Status: To be revived soon... =)

Hell Found Me (Then Lost Me, Too)

An Introduction

I awoke at the pump of the defibrillator and coughed at the first breath I took since the accident. The gap between it and my awakening in a hospital room was terrifying. Maybe even more. The heat, the darkness, the fire, the people, and their eternal punishment...

It was more than I can take. Funny that all I needed to believe the One I refused to believe in was an experience in the place called hell.

Yet I was here, alive despite of what happened. I deserve to die more than I deserve to survive the mess I put myself in. But God is merciful, and He exists. I was so foolish to ask for a proof.

If hell is real, heaven is also real. Then God must be real.

Tears of remorse streamed on my cheeks. And I must be wrong...
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Whew, praise God! The first Christian fic I made... Please post your comments/suggestions/violent reactions (;P) if any... Let me know how this debut goes. God bless!