Status: active ; if i get COMMENTS(:


chapter six.

Addaleigh lay in bed, swaddled in her rough, scratchy covers. Her dim gray eyes stared at the window on the wall farthest from her. She watched as the raindrops rolled down the window, each drop having its own unique pattern.

Addaleigh closed her eyes, attempting to subdue the agonizing headache she was experiencing. She pressed her index fingers to her temples. The pain mollified momentarily. She reopened her eyes slowly.

In the window frame she could see someone standing there. It was a man. The man’s neck was gruesomely crooked, almost touching his left shoulder. A rope hung loosely from his neck. Addaleigh peered closer, only to see the rope that hung from his neck was a noose, and his face was covered in blood.

Knock, knock.

Addaleigh jumped up in her bed, her heart pounding rapidly.

“Addaleigh?” the petite, brunette nurse asked gently, walking into Addaleigh’s room. “You have a visitor.”

Addaleigh’s eyes wandered back to the window. The man was gone—just another hallucination. “A-a visitor?” She stammered, her hands shaking; although she was use to the hallucinations, they always terrified her in more ways than one.

"Yes, her name is Adeline." The nurse smiled, stepping away from the door. Addaleigh's heart thumped in her chest at the name of her little sister. The last time she had saw her was when she was fifteen.

A petite brunette girl stepped through the door, giving a shy smile at Addaleigh. Her eyes were worn, the bags under her eyes indicated she hadn't slept.

"Adeline?" Addaleigh asked, making sure it wasn't another vision of her little sister that she had numerous times. Too many to count.

"Addaleigh." Adeline sobbed, walking over to her. For some reason, she was the only one who could bring out the true emotion in Adeline. Addaleigh wrapped her arms around her sister, pulling her close. Adeline hugged back, wrapping her arms around her sisters small frame.

"I'm so sorry." Adeline sobbed. Addaleigh rubbed her sisters back, tears welling in her eyes also. She wasn't sure how to feel. Mad? Sad? She couldn't. Even though her sister had abandoned her for a two years, she was happy to see her; nonetheless.

"You guys have fifteen minutes. Visiting hours will be over." The nurse reminded, closing the door once again. Adeline sat down on the edge of the bed, staring at her sister. Addaleigh gave a weak smile and looked over at the window, immediately looking away as the hallucination came back.

"How have you been?" Addaleigh asked casually, fiddling with her hands.

"Holding up." Adeline replied quietly, wiping the tears off her cheek. Addaleigh frowned and looked over at the door.

"I don't know what to say." Addaleigh replied honestly. "I mean, you left me." Tears welled in Addaleighs eyes again, burning. She felt as if they were lava, she let out a low squeal and turned into her pillow, waiting for the vision to go away.

"Are you okay?" Adeline asked, raising her eyebrow.

"No, I'm not fucking okay!" Addaleigh snapped, "I've been locked in here since I was a kid. I'm not okay!" She yelled.

The nurse ran in, immediately grabbing Adeline's arm. She pulled her off the bed.

"It's time to go." She said sternly, pulling Adeline towards the door. Addaleigh jumped off the bed, running towards the window. She sat down on the floor, curling into fetus position.

"Bye Addaleigh." Adeline said barely above a whisper.
♠ ♠ ♠
this was just a filler.
