Nothing Has Changed. Nothing at All.


“Wow. I can’t believe I’m dating Gabe Saporta. It’s just…wow.” Aria wondered out loud. They were both on the mini-couch, dieing of sunstroke. All the windows and the door were open and the air-con was on full blast but the heat was too hot too handle.

Aria traced circles on his bare chest which she couldn’t her eyes off. “Well, my belle, you better get used to it. I’m not going anywhere,” he replied and pecked her on the cheek.

“Hey! You just used French!” She sat up straight. “I thought you were Spanish.”

“Yeah, I am, but belle sounds so much better than bello, don’t you think.”

“I guess,” she said. “My beau.” She smiled to herself and went back to tracing circles.

They were a cute couple, now. Aside from the fact that her “secret” – which she still thought Alex knew about – was starting to get on nerves, she was content with Gabe. She wanted things to stay exactly the way they were.


“Hey Nate, want to go get a milkshake? It’s my shout.” Aria asked. She figured that needed to get to know him a little more, as she had the feeling that he didn’t like her very much.

“Uh, yeah, sure.” And they left the bus.

“What kind do you want?” she asked when they reached the sundae shop.

“Just a chocolate one, thanks.”

“Okay,” she says to the server. “Two chocolate milkshakes.” She then turns to Nate, “Looks like we have something in common.”


They grabbed their milkshakes and walked down the paths. “Why don’t you like me?” she asked.

“What? Oh, um, I don’t.” He looked away from her, a little embarrassed.

“Yes, you hate me. You avoid me all the time. Jeez, you can’t even look at me,” she sighed and her voice presented a little bit of disgust.

“No, it’s not that. It’s just…my loyalties lie with the band, y’know? You’ve liked Gabe since the concert three years ago.” They continued walking. “I get that. But, and not to be mean, you’re distracting him.”

“Yeah. More that, the band’s become a second thing. Like it was, three years ago. We were outside in his life, and it’s beginning to happen. If there’s one thing I can see, it’s that he’s going to get hurt. Is he going to get hurt?” he asked solemnly. Not once had Aria ever seen Nate this serious. It was starting to freak her, but she replied calmly.

“I hope I don’t.”

“But if you do, and I can’t help but sense that you will, we’ll be the one picking up the pieces,” he said.

“I’m sorry you feel that way,” she responded sadly.

“Yeah, but other than that, you’re a pretty cool chick!” he puts his left arm holding the milkshake around her – he’s taller than her, surprisingly – and gives her a noogie. She had a feeling that things were going to be alright from now on.

They reached the bus again and went their separate ways; Aria to Gabe’s arms and Nate to help Vicky T edit the latest Cobra Cam.

Aria felt that everything was at peace again. She had serenity, and it was perfect.

Her chance was everything she had hoped for, and more.

For now, at least.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, it's short! But...I had to cheer up somehow, after today. I even bought an ice cream, which I haven't had in a long~ time!

Another reason I posted this chapter is because I am entering in NaNoWriMo - National Novelists' Writing Month - which involved me writing 50 000 words in one month. So, what I'm try to say is that from the first of November to the last, this story will be on hiatus. I'll definitely try to sneak in a couple more chapters before the first, but I'll mostly be planning the story so I might not.

Thank you all for reading. I really appreciate it.

P.S. Like my REALLY obviously foreshadowing? I thought it was very awesome. :D