Stripped & Polished

MSN Lights Cont.

Before we knew it we were talking to one and and other just like the oh so cliche 'good old days'. Then conversation got deeper and deeper to the pint we were being completely honest with eachother the topic of which being relationships. I began listening to all the girls who have meant so much to him , each name mentioned a slice to my insides and a jab at my heart. The main person to hurt me being Alia, now alia is amazing in all ways possible more beautiful, smarter and all around better than I. Each and every word he spoke of her creating more jealousy , i sit wishing it was still me he spoke about so delicatly, so much care. Eventhough he speaks of her I am there nurturing his broken heart from another.He continues his talking and i sit listening adoring his voice his beauty even in the dark i see his soft beautiful eyes. Then something happens he moves closer to me; my hand attaken by his.We know sit in silence and enjoy it. Something so abrubt is so beautiful like a sudden sound of a sweet birds tune melts at the ears.
"It's getting late we better start walking." I say breaking an hour or two's worth of silence
We begin walking me with his jacket on the protect me from the freeze.
"Hey its 2 30! Shit we better call your mom,wait wanna stay at mine?" I ask confidently out of the blue.

Eventually we reach the point were we are back at mine errol staying over, we go to my room he on the floor I on the bed. We lay talking for hours but now about us, were we went wrong..why we didnt work out...if he really loved me; i knew the answer was no, but i enjoyed his positive lie.I realised how rude and mean it was to have him sleep on the floor we began playfully quarreling about who would sleep where, i eventually went down onto the floor with him we ended up in a cuddle, all night we sleep together the sudden night heat causing our sweat to stick us together; but we didnt care we enjoyed not being able to part. I sleep n his chest; the best sleep I have ever and will ever have.The comfort of having a protector after so much night pain, was unexplainable
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Just to point out all characters names in this story are real, and Alia has mibba, she could be reading this right now xDD Hi alia!!! (: