Status: done!

Take A Chance


I drove up to Ellie’s house and knocked on her door nervously. Her mother answered the door.

“Hello, Nick. You look very handsome in you tuxedo,” She said as she opened the door more to let me in.

“Thank you, Mrs. Velez,” I blushed.

“Elyla should be down soon,” She looked up the stairs and back at me.

Just as she looked back, I heard a creak from upstairs and looked up to see Ellie at the top of the steps in her royal purple dress. Her brown hair was layered to the edge of her chin and straight with a purple flower clip holding back one side. I couldn’t help but just stare at her. She walked down the stairs and gave me a weird look.

“What?” She asked.

“Your hair is so short.”

She ran her hand through her hair on the side that didn’t have the clip.

“You don’t like it? I knew I shouldn’t have gone so short!” She looked down at her shoes.

“No, it looks great,” I assured her. “I love it.” A smile crossed her face slowly. I opened the clear box I was holding that had her corsage inside. Her parents walked over just in time to snap a picture of me placing it on her wrist.

“Wow, that’s a pretty good match to the color of my dress and to my hair clip,” Ellie pointed out. Her mom handed her my boutonnière and she pinned it on my tux jacket. It was the same color as hers.

“Well, let’s get a few pictures before you go,” Mr. Velez said, preparing his camera.

After taking a few pictures, I walked Ellie out to my dad’s car, which he let me borrow. And it wasn’t a mini van. It was actually a 1967 Impala. I know; awesome car and I couldn’t believe my dad was letting me drive it. We drove off to prom and arrived just in time to take our prom photos and meet up with our friends before it really started.

(After prom)

“I’m surprised at how fun prom was,” Ellie said as we got into the car for me to drive her home by curfew. “And I’m kind of sad that it went by so fast.”

“Yeah, me too. But I enjoyed it.”

“Same here. I’m glad you asked me,” She said and smiled at me. I returned a smile and continued the twenty minute drive to her house.

When I arrived, it was seven minutes to midnight. Ellie looked over at me and then back to her house, disappointed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked.

“I feel bad for having to be home early,” She admitted. “But I had a great time.”

I nodded in agreement as she began to open the door. I looked at my watch to check the time; 11:54, 6 minutes to go.

“Hold on a sec,” I grabbed her arm gently. She stopped and turned to face me. “Can I say something?”

“Sure, Nick. What is it?”

“Okay,” I took a deep breath. “I can’t help it when I look at you and think of us being together. I mean, just spending these next 6 minutes with you before you have to be home drives me crazy. It feels like the earth is shaking around me and you’re everything I see. I don’t want this to end, but I need these 6 minutes with you. Ever since we first met, I’ve wanted to be the only person you see when you enter a crowded room; I’m taking a chance here, but...”

She looked at me with teary eyes and smiled. Before I could say anything else, she leaned over to me and kissed me softly. I felt my cheeks blush as she pulled away.

“Same here,” She whispered.
♠ ♠ ♠
finished! hope you liked it. comments?? =]