Status: Slowly being updated :D Need to find usb with prewritten chapters

You Don't Know a Thing About My Sins

Anti- Social

I finished rimming my Grey eye's with my eyeliner and slipped on the black high heeled boot's that made my tiny 4ft 8 frame taller. I pulled on the black leather jacket and lifted my bag. I trudge into the kitchen to see my mom standing at the table bent over the morning paper with two star bucks in her hands. I lifted mine and slid some clear Vaseline over my lips. I lifted my phone and shoved it in my pocket. I slammed the door to let my mother know I had left.

I was glad I had put my fingerless gloves on. It was freezing. I walked to the street corner where I found at least seven other people standing bags over their backs or by their sides. I decide this was where I was to get the bus. None of these kids would look at me let alone entertain the thought of befriending me. I slipped the ear buds into my ears. I flipped through the very small list of songs I had and settled on the misfits.

A yellow bus pulled up and everyone got on and sat in what seemed like normal seats. I got to the back and sat in an empty seat beside a guy with a white afro. He gave me a funny look. I simply flashed a nervous smile and flicked the song to motley crue’s Kick start my heart. I got fed up with the music after awhile and pulled the ear buds out of my ears. I stowed them safely in my pocket. I hadn’t noticed by there were now five guy’s sitting with afro. They were all peering and I didn’t like it. Not one bit.

“Excuse me, I was just wondering is there something on my face?” I asked tapping afro on the shoulder

“No your new here?” He asked

Great answer a question with a question.

“Yeah what gave that away” I smirked (Yeah I’m anti-social)

“We haven’t seen you around. Where you from?”

“Boston I only moved here a couple of days ago”

“How come you moved?”

“Don’t think that’s your business” I snapped turning to look out the window at the passing cars

I wasn’t bothered by him any longer.
I switched my phone to silent and went in search of the office. I wandered lost for about ten minutes before walking straight into a tall skinny boy. He had big square glasses framing his hazel eyes and spiked mosey brown hair. He wore an anthrax hoodie and some jeans.

“Sorry. I’m kind of lost” I smiled

“It’s okay. Hey you’re the girl who Toro was talking to.” He asked

“Yeah that’s me. Uh do you know where the office is?” By this stage I was desperate.

“Yeah follow me”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowd of students. This boy was over enthusiastic. I liked him. He showed me to a small glass window. I stepped forward and the glass was slid back. The woman was old. Her hair had started to go gray and she was starting to develop crows feet at the corners of her eyes.

“Hi I’m Katie Matthews I’m looking for my schedule and locker” I told her politely

“Just one moment dear.” She smile and she turned to poke around in a large gray cabinet.

“Here we go if you could get your parents to sign these” she told me pointing to lines on colored forms.

“Thanks” I told her smiling she seemed nice.

The same kid that had shown me to the office pulled me over to him and took my schedule.

“Hi I’m Mikey Way, oh your in English, math, health, social studies and phys ed with me and your in the rest of your classes with bob and frank.” He looked pleased “Oh your lockers beside Gerard’s”

“Katie Matthews um who’s Frank and Bob and Gerard ?” I was confused

“You have to meet them. Well they have to meet my new best friend” He squealed

I laughed and let my self be dragged out the back to a large football pitch. There I could see four guys sitting on the bleachers. They waved over at Mikey and he waved back. I could see afro dude that must have been Toro. There was a tall blond boy as we got closer I saw he had bright blue eye’s that shimmered in the light. There was a shorter boy with one side of his head dyed red. Then the last one was tall with mid length black hair that covered him face. He sat bent over a sketch pad pencils and rubbers were scattered across the bleachers.

“Guys this is Katie.” He pointed to me and the ‘guys’ looked up.

“Hi” I waved

“That’s Frank” he pointed to the smallest one.

“That’s Bob” he pointed now to the blond one

“Lastly that’s my older brother Gerard” He pointed to the mysterious looking boy with the black hair.

“What about me?” Afro man asked

“She already knows who you are silly” Frank squeaked

“Excuse him he’s high on skittles” Bob laughed

“Any left?” I smiled nervously “I had heresy bars in the house buy my mom ate those stupid Pratt”

They laughed loudly and Gerard pulled out a pack of Marlboro red’s. He offered everyone and I gladly excepted the small stick. I borrowed his lighter and quickly lit the cigarette. I inhaled the first drag deeply closing my eyes and savoring the feeling of the nicotine rushing through my body. It was a feeling I had not felt since that day. I blew the smoke out again in little rings. I then found myself answering questions. The typical new kid ones. For example:

“Where you from?”
“Where bout’s do you live now?”
“What band’s do you listen to?”
“what do you do in your spare time?”

When the bell rang I had five guys huddled around me each desperate to see my schedule to see who would take me to what class. It was funny to watch them squabble over who was taking me to my locker and then to class.

This was going to be fun.
♠ ♠ ♠
First chapter so go easy.
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Katie and her clothes

Peace & Love
Natalie V xXx