast that I didn't have time to register it and I bumped right into him.

Please?! Please what?! Please go back in there and watch you whoring yourself around my friends? No thanks. I’ll pass.” Tears were immediately filling my eyes and my bottom lip began to quiver.

“Please let me explain.”

“Explain what?!”

“I wanted to tell you.” I said as my voice cracked out of emotion and a tear rolled down my cheek. “I just...I didn't know how!”

“You didn't know how?! All you had to do was fucking spit it out! Jesus Christ Lexie!”

“If I told you, you would have left without looking back!” I shouted as I began to shake. It was absolutely feezing as light snow was falling and I was standing out in it in my underwear. Mike threw his head back and sighed. He took off his jacket and placed it around my shoulders. “This isn’t me, Mike. It's just a job!”

“Yah, well...I don't need a girlfriend that lives a double life.”

“Everything okay here?” I closed my eyes and wished that David would just go back inside. He stepped in between me and Mike and put his hand on my shoulder. “Lex?”

“Everything just got a whole lot clearer.” Mike stated. “Enjoy your night, Stecks. You should really get back in there and show him a good time Lexie. That is your job, right?” I struggled to catch my breath as I watched Mike walk away. His words left me paralysed, unable to move or even speak in hopes of stopping him. He had never so much as looked at me with anything but admiration in his face and right now I felt like everything was slipping away. He got into his car and slammed the door much harder than necessary before speeding out of the parking lot, screeching the tires.
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not such a happy chapter =\
comment and make me feel better?