Status: active ; if i get COMMENTS(:


chapter three.

Age Seventeen

Adeline walked down the halls of the school. It was the first, and last day that she would have to attend Dulaney high school. Adeline walked towards her locker stiffly. She slung her messenger bag into the top shelf of the locker and gave a weary sigh as she closed it.

Adeline walked towards the cafeteria, where Alex gave her strict orders to meet him there. She walked in, taking in the familiar white and blue walls and the old tables. Her eyes scanned them, looking for the familiar group of people she had grown accustom to, even though none of them knew half as much as Alex did about her.

"Hey sunny." Alex grinned, patting the seat next to him. Adeline gave a fake smile and sat down, playing with the bracelets on her wrists as she listened to them talk about the end of school, their band hopefully getting signed, and girls.

"What about... Brynne Parker?" Alex smirked, his eyes trailing to the busty blond sitting not more than ten feet away from their table.

"She's got more STD's than a whore house." Rian snickered. Jack pounded his fist in agreement.

"True, but those ta-ta's have got me screamin'." Alex licked his lips. Adeline rolled her eyes and sat back in her chair. She was more pissed off about that fact that as Alex's band was being heard around the school, he was getting more popular and slowly drifting apart from her.

Alex barely came home on the weekends, leaving Adeline to sit and converse with his parents. He came home drunk and hungover on most Sundays, and he barely called her sunshine anymore; unless he was in a good mood.

"What about you Adeline?" Alex asked.

Adeline snapped out of her thoughts, looking up at the boy. She rested her elbows on the sturdy table beneath her and looked at him.

"What were you saying?" She asked blankly, raising her eyebrow.

"I asked you what you were doing after high school, silly." Alex laughed.

"I haven't decided yet." Adeline shrugged. Alex frowned a bit before turning back to his friends. Adeline sat back, not feeling any emotion about wanting to do something good with her life. She didn't want anything. She wanted to stay cooped up at the Gaskarth's away from society.

"You know, you could like, photograph us on tour." Jack compromised. "Since you like to take pictures." He stated, pointing out the obvious.

"Yeah. I just don't know." Adeline shrugged simply.

The bell rang and Alex gave her a quick hug goodbye, wrapping one arm around her waist and leaving quickly. Adeline stood stunned in the middle of the cafeteria. He had never given her just a quick hug and left like that.

Adeline walked to class, her hands stuffed into the pockets of her purple hoodie that Alex had lent her. She let her thoughts engulf her once again.

What if Alex left her? What if he lost all communication after he got signed?

Adeline didn't care. Even though he was her best friend and the only one that understood, she just couldn't feel any sadness towards Alex possibly leaving her.
♠ ♠ ♠
finally got past my writers block.
thanks for the comments, on jamie's behalf.
